
  • 网络retail business;retail operation;retail banking
  1. NewStar的主要吸引力在于我所推崇的英国零售业务。

    The main attraction of New Star was its UK retail business which I admired .

  2. 基于K-means算法的中国商业银行零售业务顾客行为细分策略

    Segmentation Strategy on Customer Behavior of Commercial Bank Retail Business in China Based on K-means Arithmetic

  3. 正如所料,electronicretailing(网络零售业务)已经被称为etailing。

    Electronic retailing has predictably become known as etailing .

  4. 与美林和摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)不同,高盛近来几乎没有零售业务。

    Unlike Merrill Lynch or Morgan Stanley , Goldman has had almost no recent retail operations .

  5. 永井浩二是近15年来野村控股首个具有深厚日本国内零售业务背景的ceo。

    Mr Nagai is the first CEO with a strong domestic retail background to head Nomura in about 15 years .

  6. 随着我国加入WTO,国内金融市场逐步对外开放,金融市场个人零售业务的竞争日趋激烈。

    Along with China becoming member of WTO and domestic financial market opening to international market step by step , competitions in personal retail banking are fiercer .

  7. 渣打银行(StandardChartered)上周四表示,该行已申请在华建立一家子银行,并向银监会申请了人民币零售业务许可。

    Standard Chartered said on Thursday it had applied to establish a local subsidiary and for a CBRC licence to do renminbi retail business .

  8. 那些希望在中国开拓零售业务的银行,如汇丰(hsbc)和花旗集团(citigroup),扎根在了上海。

    Those looking to build a Chinese retail business , such as HSBC and Citigroup , are in Shanghai .

  9. 加入WTO后,国内成品油批发和零售业务已经放开,与众多国有企业一样,华北公司近年来也面临着激烈的市场竞争。

    After joining WTO , the domestic product wholesale and retail business , and many state-owned enterprises , north China company in recent years is also facing fierce competition in the market .

  10. 亨德森原本计划通过有机增长的方式拓展英国零售业务,但“收购newstar能使我们加快计划进程,这是个不容错过的良机,”福米加补充道。

    Henderson had planned to develop its UK retail business through organic growth but " the new star opportunity enabled us to accelerate our plan and it was too good an opportunity to miss , " adds Mr Formica .

  11. 在本文中,着重阐述了在中国银行特定的条件下,如何建立服务标准体系,整合零售业务流程,通过科技带动,以数据仓库和数据挖掘技术为基础,进行零售业务CRM系统的建设。

    It already became the chief subject of financial service . In this paper , it elaborates how to establish service standard systems and conformity retail flows .

  12. 总部设在上海的Z公司依仗在裸钻进货上的价格与优先权等优势,也在上海介入了钻石首饰零售业务。

    Z Company , which company 's Headquarter located in Shanghai , has the priority in the diamond 's stock carry out his retail shop in Shanghai also .

  13. 有迹象表明消费者年底在大型零售业务上的支出,降低了零售商第四季度的收入前景,这些零售商包括美国户外用品店及BedBath&Beyond公司。

    Make some sings consumers year 's end were running in their spending in a number of big retails have cut their fourth quarter earning outlook , including America outfitters and Bed Bath & Beyond .

  14. 汇丰(HSBC)即将缩减其亚洲业务规模,从巴基斯坦到新西兰等七个国家的零售业务可能被出售或者关闭。

    HSBC is to scale back its Asian operations with the potential sale or closure of seven retail businesses in ­ countries from Pakistan to New Zealand .

  15. 亚马逊新拓展的业务和其核心零售业务相距甚远,该公司对未来业务发展押注了多个领域,从流视频到云计算、再到其自己的移动设备kindleFire。

    Amazon has moved far outside its core retail business to place multiple bets on the future , from streaming video to cloud computing to its own mobile device , the Kindle Fire .

  16. 咨询公司麦肯锡(McKinsey)表示,目前在中国整个零售业务中,网络销售不到6%。

    Online retail sales now account for slightly less than 6 per cent of Chinas total retail sales , according to McKinsey , the consultants .

