
  • 网络GHAT;Gat;Stuttgart;Gary Shteyngart
  1. 最后博加特开枪扫射,把他打成了马蜂窝。

    Eventually Bogart pumps him full of lead .

  2. 还有少量开放式基金,例如加特莫尔中国机会基金(gartmorechinaopportunitiesfund)。

    There is also a handful of open-ended funds such as the Gartmore China Opportunities Fund .

  3. 去年夏季,博加特在纽约州芬格湖群瑜伽节(FingerLakesYogaFestival)上推出了一个有关瑜伽和理财的工作坊。

    He presented a workshop on yoga and money at the Finger Lakes Yoga Festival in New York state last summer .

  4. 与凯塞尔和舍曼一样,杰夫•博加特(JeffBogart)也是金德的门徒。博加特去年创建了YogicInvesting,这是他位于克利夫兰(Cleveland)地区的财务顾问公司的分部,是受瑜伽思想启发而建立的。

    Jeff Bogart , like Messrs. Kessel and Sherman a Kinder disciple , launched Yogic Investing , a yoga-inspired branch of his Cleveland-area financial-advisory firm last year . '

  5. 采用修正的四步Runge-Kutta方法求解三维一般曲线坐标系下的理想磁流体方程组,为克服数值振荡,加特征型NND格式进行后处理。

    A four-stage modified Runge-kutta scheme was applied to solve the ideal three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic ( MHD ) equations in generalized curvilinear coordinate system , and a characteristic type NND scheme was added in post-processing to overcome numerical oscillation .

  6. 上海纳维加特公司是中国超声波筛分机行业的著名制造企业。

    Is a well-known manufacturer in ultrasonic sieving industries in China .

  7. 弗加特和他的手下跟踪我们到了商场。

    Fogarty and his men followed us to the mall .

  8. 人们过去经常到哈洛加特去喝矿泉水。

    People used to go to the Harrogate to take the waters .

  9. 弗加特觉得你好象就是生活在那种农庄里。

    Fogarty thought you lived on some kind of farm .

  10. 埃达惹得一个名叫加特的人恨她,于是加特把她吃了。

    Ada made a Gator hate her , so the Gator ate her .

  11. 大约20分钟之后,第二座双子塔倒塌,比加特遇难。

    About 20 minutes later , the second tower collapsed

  12. 组织背景封闭,滴加特异性抗抗体2。

    Organization background closed , dropping specific antibody .

  13. 降钙素加特乐定治疗骨质疏松性疼痛的体会

    Treatment of osteoporotic pain with calcitonin and tridin

  14. 方法该量表编制采用目前国际上流行的共性模块加特异性模块的方式。

    Methods The scale is composed of a common module and a specific module .

  15. 机制砂加特细砂配制泵送混凝土的应用

    Experiment and Application of Pumped Concrete Made up of Machine-made Sand and Super-fine Sand

  16. 飞行员用无线电波向加特威克发送了机上有重大事故的警报。

    The pilot radioed ahead to Gatwick to warn of a major incident on board .

  17. 这个叫弗加特的人始终认为。

    This man Fogarty really believes .

  18. 可以问阿加特她救了我

    Ask Agathe . She rescued me

  19. 这样,以色列子民境内,没有剩下一个阿纳克人,只在迦萨、加特和阿市多得还有。

    No Anakim was left in the land of Israel except in Gaza , Gath and Ashdod .

  20. 随后,比加特的遗孀又将相机袋送给了比加特生前的摄影师好友。

    Biggart 's widow later handed over the camera bag to a good friend and fellow photographer .

  21. 保留头版!一架飞机在加特威克坠毁的新闻刚刚到达。

    Hold back the front page ! News has just come in of a plane crash at Gatwick .

  22. 伊加特所辖区域包括吉布提,厄立特里亚,埃塞俄比亚,索马里,苏丹和乌干达。

    The IGAD region covers Djibouti , Eritrea , Ethiopia , Kenya , Somalia , Sudan , and Uganda .

  23. 这是一个障碍吐痰和延长巴尼加特半岛沿国的大西洋沿岸。

    It is a barrier spit and an extension of the Barnegat Peninsula along the state 's Atlantic Ocean coast .

  24. 林恩-麦克塔加特的书《意向实验》:用您的意念改变您的生活,点击这里查看。

    Lynne McTaggart 's book , The Intention Experiment : Using Your Thoughts to Change Your Life , is available here .

  25. 文比加特队的官员们开了一个短会,决定把克里斯滕森的转会费定为相当于其体重的虾。

    After a brief meeting , Vindbjart 's officials decided that the transfer payment would be Kristensen 's weight in shrimp .

  26. 钱德勒所有的小说都搬上了大荧幕,最有名的是由汉弗莱?博加特主演的《夜长梦多》。

    All of Chandler 's novels have been adapted for the big screen , most famously The Big Sleep , starring Humphrey Bogart .

  27. 修拉的《在拉·格兰德·加特岛的一个星期天下午》大概是最有名的点彩派画了。

    The painting " Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte " by Seurat is probably the most famous work of pointillism .

  28. 为了不做赔本买卖,文比加特队将带上磅秤,在比赛之前对克里斯滕森进行称量。

    To make sure that they get their due payment , Vindbjart will bring along scales , which Kristensen will mount before the game .

  29. 格鲁洛丝说,这些孩子已经被送到布琼布拉以东的基加特镇,并将在那里开始同家人团聚。

    Grullos says the children have been taken to the town of Gitega , east of Bujumbura , where the process to reunite them with their families would begin .

  30. 据当地一家报纸报道,克里斯蒂安桑(挪威南部港市&译者)的丙级球队弗罗伊同意付给其对手文比加特队相当于克里斯滕森体重的虾以得到这位前锋。

    A local newspaper said that third-division side Floey in Kristiansand agreed to pay rival team Vindbjart striker Kristensen 's weight in shrimp for the privilege ofshavingshim among their forwards .