
  • 网络the Hebrides;Hebrides Islands
  1. 赫布里底群岛位于苏格兰本土的西面。

    The Hebrides are to the west of the Scottish mainland .

  2. 而大西洋的汹涌波涛,泻入了狂暴的赫布里底群岛。

    And the Atlantic surge Pours in among the stormy Hebrides .

  3. 位于赫布里底群岛外围和苏格兰海岸西部的群岛。

    Islands between the Outer Hebrides and the western coast of Scotland .

  4. 苏格兰和新赫布里底群岛的一种高大常绿树种,类似于小叶南洋杉。

    Very tall evergreen of New Caledonia and the New Hebrides similar to Norfolk Island pine .

  5. 苏格兰是门德尔松的至爱,这一点表现在他创作的“苏格兰交响曲”和序曲“赫布里底群岛”之中。

    Mendelssohn had a great liking for Scotland , which is shown in his'Scottish Symphony'and the overture'The Hebrides ' .

  6. 库尔森博士与同僚,藉由观察外赫布里底群岛的希拉岛上的索艾羊,得出这个成果。

    Dr Coulson and colleagues did this by examining a population of Soay sheep on the island of Hirta in the Outer Hebrides .

  7. 周一晚,英国民航局也宣布停止苏格兰最远端的赫布里底群岛的空中服务。

    And the UK 's Civil Aviation Authority also announced a closure of air services over Scotland 's outermost Hebrides islands on Monday night .

  8. 伦敦2012年奥运火炬传递将于明年5月19日在英国最西南端的天涯海角开始传递,沿途将经过远端的赫布里底群岛等地。

    London 2012 's Olympic torch relay will start on May 19 in Land 's End and travel as far as the outer Hebrides .

  9. 苏格兰西部是赫布里底群岛,苏格兰本土东北部是奥克尼郡和设得兰群岛。

    Western Scotland is fringed by the large archipelago known as the Hebrides and to the north east of the Scottish mainland are Orkney and Shetland .

  10. 苏格兰英国的一个选区,它包括大不列颠岛北部、赫布里底群岛、设得兰群岛和奥克尼群岛。

    A constituent country of the United Kingdom comprising the northern part of the island of Great Britain and the Hebrides , Shetland Islands , and Orkney Islands .

  11. 在外赫布里底群岛出产的手工编织花呢布料中,哈里斯公司占大约90%,该公司即将争取到首家中国时装客户。

    Harris Tweed Hebrides is responsible for about 90 per cent of the handwoven tweed cloth made in the Outer Hebrides , and is about to secure its first Chinese fashion client .

  12. 数千条工作小道使外赫布里底群岛中的刘易斯岛的荒野布满褶皱,使得那片荒野从空中俯瞰时仿佛一块羚羊皮。

    Thousands of work paths crease the moorland of the Isle of Lewis in the Outer Hebrides , so that when seen from the air the moor has the appearance of chamois leather .

  13. 12月25日,诺第留斯号在新赫布里底群岛间行驶,这群岛在1606年由居洛斯发见,1768年,布几威尔来探险,1773年,库克才把现在新赫布里底的名字给了它。

    On December 25 the Nautilus navigated amid the island group of the New Hebrides , which the Portuguese seafarer Queir ó s discovered in 1606 , which Commander Bougainville explored in 1768 , and to which Captain Cook gave its current name in 1773 .

  14. 在2008年的五月,在英国的赫布里底群岛海滩也发现过这样的瓶子,从4000英里外的巴哈马群岛漂来。

    ' I 'm blown away by it to be honest - it 's incredible that it has travelled all this way . ' In May 2008 , a message in a bottle turned up on a Hebridean beach after completing a 4000-mile sea journey from the Bahamas .

  15. 1824年5月15日,他的船圣巴土利克号,经过新赫布里底群岛之一的第克贝亚岛附近。在那里,一个印第安人乘着独木舟,靠近他的船边,卖给他-把银质的刀柄,柄上有镂别的文字痕迹。

    On May 15 , 1824 , his ship , the St. Patrick , passed by Tikopia Island , one of the New Hebrides . There a native boatman pulled alongside in a dugout canoe and sold Dillon a silver sword hilt bearing the imprint of characters engraved with a cutting tool known as a burin .