
  • 网络The Vikings;ASTERIX AND THE VIKINGS;Vikings pirate
  1. 同时丹麦人也为他们不那么体面的老祖先&维京海盗们举行着一年一度的庆典。

    The Danes also hold an annual celebration of somewhat less genteel ancestors - the marauding Vikings .

  2. 斯坎蒂纳维亚人也不例外:维京海盗们先于哥伦布500年登陆了这块土地。但最终还是由西班牙皇室资助的寻金之旅让哥伦布发现新大陆的事迹永垂史册。

    But the Scandinavians were also here previously : their Vikings were known to have landed 500 years before Columbus did , yet Columbus gets the credit as the man who discovered America during his Spanish Empire-financed voyage in search of gold .

  3. 如今,昔日的海盗出现在南欧,而不是北欧;维京海盗时期贪婪的沿海劫掠者现在变成了投资银行的高管和交易员;茶党(TeaParty)斗士的狂热来自他们对自身正义的确信。

    Today , the Danes are in the south of Europe , not the north ; the greedy coastal raiders of Viking times are now the officers and traders of investment banks ; the Tea Party warriors enjoy the fanaticism that comes from the certainty that they are right .

  4. 至少知道了他是个渔夫,也可能是维京海盗

    At least we know he 's a fisherman . And / or a Viking .

  5. 在奥斯陆,我们从维京海盗船和著名的康奇基号越洋船上见识到它的航海技术。

    In Oslo , we see testaments to maritime prowess in Viking Ships and the celebrated Kon Tiki raft .

  6. 在他第一批遇到的纽约客之中,有一个艺名叫“月亮狗”(Moondog),留着一副大胡子的盲人艺术家。他身穿自制长袍,头戴尖角的维京海盗头盔,常常在西54街街头表演。

    One of the first New Yorkers he encountered was Moondog , the blind , flowingly bearded street performer who dressed in a homemade robe and a horned Viking helmet and planted himself on West 54th Street .