  17. 2001年,中国加入了WTO,按照承诺,中国三年后对国外石油公司开放成品油零售业务,五年后开放成品油批发业务。

    In 2001 , China joined WTO , according to promising , the retail trade of the refined oil that China will be open to oil companies of foreign countries in three years , open wholesale business of refined oil five years later .

  18. 外界一直预计百丽会将零售业务上市,但目前该公司已决定将鞋类生产部门也纳入IPO中,这将使其潜在募资规模扩大两倍。

    Belle had been expected to list its retail operations but has now decided to include its shoe manufacturing division as part of the offering , a move that triples the likely size of the capital-raising .

  19. 威格士(vickers)委员会建议,那些行业内重要的银行应该预留10%的资金,以作应对困难时期和划定自己的零售业务。

    The Vickers Commission recommended that systemically important banks should set aside 10 % of capital as a buffer against hard times and ring-fence their retail operations .

  20. 而亚马逊决定成为AWS的首批客户之一,这关键一步意味着自家的零售业务将完全依赖AWS。

    And Amazon decided to make itself one of the first customers , in a key step that meant its own retail operations would be completely reliant on AWS .

  21. 去年11月,他开始实施业务的战略转型,进军零售业务,在位于上海附近的家乡杭州开设了精品商城——娃欧商场(WAOWPlaza)。

    In November he began a strategic shift in his business , branching into retail operations with the opening of WAOW Plaza , a boutique shopping mall in his home town of Hangzhou , near Shanghai .

  22. 怡富资产管理公司(jardineflemingassetmanagement)零售业务主管terrypan表示,今年以来“极具挑战性市场波动非常剧烈,一些投资者已经撤资”。

    Terry pan , head of retail business at Jardine Fleming asset management , says this year " has been quite a challenge to the extent that the market has been very choppy , and some investors have taken bets off the table " .

  23. 分析了中国银行零售业务只有成功应用CRM,从客户需求出发,不断维护和拓展客户群,提高银行的运作效率,才能为银行带来最大化的利润空间。

    We realize that we must apply successfully the retail CRM in Bank of China , proceed from the requirements of the client , constantly develop clients , improve the efficiency of the bank . Only like this , it will bring the biggest profits space for the bank .

  24. 网络店铺是通过独立域名网站或第三方提供的交易平台,以电子商务的方式,主营零售业务的店铺,它的外延包含且仅包含了B2C与C2C这二种电子商务模式。

    Net shop is part of electronic commerce . It takes independent website or the other trading website provided by third parties as platform and takes retail as the core business . Both B2C and C2C are the patterns of net shop .

  25. 但零售业务部门为付款保障保险(ppi)拨备保证金,并且以高昂代价撤出一部分欧洲分行网络,使得投资银行部门的收入与去年同期相比,在全行总收入中占据了更大的比例。

    But a provision in the retail business for payment protection insurance and a costly withdrawal from parts of its European branch network meant the investment banking division still accounted for a larger proportion of overall revenue than a year ago .

  26. 尼尔森(nielsen)大中华区负责零售业务的总经理达勒普雷斯顿(dalepreston)表示,人们仍停留在“如果我明天再开一家店,销量就会飙升”的思维上,而不是考虑消费者想要什么。

    Dale Preston , managing director for retail in Greater China at Nielsen , says there is still a focus on " if I open another store tomorrow , I will get fantastic sales " rather than thinking about what consumers want .

  27. 作为一家几乎没有零售业务的投资银行,高盛却必须遵守原本针对吸存机构的cra法案,这突显出美国银行体系自金融危机爆发以来的深远变化。

    The need by Goldman , an investment bank with virtually no retail business , to comply with CRA , which was originally aimed at deposit-taking institutions , underlines the profound changes in the US banking system since the financial crisis .

  28. 发达国家商业银行零售业务的发展状况

    Development status of retail business of developed countries ' commercial banks

  29. 现负责苹果公司零售业务,包括实体店和网店。

    Tapped to head Apple retail , both brick-and-mortar and online .

  30. 银行零售业务的竞争已进入白热化阶段。

    Competition in the retail banking business has been heating up .