
líng shì zhàn dòu jī
  • Zero fighter;z-plane
零式战斗机[líng shì zhàn dòu jī]
  1. 这架飞机由二战时制造零式战斗机(Zero)的三菱(Mitsubishi)建造,凸显了日本航空工业能力的不断提高。几十年来,日本航空工业都依赖于美国。

    Built by Mitsubishi , which manufactured the " Zero " fighter during the second world war , the flight highlights the growing capability of a Japanese aerospace industry that for decades has relied on the US .

  2. 故意弄坏一架有敢死队员的零式战斗机

    I mean , deliberately destroying a Kamikaze spec Zero

  3. 在无数次战斗中,他们用陈旧的苏联双翼战斗机挑战现代化的日本零式战斗机。

    Vastly outnumbered , they challenged the modern Japanese " Zero " fighters with antiquated Russian bi-wings .

  4. 日本零式战斗机的火力比当时美国制造的任何武器都强大

    The Japanese Zero was a better fighter than anything the Americans had produced at that time .

  5. 美国海军假设(日本的)零式战斗机要是在二战初期投入使用,很多(美国)飞行员就会在认真对待之前而死亡。

    The USN assumed that the A6Mwas junk at the start of WWII , many pilots died before they took it seriously .

  6. 偷袭珍珠港当天,她正与一个学生进行飞行训练,她控制飞机躲过一架日本零式舰载战斗机,并在枪林弹雨中将自己的飞机驾驶到安全的着陆地带。

    On the day of the Pearl Harbor attack , while on a training flight with a student , she took the controls to avoid a Japanese Zero and brought her plane to a safe landing in the midst of machine-gun fire .