
lǜ huà
  • green;afforest;cloth with greenage;make green by planting trees, flowers, etc;make green by planting trees,flowers,etc.
绿化 [lǜ huà]
  • (1) [make green by planting trees,flowers,etc.; cloth with greenage]∶使变为绿色,广泛种植花草树木,使环境优美卫生,防止水土流失

  • 植树造林,绿化祖国

  • (2) [afforest]∶种植树木花草

  • 绿化山区

绿化[lǜ huà]
  1. 在紧凑的空间里,还配有合理的绿化。

    In compact space , still deserve to have reasonable afforest .

  2. 浅谈居住区绿化指标的内涵及其应用问题

    Preliminary Studies on the Content of Afforest Structure Indexes and Application

  3. 一条条新路在逐渐吞噬着绿化地带。

    New roads are cutting into the green belt .

  4. 他们应该侧重于修整现有的绿化植被,比如草和灌木。

    They should concentrate on rejuvenating the existing vegetation , like grass and shrubs .

  5. 他的公司去年3月接管了公园的绿化和日常维护工作。

    His firm took over the planting and general maintenance of the park last March .

  6. 他支持城镇规划部门拒绝该项申请,因为这会给绿化带带来损害。

    He supported the planning authority in refusing the application because of pressures on the Green Belt .

  7. 几年来绿化荒山已卓有成效。

    In the past few years afforesting the barren hills has been very successful .

  8. 怀特博士说,他的研究小组想知道生活在绿化更好的城市地区是否会对人们的幸福感产生持久的积极影响以及这种积极影响是否在一段时间以后也会消失。

    Dr. White said his team wanted to see whether living in greener urban areas had a lasting positive effect on people 's sense of well-being or whether the effect also disappeared after a period of time .

  9. 达德万德博士的研究表明了这种结构上的变化如何使绿色空间对认知发展产生有益影响。这也进一步证明了早期接触绿色环境对我们健康的持久影响,以及增加城市绿化的益处。

    Dr. Dadvand 's study suggests how such structural changes could bring about the beneficial effects of green spaces on cognitive development , it also adds to the proof that suggests the lasting effects of early life exposure to greenness on our health and the benefits of increasing greenness in cities .

  10. 自然资源部副部长王广华介绍:耕地地类减少的主要原因是农业结构调整和国土绿化。

    It mainly resulted from structural adjustments in the agriculture industry and the country 's greening project .

  11. 北京市园林绿化局建议人们在飞絮期间外出时佩戴口罩、墨镜、纱巾等防护用品。

    The Beijing Gardening and Greening Bureau encourages people to wear masks , sunglasses or shawls to protect themselves during the catkins period .

  12. 开展国土绿化行动,推进荒漠化、石漠化、水土流失综合治理,强化湿地保护和恢复,加强地质灾害防治。

    We will promote afforestation , take comprehensive steps to control desertification , stony deserts , and soil erosion , strengthen wetland conservation and restoration , and better prevent and control geological disasters .

  13. 推动国土绿化高质量发展,统筹山水林田湖草系统治理,持续推进森林城市、森林乡村建设。

    Efforts should be taken to promote the high-quality development of afforestation , coordinate management of mountains , waters , forests , farmland , lakes and grassland , continuously advance the building of forest city and forest countryside .

  14. 城市园林绿化调查中RS和GIS技术的应用

    Application of RS and GIS Technology to City Garden Virescence Investigation

  15. WTO绿化趋势刍议

    On WTO Afforesting Trend

  16. 应用RS、GIS技术建立城市园林绿化地理信息系统

    Using RS and GIS technology to set up the City Landscape Green Geographical Information System

  17. 影响城市NOx浓度分布的主要因素有:交通、风力、地形、绿化等,在城市建设规划时,应充分考虑它们的作用,特别是避免高楼临街的现象。

    The factors which influence NOx distribution are traffic , wind strength , topography and green cover etc , therefore the urban construction planning should put these factors into consideration .

  18. 建立人聚环境资源的理论框架测何把遥感、GIS、计算机多媒体技术应用于人聚环境资源评价普查上海大都市环境绿化规划及有关工程中这一理论技术的实例研究。

    Aided with computer science of remote sense and GIS , the author gives a case study on this application iu the planning project of environmental green space in Shanghai metropolis .

  19. 在广州市各主要交通道路上选择7个有代表性的道路绿化模式,分别监测它们对NOx、CO和TSP等大气污染物质的净化效果,分析其环境效益。

    The environmental benefits from seven chosen patterns of road green in Guangzhou city were systematically monitored and analysed by monitoring the main air pollutants of NOx , CO and TSP .

  20. 本文首先具体分析了环境保护对现行世界贸易组织原则的多方位冲击,然后提出一些绿化WTO多边贸易规则的建议,以期发挥WTO在未来协调贸易自由化与环境保护关系中的作用。

    The essay first analyses the diverse impact of environmental protection concretely , and then puts forward some suggestions of " green " WTO 's multilateral trade rules , so that WTO will play an important role in coordinating trade liberalization and environmental protection .

  21. 以太原市适生树种净化SO2与滞尘能力的研究结果为依据,结合太原市城区大气中主要污染物SO2和TSP垂直分布规律,提出了太原巿绿化树木复层配置的建议。

    According to the research result of the suitable trees ' ability of cleaning SO2 and dust retention , combined with the TSP upright distributing rules of SO2 , which is the main infectant in Taiyuan , this paper presents the suggestions of virescence trees duplicated configuration in Taiyuan .

  22. 扶芳藤(Euonymusfortunei)为卫矛科卫矛属藤本状灌木植物。因其四季常绿、可塑性好和抗逆能力强而广泛应用于园林绿化、沙漠防治和水土保持。

    Support the Euonymus fortunei is a kind of good park green turn 、 desert prevention and the water and soil conservation plant , get the extensive application because of it all the year round often green , plasticity good , resistance is strong .

  23. 红叶石楠Photinia×fraseri于1998年从国外引入江苏农林职业技术学院,它属于蔷薇科石楠属杂交品种,是目前全球绿化树种中最为时尚的红叶系列树种。

    Photinia × fraseri is a hybrid of Photinia Genus in Rosa Family . It was imported Jiangsu Polytechnic College of Agriculture and Forestry from abroad in 1998 . It is one of most fashionable red leaf trees in the whole world .

  24. 城市园林绿化与城市历史文化传承

    Urban Garden Greening and Urban Historic and Cultural Passing and Spreading

  25. 山区高等级公路绿化新探

    Exploration of New Method for Greening High-grade Highways in Mountainous Areas

  26. 关于高速公路中分带及石质边坡绿化设计的探讨

    Approaching to Afforestation Design for Freeway Medium Divider and Stone Slope

  27. 聊城市居住区绿化植物利用现状及调整对策

    Utilization and Development Strategies of Residential Area Plant Species in Liaocheng

  28. 兰州南北两山绿化造林工程的适宜性分析

    The Applicability Analysis of Massive Artificial Forestation in Lanzhou South-north Hills

  29. 北方种植绿化屋面的设计与应用

    The Design and Applications of Green Roof Systems in North China

  30. 香根草技术在道路路基防护与绿化上的作用

    Function of Vetiver Grass Technology on Road Embankment Protection and Greenization