
  1. 认股人按照所认股数缴纳股款。

    Subscribers make payment for shares according to the number of shares they have subscribed .

  2. 股份共有人,对于公司负连带缴纳股款之义务。

    The co-owners of a share shall be jointly and severally liable to the company to pay for the share so owned .

  3. 代收股款的银行应当按照协议代收和保存股款,向缴纳股款的认股人出具收款单据,并负有向有关部门出具收款证明的义务。

    The receiving bankers shall receive and hold as agents the payments for shares , issue receipts to subscribers making payments , and shall be obliged to issue evidence of receipt of payments to the relevant departments .

  4. 股份有限公司为增加注册资本发行新股时,股东认购新股,依照本法设立股份有限公司缴纳股款的有关规定执行。

    Where a joint stock limited company issues new stocks for increasing its registered capital , the subscription for new stocks by shareholders shall be subject to the relevant provisions of the present law regarding the payment of stock money for the establishment of a joint stock limited company .

  5. 公司不能成立时,对认股人已缴纳的股款,负返还股款并加算银行同期存款利息的连带责任;

    In the case of failure to establish the company , bearing joint liabilities for refunding the paid-in capital as well as the interests thereof computed at the bank interest rate for the same period ;

  6. 发起人民事责任的形式是:对设立行为所产生的债务和费用负连带责任、对认股人已缴纳的股款负返还并加算同期银行存款利息的连带责任、对公司承担赔偿责任。

    The forms of civil liability includes : joint liability for debts caused by establishment and expense , joint liability for returning share capital in addition to interest in the corresponding period to shareholders , liability to pay compensation to company .