
  1. 高等职业技术院校实行单独招生政策建议

    Proposal for Higher Vocational Colleges to Implement the Policy of Enrolling Students by Themselves

  2. 当前我院单独招生学生的学业状况及对策

    On the Current Academic Status of the Students Recruited in Individual Admissions in our Institute and Countermeasures

  3. 以山东省为例,山东的尚武之风历史悠久,群众基础广泛,具有较好的社会氛围。山东高校武术专业人才的培养在全国开展较早,1987年,山东体育学院武术专业面向社会开始单独招生。

    For example , Shandong Province with a long history of worshipping wushu and a wide-based masses , has a better social atmosphere .

  4. 我国高校运动训练专业与民族传统体育专业单独招生管理现状及思考

    The Status Quo and the Analysis on the Management of Specific Recruitment of Students Majoring in Sport Training and Ethnic Traditional Sports in China

  5. 浅谈体育院校单独招生考试制度的改革浅谈高职会计专业对口单招学生的针对性培养

    Discussing on the Reformation of the Physical Colleges Examination System of Individual Enrollment ; Discussion about pertinent education to the single-handed recruited college students of accounting

  6. 大理学院硕士研究生招生生源状况分析与思考当前我院单独招生学生的学业状况及对策

    An Analysis of the Sources of Master-Degree Candidates of Dali University ; On the Current Academic Status of the Students Recruited in Individual Admissions in our Institute and Countermeasures

  7. 3允许各高校单独命题招生;高校招生考试改革构想

    Allow universities exam and recruit students by themselves ; A Proposition for the Reform of College Entrance Examination