
jiǎo huò
  • seize;capture;sieze
缴获 [jiǎo huò]
  • [capture;seize] 从敌方夺得的装备、物资、马匹和文件等的统称

缴获[jiǎo huò]
  1. 全城居民庆祝缴获了两辆坦克。

    The whole town celebrated when two tanks were captured

  2. 警方这次缴获的海洛因是英国迄今为止数量最大的几宗之一。

    Police have made one of the biggest seizures of heroin there 's ever been in Britain .

  3. 缴获的武器装备不可胜数。

    The military equipment captured was beyond counting .

  4. 一切缴获要归公。

    Turn in everything captured .

  5. 商业内幕报道,7月ISIS已经从一个撤退的伊拉克军队那里缴获55个美国M198榴弹炮。

    Business Insider reported in July that ISIS had seized 55 American M198 Howitzers from a fleeing Iraqi army .

  6. vt.抓住;缴获母亲抓住孩子的手臂。

    seize Mother seized the child by the arm .

  7. 北约指挥官戴维彼得雷乌斯(davidpetraeus)将军亲口表示,最重要的是,缴获藏匿武器的数量明显增加,目前每周约为120件。

    Most significant , according to Gen David Petraeus , the NATO commander , himself , is the surge in the seizure of weapons caches , now about 120 a week .

  8. 警方称,他们击毙了BokoHaram的3名成员,并缴获了一支枪。

    The police said they 'd shot dead three members of Boko Haram and recovered a gun .

  9. 我们也曾缴获过其他的假冒商品,其中包括BafanaBafana衬衫,但是数量没有这么大。

    We have seized other consignments of counterfiet goods including Bafana Bafana shirts but not of this magnitude .

  10. 美国联邦调查局(FBI)昨日表示,中国警方和美国联邦调查局联合进行的一次打击盗版软件的空前行动,已逮捕25名嫌犯,缴获价值5亿美元的盗版软件。

    An unprecedented joint crackdown on software piracy by Chinese police and the US Federal Bureau of Investigation has led to 25 arrests and the seizure of counterfeit software worth $ 500m , the FBI said yesterday .

  11. 1945年日本投降一周后,“I-400”号和“I-401”号潜艇在海里被缴获。

    An I-400 and I-401 were captured at sea a week after the Japanese surrendered in1945 .

  12. 苹果在周一晚提交的诉书中陈述了上述立场。此前美国司法部向法院提出要求苹果协助当局提取一台在调查中缴获的iPhone上的数据,布鲁克林的联邦治安法官奥伦斯坦正在考量该要求,并寻求苹果的意见。

    Apple 's position was laid out in a brief filed late Monday , after a federal magistrate judge in Brooklyn , New York , sought its input as he weighed a U.S. Justice Department request to force the company to help authorities access a seized iPhone during an investigation .

  13. 在戈兰高地被以色列人缴获了一些,至少有一辆被摆放在Latrum的装甲车博物馆内。

    Few were captured by Israelis at the Golan Heights and atleast one is on display at the Museum of Armored Forces at Latrum .

  14. 战争中一些四号坦克被以色列人缴获,作为碉堡放置在戈兰高地。其中的一辆被摆放在Latrum的博物馆内。

    Few of Syrian PzKpfw IVs were captured by Israelis at the Golan Heights ( dug in as bunkers ) and one is on display at the Museum of Armored Forces at Latrum , Israel .

  15. 其中的两名士兵看守缴获的枪支。

    Two of the soldiers kept guard over the captured guns .

  16. 他将从敌人那儿缴获的剑留作了纪念品。

    He took his enemy 's sword as a trophy .

  17. 有次打仗,刘备缴获一匹名叫“的卢”的千里马。

    Liu Bei captured an excellent horse in a battle .

  18. 好几支带弹药的轻机枪在黎明的突击中被缴获。

    Several sub-machine guns with ammunition were captured in a dawn swoop .

  19. 红军缴获了少数几架蒋介石的飞机。

    The Reds had captured a few Chiang 's airplanes .

  20. 苏联的士兵和军官在仔细的观察缴获的黑豹坦克。

    Captured Panther being inspected by Soviet soldiers and officers .

  21. 官方从该公司缴获700多磅鱼翅。

    Officials seized more than 700 pounds of shark fins .

  22. 战时缴获的商船经常被宣布没收。

    Merchant ships captured in war were often condemned .

  23. 缴获的现金你一辈子都挣不到

    that has more cash than you 'll ever earn in a lifetime .

  24. 同时被缴获的还有一卷超市样式的不干胶标签。

    A roll of supermarket-style stickers was also confiscated .

  25. 他们缴获了大量武器弹药。

    They captured large quantities of arms and ammunition .

  26. 1941年的其余时间,已经没有必要再进行缴获行动了,

    There was no need for further captures in the rest of 1941 ,

  27. 我们看到在墨西哥被缴获的攻击性武器的数量在显著增加。

    We have seen a dramatic rise of assault weapons being seized in Mexico .

  28. 得胜归来的军队挥动着一面缴获的旗帜。

    The victorious army flourished a captured flag .

  29. 胜利者缴获了大量粮草、装备之类的战利品。

    The victors captured enormous stores of provisions .

  30. 根据缴获结果显示,一个乞丐每月大约收入为73500美元。

    The seizures showed that one beggar was making about 73500 dollars per month .