
jiā miǎn lǐ
  • coronation
  1. 它还是一场加冕礼,正式确认35岁的米兰达成为他这一代最卓越的音乐剧创作人,此前由他担任作曲和主演的《高地人生》(IntheHeights)已然获得2008年的托尼奖和格莱美奖。

    It is also a coronation , confirming the 35-year-old Miranda , the acclaimed composer and star of the Tony - and Grammy-winning 2008 show " In the Heights , " " as his generation 's preeminent musical theater auteur . "

  2. 推特用户MattW补充评论道,“当女王听说珠宝在战争期间被藏到饼干盒中,她回答,那他有没有告诉别人?如果他已经死了呢?”在加冕礼采访中她表现的思维缜密,非常机智。

    Twitter user Matt W added : ' Queen being told of the jewels being hidden in a biscuit tin during the war ' oh ... did he tell anyone ? What if he 'd died ? ' She is genuinely wonderful in The Coronation . '

  3. 女王以传统仪式举行加冕礼。

    The queen was crowned with proper ceremony .

  4. 伊丽莎白王太后出席1937年丈夫乔治六世国王(KingGeorgeVI)和1953年女儿伊丽莎白女王(QueenElizabeth)的加冕礼时,头上佩戴的王冠就镶嵌了光之山钻石。

    The diamond was in the crown worn by the Queen Mother at the coronation of her husband King George VI in 1937 and again at Queen Elizabeth 's coronation in 1953 .

  5. 为了纪念女王65周年的加冕礼,现年91岁高龄的女王接受了皇室评论员AlastairBruce的采访,制作了时长为一个小时的特别节目。

    The 91-year-old was speaking with royal commentator Alastair Bruce for a special one-hour programme to mark the 65th anniversary of her coronation .

  6. 她的战术让我想起上世纪80年代的加冕礼理论(coronationtheory):德国央行(Bundesbank)过去常说,可以接受货币联盟,但必须等到建立起全面的政治联盟以后。

    Her tactics remind me of the coronation theory of the 1980s : the Bundesbank used to say that monetary union was acceptable but only after full political union was completed .

  7. 加冕礼将在服丧期过后举行。

    The coronation will take place after the mourning period .

  8. 教皇参加了伊丽莎白二世的加冕礼。

    The Pope was present at the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II .

  9. 你有参加埃迪加冕礼的礼服么?

    Do you a have dress for eddie 's coronation ball yet ?

  10. 威斯敏斯特教堂里,维多利亚的加冕礼,1938年。

    Victoria 's coronation in Westminster Abbey , 1838 .

  11. 加冕礼之后,我只好一个人溜出来,在这儿祷告。

    I had to steal away to pray here alone after the coronation .

  12. 艾德加尔的士兵抓精灵去加冕礼上表演。

    Edgar 's soldiers rounding up elfin singers to perform at the coronation .

  13. 那位女王于加冕礼后脱去了王袍。

    The Queen disrobed after the coronation ceremony .

  14. 正式加冕礼时,戴的是非常重的镶有珍珠的穹形纯金圣爱德华王冠。

    Edward 's Crown , which is made of solid gold with pearl-studded arches .

  15. 是他而不是爱德华接受了加冕礼,并宣称自己为查理德三世。

    And he , not Edward , was crowned , calling himself Richard ⅲ .

  16. 这幅是《拿破仑的加冕礼》。

    This is The Coronation of Napoleon .

  17. 那么就决定了!我们将举行一个皇家的婚礼和加冕礼!

    CONSORT : Then it is settled ! We will have a royal wedding and coronation !

  18. 这个独家新闻确实很绝妙:1953年6月2日是伊丽莎白女王的加冕礼的日子。

    Its scoop was indeed a coup : june2nd was the day of Queen elizabeth 's coronation .

  19. 伊丽莎白二世的加冕礼

    The coronation of Elizabeth II

  20. 他记得叔叔,也记得父亲在1916年12月的加冕礼。

    He remembered the old man , as well as the coronation of his father Charles in December 1916 .

  21. 詹姆士二世对鞭炮也十分喜欢,他在他的加冕礼上册封了他自已的“鞭炮大师”。

    King James II was so pleased with the fireworks display that celebrated his coronation that he knighted his Fire Master .

  22. 加冕礼1个星期后举行,就是月圆之日。

    The coronation ceremony will be held a week from today , on the day there will be a full moon !

  23. 皇室家族成员通常在重要的场合乘坐皇家马车,例如加冕礼和皇室婚礼。

    The royal state couch is often used but the royal family member on ceremonial occasions such as coronations or royal weddings .

  24. 但对于在加冕礼上披散着头发以贞洁自持的女王来说,这必然会引起民众的愤慨。

    But this would have been outrageous for a queen who paraded her virginity at her coronation by leaving her hair down .

  25. 早在中世纪时,蛋挞就已经风靡一时。有记载称,1399年,英国国王亨利四世在加冕礼宴会上就享用了蛋挞这种美食。

    Custard tarts were popular during Medieval times and records show that King Henry IV enjoyed them at his coronation banquet in 1399 .

  26. 勒布朗詹姆斯(上图,中)在推特上自称为皇帝,他的加冕礼虽然曾一度被延迟,但终于还是来了。

    The coronation of King james-as LeBron James ( pictured , Centre ) calls himself on twitter-was delayed , but in the end not denied .

  27. 但以后公爵宣布自己是新国王,是他而不是爱德华接受了加冕礼,并宣布自己为里查三世。

    But then the Duke announced that he was the new king , and he , not Edward , was crowned , calling himself Richard III.

  28. 那条船则应该是艘捕鲸船,本该驶往麦肯兹河口,可是偏东渐行渐远而迷失了,现在抛锚停泊在加冕礼海湾里。

    That ship was a whaler , strayed east , far east , from the mouth of the Mackenzie , and it was lying at anchor in Coronation Gulf .

  29. 这个会议其实可以看做是,列维斯特劳斯加冕礼,他的作品在会议前几年刚刚传入美国。

    It was an event that was really meant to be a kind of coronation of Claude Levi-Strauss , whose work had burst upon the American scene only a few years earlier .

  30. 他在德国参加加冕礼期间,隐藏在西班牙的不满情绪爆发成为公开的反抗,他们要求查理返回西班牙,并且永久地定居下来。

    During his absence in Germany for his coronation , the smouldering discontent in Spain flared into open rebellion culminating in the demand that Charles return to Spain and make his permanent residence there .