
jiǎo shuì
  • pay tax
  • tax payment
缴税 [jiǎo shuì]
  • [pay taxes] 缴付税金

  1. 结合电子缴税系统的应用范围、应用对象等特点,提出了基于XML的电子缴税系统模型,并对其业务流程、功能设计做了详细研究。

    Based on the attribute of application scope and application target in the electronic pay tax system , the electronic pay tax system model based on the XML is presented , and the traffic flow and function design are research in detail .

  2. 我每星期都从工资里缴税。

    I pay tax out of my wages every week .

  3. 各地的工薪族都反对缴税。

    Working people everywhere object to paying taxes

  4. 该共和党候选人承认自己没有缴税,这一坦白让他付出了惨痛代价。

    The Republican candidate 's admissions about his failure to pay taxes cost him dearly .

  5. 这根项链要缴税。

    This necklace is dutiable .

  6. “IPOD一代”指的是Insecure(不稳定)、Pressured(有压力)、Over-taxed(过度缴税)以及Debt-ridden(负债累累)的一代人。

    The IPOD generation stands for Insecure , Pressured , Over-taxed , and Debt-ridden .

  7. Averageincomeperyear:£38200年均收入:38200英镑Averageincometaxpaidperyear:£8850年均缴税:8850英镑

    Average income tax paid per year : £ 8240

  8. Averageincomeperyear:£18800年均收入:18800英镑Averageincometaxpaidperyear:£2720年均缴税:2720英镑

    Average income tax paid per year : £ 2400

  9. 正如沃伦巴菲特(WarrenBuffett)所喜欢指出的,他缴税的税率仍低于他的秘书。

    As Warren Buffett likes to point out , he is still taxed at a lower rate than his secretary .

  10. 印度于上世纪90年代中设立MAT,以确保国内企业缴税不低于某个最低水平,这一比例通常是其盈利的20%。

    India introduced the MAT in the mid-1990s to ensure domestic businesses paid a minimum level of tax , typically 20 per cent of profits .

  11. 李齐文指出,甚至是那些大部分时间用于在内地进行IPO工作的香港投资银行家,可能也会被认为有缴税义务。

    Mr Lee notes that even Hong Kong-based investment bankers who spend much of their time doing initial public offering work across the border could be deemed liable .

  12. 你的W2表格在哪里?在我们帮你缴税之前.你必须把所有的表格都准备齐全。

    Where is your W2 form ? We need to have everything completed before we can help you .

  13. 不过,另一名正接受调查的明星球员哈维·阿隆索(XabiAlonso)近期则否认自己未曾履行西班牙的缴税义务。

    But another star player who is under investigation , Xabi Alonso , denied recently ever failing to comply with his Spanish tax obligations .

  14. 现在可以延期缴税,Kyra,这是关键的。

    You can get another six months to pay your own taxes , and Kyra , this is critical .

  15. 在这个发行总数中,扎克伯格将贡献4414万股(所得款项将用来缴税或其他用途),Facebook公司将发售2700万股,这将摊薄现有股东的权益。

    Of that total , zuck is contributing 41.35 million shares ( the proceeds of which go to the IRS or whatever ) , while Facebook ( the company ) is offering 27 million shares , which is dilutive to existing shareholders .

  16. 我们是Cupertino的纳税大户,你懂得,我们很高兴能留下来继续缴税

    Well , as you know , we 're the largest tax payer in Cupertino , so we 'd like to continue to stay here and pay taxes .

  17. 当你开始赚钱时,你就会看到四月快到了。那就意味著IRS(美国的国税局)在等着收受你的所得税。缴税还不是最糟的事;

    When your money starts rolling in , you see that the calendar is closing in on April.That means the Internal Revenue Service ( IRS ) will be expecting your income taxes.Paying taxes isn 't the worst part ;

  18. 我们是Cupertino的纳税大户,你懂得,我们很高兴能留下来继续缴税,这点最重要。

    Well , as you know , we 're the largest tax payer in Cupertino , so we 'd like to continue to stay here and pay taxes . That 's number one .

  19. 米特罗姆尼(mittromney)昨天承认,他近几年缴税的税率“接近15%”,此言将再度激起有关投资收入比普通工资得到更优惠税收待遇的辩论。

    Mitt Romney paid taxes at a rate of " close to 15 per cent " in recent years , he said yesterday in an admission that will reignite debate about how investment income is favourably treated compared to ordinary wages .

  20. Airbnb昨日表示想在纽约缴税,按照新的房东登记计划,估计这将为纽约州产生每年9000万美元税收。

    Airbnb said yesterday that it wanted to pay taxes in New York , estimating that it could generate about $ 90m a year for the state under its new registration scheme .

  21. 酿酒商sabmiller的首席执行官格雷厄姆麦凯(grahammackay)为英国《金融时报》撰文时指出,企业为社会带来的最大好处就是“业务运营支付供应商、支付工资和缴税”。

    As Graham Mackay , chief executive of SABMiller , the brewery company , wrote in the FT , the biggest benefit a business brings to society is " the very act of running its business paying suppliers , paying wages , paying taxes " .

  22. 交易中心屡现缴税长龙契税到底会不会涨?

    Trading Center is repeated tax will rise to long delay ?

  23. 当他们提取养老基金款项时不用缴税(到退休年纪);

    No tax is paid when members withdraw from their fund ;

  24. 个人物品不必缴税。

    You do not have to pay duty on personal belongings .

  25. 你要记录干嘛,缴税吗?

    What are you gonna do with records , pay taxes ?

  26. 但他缴税的税率却比他的秘书的还要低。

    But he pays a lower tax rate than his secretary .

  27. 叫你的缴税咨询师把费用算得再精确些。

    Ask your tax advisor for a more accurate costing .

  28. 怎样透过银行自动柜员机缴税?

    How can I pay tax by bank automated teller machines atms ?

  29. 我不是受虐狂,我也不喜欢缴税。

    I am not a masochist ; I do not love taxes .

  30. 我们有寄缴税表格给你吗?

    Did we send you a form saying this money was required ?