- unitary state;simple state

Secondly , step by step to understand the interpretation of the unitary state and federalism explain to the country .
In the court system , it can be divided into two types , namely , unitary state court system and federal state court system .
The form of state 's structure is divided into single state and multiple state .
Division of power and responsibility between central-local governments is one of important constitutional issues .
Federal nations and monopoly countries distribute and manage social security resource fairly by social security budget .
The founding of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region marks a new expansion of our single state structure .
Both Concentration and decentralization exist in every state , and China is the solidarity state with federalist characteristics .
One of their main arguments is that MPs ( and thus voters ) from different parts of the UK have inconsistent powers .
Japan , a country of unitary fiscal system , carries out a transfer payment from central government to local governments in fiscal distribution .
China is a unitary state , which practices the system of unified central leadership , with specific responsibilities distributed across different levels of local government .
Japan is a unitary state system of government . Local Treasury bonds have been issued as early as the beginning of the Meiji dynasty in Japan .
PRC is one of the best countries that solve national problem in the world , is only one country to make regional national autonomy under unitary state .
Mr. Lavrov talked up Russia 's favored approach to Ukraine , which envisions some form of federation as a hedge against Ukraine emerging as a unitary state with strong ties to the West .
While the constitution of unitary state does not name it a unitary state directly , nor expresses the states structure by using the dear word of unitary system in the full context of the constitution .
China is a country with single system , but there are still regional national autonomy system and special administrative region system .
There are three major contributing factors namely the limitation of legislation , the limitation of law and the political law tradition of a single-system and centralized country .
This policy is a creation , which could solve the unification of China under the circumstance of unitary system .
In the period , it set up a national structure mixed with federalism and unity , amplified central and local authorities , made a initial distinction on functions and powers , and adopted many policies to strengthen and improve relations between central and local authorities .