
  • 网络Cardiff
  1. 他在加的夫大学学院成立了新闻学研究中心。

    He founded the Centre for Journalism Studies at University College Cardiff

  2. 加的夫海湾项目吸引了众多游客。

    The Cardiff Bay project is attracting many visitors

  3. 考虑到学生的需要,加的夫大学投入了巨资兴建和改善学生宿舍。

    Mindful of the needs of its students , Cardiff has invested heavily in providing new and improved residences .

  4. TheClink餐厅的服务人员是来自加的夫(Cardiff)和普莱斯各(Prescoed)的监狱的囚犯。这家监狱餐厅打败了包括戈登•拉姆齐(GordonRamsay)和杰米·奥利弗(JamieOliver)等名厨经营的餐厅,夺得了榜单的第十名。

    The Clink Restaurant , staffed by inmates from Cardiff and Prescoed prisons , beat establishments run by celebrity chefs including Gordon Ramsay and Jamie Oliver to take 10th place .

  5. 加的夫威尔士大学科技学院授予。

    University of Wales Institute of science and technology , cardiff .

  6. 在所说的那一天,我们在加的夫。

    On the day in question we were in Cardiff .

  7. 前英格兰国脚罗比福勒已经同意加盟加的夫城队了。

    Former England international Robbie Fowler has agreed to join Cardiff City .

  8. 前往新港和加的夫的旅客请在布里斯托大道换车。

    Passengers for Newport and Cardiff change at Bristol Parkway .

  9. 加的夫位于威尔士的南海岸。

    Cardiff is on the south coast of Wales .

  10. 我叫安鸠·斯皮蒂,出生在英国加的夫。

    And I am Andrew Speedy , of cardiff .

  11. 她被送到加的夫的一位专家那里。

    She was sent to a specialist in cardiff .

  12. 请所有前往新港和到加的夫沿途车站的旅客

    Passengers for Newport and all stations to Cardiff

  13. 你可以从加的夫坐飞机到奥斯坦德。

    You can fly from Cardiff to ostend .

  14. 加的夫火车站的行李寄存处。

    A left luggage office at Cardiff station .

  15. 午时斯蒂夫·克拉克观看了在加的夫举行的英格兰1-0小胜威尔士的比赛。

    In the afternoon England beat Wales 1-0 in Cardiff watched by Steve Clarke .

  16. 今天刚从加的夫过来

    She 's travelled from Cardiff today ,

  17. 西班牙驻加的夫领事馆。

    The Spanish Consulate in cardiff .

  18. 但加的夫队在他的英冠竞争对手之前就对签下这名32岁的球员很有兴趣。

    But Cardiff had always appeared to be favourites to sign the32-year-old ahead of their championship rivals .

  19. 这是我们在加的夫夺取联赛杯冠军以后的新的认识。

    That 's how we 've got to look at it after our Carling Cup win in Cardiff .

  20. 加的夫威尔士首府和最大城市,位于威尔士东南部的布里斯托尔海峡。

    The capital and largest city of Wales , in the southeast part of the country on Bristol Channel .

  21. 这名经验丰富的前锋已经接受了加的夫城队开出的两年合同,并将与下周早些时候正式亮相。

    The experienced striker has accepted a two-year contract with Cardiff and is expected to be presented early next week .

  22. 英冠球队加的夫城已经提供了一份合同给因合同到期离队的利物浦传奇前锋罗比·勒。

    Championship side Cardiff City have made an offer to try and sign out of contract Liverpool legend Robbie Fowler .

  23. 《何处藏身》从戈西最小的女儿多洛莉丝的视角,再现了20世纪60年代威尔士首都加的夫下层社会的生活风貌。

    Told through the eyes of his youngest daughter dolores , the hiding place evokes life in the underworld of1960s cardiff .

  24. 据目击者说,在飞机落到加的夫市北郊的这个半独立二层楼房之前,飞机发动机就已经熄火了。

    Witnesses said the aircraft 's engines cut out moments before it plummeted on to the two-storey semi in a suburb of north Cardiff .

  25. 来自加的夫大学的新研究显示,正如防止凶器暴力一样,防止踢或者钝的物体的攻击也一样重要。

    The prevention of attacks involving kicking or blunt objects is just as important as preventing knife violence , new research from Cardiff University shows .

  26. 不过直到现在,G24设在加的夫(这可不是一个阳光充足的城市)的工厂仍是由风力发电机供电。

    But for now , G24 's factory in Cardiff , not a city known for its sunshine , remains powered by a wind turbine .

  27. 今天刚从加的夫过来,打算在伦敦住一宿,看她手提箱的大小就知道了。

    She 's travelled from Cardiff today , intending to stay in London for one night , that 's obvious from the size of her suitcase .

  28. 一架警用直升机从天空螺旋坠落,穿过天花板掉进了加的夫市的一户人家.好在三名机组成员与这家人都没有受伤.

    A family and three aircrew escaped unhurt after a police helicopter spun out of the sky and crashed through the roof of a house in Cardiff .

  29. 如果伦敦的圣诞树开始售罄,那么价格就会上涨,一些人就会用卡车从加的夫或伯明翰运来圣诞树。

    If London starts to run out , the price of trees will rise and someone will soon have a few truckloads travelling over from Cardiff or Birmingham .

  30. 伦敦奥组委表示,这一全球著名的特技飞行表演队将以“大决战”队形飞过贝尔法斯特、加的夫、爱丁堡和伦敦,来开启这场盛会。

    The world-famous RAF aerobatic display team will fly in Big Battle formation across Belfast , Cardiff , Edinburgh and London to herald the Games , Locog said .