
  • 网络Board game
  1. 这也许是数百万中国人喜欢的棋盘游戏。

    It is perhaps the most popular board game played by millions of people in China .

  2. Destiny创建了一个协作文档来展示这些组织如何合作来创建一个棋盘游戏。

    Destiny creates a collaboration document to show how the organizations work together to produce a board game .

  3. 所以说,除了卖烤肉架和棋盘游戏外,沃尔玛还卖体验

    Wal-Mart wasn 't just selling barbecues and board games . It was selling experiences .

  4. 李世石(LeeSe-Dol)是围棋世界冠军。围棋这种古老的中国棋盘游戏,被认为是世界上最复杂的棋类游戏。

    Lee Se-Dol is the world champion of Go , the ancient Chinese board game that is considered the world 's most complex .

  5. 他转到Documents视图,单击工具栏上的Vocabulary,为棋盘游戏和电子游戏等术语添加了公司的定义。

    He goes to the Documents view , clicks Vocabulary on the toolbar , and adds the company 's definitions for terms such as board game and video game .

  6. CreativeGenius发送一条消息(包含棋盘游戏规范)给Manufacturing,稍后接收到来自Manufacturing的打包游戏。

    CreativeGenius sends a message ( containing the board game specifications ) to Manufacturing and later receives the packaged games back from Manufacturing .

  7. 《脑力大作战》(Cranium)创作者理查德•泰特(RichardTait)如何在一家咖啡馆里开始创作这个棋盘游戏;

    how Richard Tait , creator of Cranium , started the board game in a coffee shop ;

  8. 织一条围巾,一顶帽子或毛衣,烘焙他最喜欢的甜点,录制他最喜欢的歌曲的CD,或者根据他的生活制作棋盘游戏。

    Knit a scarf , hat , or sweater , bake his favorite dessert , burn a CD with his favorite songs , or create a board game based on his life .

  9. 《自然》(Nature)杂志表示,一台电脑击败了一位人类围棋(Go)冠军,达到了“人工智能的历史性里程碑”。围棋是世界上最复杂的棋盘游戏。《自然》发布了这一成就背后的科学进步。

    A computer has comprehensively beaten a human champion playing Go , the world 's most complex board game - achieving " a historic milestone in artificial intelligence , " according to Nature , the journal publishing the science behind the feat .

  10. 可别跟忍者神龟弄混了,RobotTurtles是棋盘游戏和电子书的综合体,能教3-8岁的孩子学习基础编程知识。

    Not to be confused with the teenage mutants , Robot Turtles is a board game and ebook that teaches the fundamentals of programming to kids aged 3 - 8 .

  11. 物理学家史蒂芬•霍金(StephenHawking)去年曾警告,除非我们小心,否则棋盘游戏可能是最无关紧要的问题:人工智能最终可能“比我们所有人更聪明”。

    Physicist Stephen Hawking last year warned that unless we take care , board games might be the least of it : AI could ultimately " outsmart us all . "

  12. 在旧金山,组织者们在阿拉莫广场(AlamoSquare)的水泥地上开展了一个类似棋盘游戏滑梯和梯子(ChutesandLadders)的活动,参与者必须完成不同的运动才能穿过棋盘。

    In San Francisco , organizers drew a version of the board game Chutes and Ladders on the cement of Alamo Square , requiring different exercises to traverse the board .

  13. Wilby还创建了一个更大的高级流程图,记录创建棋盘游戏的完整流程。

    Wilby also creates a larger , high-level process map so that he can document the complete process for creating board games .

  14. 即便如此,AlphaGo电脑在古老的中国棋盘游戏——围棋的对垒中击败韩国九段棋手李世石(LeeSedol),在五局“人机对战”中首战告捷,不仅标志着电脑荣誉板上的一个新档次。

    Even so , the triumph of the AlphaGo computer over the South Korean world champion Lee Se-dol in the first of a five-match series in the ancient Chinese board game of Go marks more than just a new notch on the computerised honours board .

  15. 贝蒂斯啤酒酒吧是完全上瘾的棋盘游戏的乐趣。

    Bettys Beer Bar is completely addicting board game fun .

  16. 棋盘游戏中用到的小的物体。

    A small object used in playing certain board games .

  17. 没错,这是一款老式的棋盘游戏,但真的能教授孩子们编程技能。

    Yes , an old-fashioned board game can actually teach coding skills .

  18. 但是这些棋盘游戏并不是促使他一直过来的原因。

    But the board games aren 't what keep him coming back .

  19. 在另一场试验中,一群孩子玩了一个新的棋盘游戏。

    In another scenario , groups of children played a new board game .

  20. 在「揾食风云」这个棋盘游戏内,每个人都有一份低收入工作。

    In the game Make a Living , everyone has a low-paid job .

  21. 替代品:原木烧火、棋盘游戏。

    Replace with : log fires , board games .

  22. 赖以及几乎咖啡店里所有玩棋盘游戏的顾客都是千禧一代的人。

    Mr. Lai and almost all the customers playing board games at the caf are millennials .

  23. 这个视频游戏是带有第二版规则的棋盘游戏的一个完全转换。

    This video game is a complete conversion of the board game with the2nd edition rules .

  24. 这个游戏就是那些你能想到的非常无聊的棋盘游戏之一。

    This would be one of those tragically boring board games that you can figure out .

  25. 对受测者而言,这跟玩棋盘游戏没有太大不同。

    For the participants , the situation was not unlike that of playing the board game life .

  26. 4.棋盘游戏

    Step 4 Get board games

  27. 或许你想到的是那些极为无聊的棋盘游戏,那些我们在感恩节时不得不玩的游戏。

    Maybe you think about the tragically boring board games that hold us hostage in Thanksgiving situations .

  28. 也许我会邀上几个朋友看一部老电影,或者玩玩棋盘游戏。

    Maybe I 'll invite a few friends over to watch an old movie or play a board game .

  29. 员工在工作日可以玩棋盘游戏,因为这可以帮助他们设计新游戏。

    Staff can play board games during the working day , because it helps them to design new games .

  30. 最后一个了!这个礼物很大,那…那是棋盘游戏。

    Last present ! It 's a big one . It 's a. .. It 's a board game !