
lǜ dǎng
  • Green Party;green
绿党[lǜ dǎng]
  1. 虽然有一个绿党,但在选举中该党只得到了大约10%的选票。

    There is a Green party but it only scored around about 10 percent in the vote

  2. 甚至亲欧洲的绿党(greenparty)的议会领袖都对未来的巨额财政转移感到忧心忡忡。

    Even the parliamentary floor leader of the pro-European green party is concerned about the huge fiscal transfers that lie ahead .

  3. 社会民主党现在与绿党结成联盟。

    The Social Democrats are now in alliance with the Greens .

  4. 绿党候选人在14000张投票总数中获得了3000多张选票。

    The Green candidate won over 3 000 of the 14 000 votes cast .

  5. 这个结果让绿党感到失望,他们只获得了3%的选票。

    It was a disappointing result for the Greens who polled three percent

  6. 绿党促使欧洲人的观念发生了必要的改变。

    The Greens were the catalysts of a necessary change in the European consciousness .

  7. 澳大利亚绿党领袖参议员BobBrown称,政府再次将经济利益放在了野生生物前面。

    The Greens leader , Senator Bob Brown , says the government has again put economic interests ahead of wildlife .

  8. 还是得为默克尔说句公道话&德国的情况确实特殊:绿党(Greenparty)的势力颇为强大,而德国舆论也从未对核能热心过。

    To be fair to Ms Merkel , Germany is a special case . The Green party is particularly strong and public opinion has never been enthusiastic about nuclear power .

  9. 上届SPD和绿党的联合政府下调了所得税率。

    The previous coalition government of the SPD and the Greens cut income-tax rates .

  10. 麦金妮,53岁,在伊利诺斯州芝加哥(Chicago,Illinois)举行的全国代表大会上击败了三名对手,赢得绿党提名。

    McKinney , 53 , held off three rivals to win the party 's nomination during its convention in Chicago , Illinois .

  11. 绿党欧洲议会议员JeanLambert表示,这是一项重大进展。

    It 's a major step forward says Jean Lambert , who is a Green Party member of Europe 's Parliament .

  12. 该地区大选候选人、绿党(Greenparty)发言人汤姆•钱斯(TomChance)表示:“布罗姆利区和大伦敦政府应该停止折腾千奇百怪的地产项目,让中融集团卷铺盖走人。”

    Tom Chance , Green party spokesman and general election candidate for the area , said : " Bromley and the GLA need to stop messing around with fantasy projects and send the Zhongrong Group packing . "

  13. 路易丝在去年的大选中投给了绿党(GreenParty),很惊诧身为工党(LabourParty)传统选民的母亲转而投给反欧盟、反移民的英国独立党(U.K.IndependenceParty)。

    Louise Driscoll voted for the Green Party in last year 's general election and was appalled that her mother , traditionally a Labour voter , had opted for the anti-Europe , anti-immigration U.K. Independence Party .

  14. 在最近的选举中,卡罗琳·卢卡斯(CarolineLucas)成为英国首位绿党议会议员。

    British Election Helps Boost Green Movement In the recent elections , Caroline Lucas became Britain 's first Green Party member of Parliament .

  15. Merkel的政党60年来一直获得这个南部州的支持,但是由于反核电热潮的兴起,他们可能会输给绿党。如果这样,默克尔的政治势力会被削弱。

    Her party 's held the southern state for six decades , but could lose it to the Green Party amid a surge of anti-nuclear sentiment , a result that would leave her politically weakened .

  16. 绿党宣布退出一天之前,现任总理布赖恩·考恩(BrianCowen)宣布在即将举行的选举之后不再担任所在党派的领袖。

    The Green Party 's announcement coming one day after the current prime minister , Brian Cowen , said that he 's not planning to lead his party after elections .

  17. 德国绿党政界人士富克尔•贝克(VolkerBeck)表示,德国的公民入籍考试“要求掌握德国人需要学过一学期的法律才能具备的知识。”

    The German Green politician Volker Beck said Germany 's citizenship test " expects knowledge that Germans only have after they 've studied law for a semester . "

  18. 绿党女发言人麦卡蒂(ScottMcLarty)承认麦金妮入主白宫可能性较低,但她说“她(麦金妮)得到的每张选票都对绿党有帮助。”

    Green Party spokeswoman Scott McLarty acknowledged McKinney was a " long shot " for the White House , but said ," Every vote that she gets helps the Green Party . "

  19. 海盗党支持者“与绿党价值共成长”,特里尔大学政治学家UweJun说,但是绿党现在是一个正规的党派。

    Pirate supporters " grew up with green values ," says Uwe Jun , a political scientist at the University of Trier , but the Greens are now " an established , normal party " .

  20. FPTP在全国范围都伤害了自民党和其他小党派(如绿党和极右的英国国家党)的利益。

    FPTP hurts the Lib Dems and smaller parties such as the Greens or the extreme-right British National Party all over the country .

  21. 但是这位绿党领导人后来断然否认了Ganley先生所说的他受贿或在欧洲态度上180度转弯。

    But the Green Party leader later flatly rejected Mr Ganley 's claims that he had sold out or made a U-turn on Europe .

  22. 澳大利亚联合新闻社(AAP)在周四说,在绿党和少数工党政府的支持下,法案有望最快在10月通过。

    The Australian Associated Press ( AAP ) said Thursday that it 's expected to pass the Legislative Assembly as soon as October , with the Australian Greens supporting the Labor minority government of the ACT on the move .

  23. 作为墨西哥最著名的富二代之一,冈萨雷斯29岁的时候便从父亲手中接管了绿色生态党,他被公众称为“绿党男孩”(ElNiñoVerde),尽管实际上他已经41岁了。

    One of Mexico 's most renowned Juniors , Mr. Gonzalez inherited the party from his dad at age 29 and is universally known here as ' El Ni ñ o Verde , ' or ' The Green Boy , ' despite the fact that he 's now 41 .

  24. 来自德国的欧洲议会绿党议员扬•菲利普•亚伯雷希(JanPhilippAlbrecht)同意这点,他表示:“谷歌从这些错误中吸取了教训。”他曾经大张旗鼓地发起维护数字隐私的活动,而且一直公开批评谷歌。

    Jan Philipp Albrecht , a Green MEP from Germany who has campaigned vociferously on digital privacy and been a public critic of the company , agreed . " Google learned from these mistakes , " he said .

  25. 为赢得反对党绿党和社民党(SPD)支持自己的计划,默克尔同意重启一个核废料储存设施的选址过程,该设施目前计划设在德国中部的戈莱本(Gorleben)。

    In a bid to gain support for her plan from opposition Greens and Social Democrats , Ms Merkel agreed to restart the search for a nuclear waste storage facility , currently planned for Gorleben in central Germany .

  26. 欧洲执政绿党:政策与政治影响

    European Green Parties in National Governments : Policy and Political Impacts

  27. 北欧绿党与欧洲一体化:以瑞典和芬兰为例

    Nordic Greens and European Integration : Cases of Sweden and Finland

  28. 最后一次统计显示绿党胜出。

    The last count showed that the green party was leading .

  29. 绿党在地方选举中取得很大进展。

    The Green Party made big gains in the local elections .

  30. 绿党在欧洲一体化中的地位与作用

    Position and Function of Green Party in Unification of Europe