
  • 网络Credit Account
  1. 公司还提供在线信用账户,公司客户能以英镑或欧元直接借记的方式支付。

    Online credit accounts are available , enabling corporate customers to pay by direct debit in sterling or euros .

  2. 兹附上你们的表格,要求在芝加哥银行开立金额为10000美元的以史密斯食品公司为抬头的不可撤销信用账户。

    Enclosed is your form for an irrevocable credit of $ 10,000 to be opened with the Bank of Chicago , in favor of Smith Food Company .

  3. 请在我的万事达/维萨/美国运通信用卡账户中扣除。

    Please debit my Mastercard / Visa / American Express card .

  4. 他们在获取银行和信用卡账户号码之后,就把它们和贝宝(PayPal)的一个账户关联起来,从那里偷她的钱。

    After giving them her bank and credit card account numbers , they then linked them to a PayPal account from which they proceeded to steal her money .

  5. 我们不接受在线信用卡账户电子结单的复印件。

    We cannot accept copies of online credit card statements .

  6. 你能把它记到我的信用卡账户上吗?

    Could you charge it to my credit card ?

  7. 这种信用合作账户通常会每年提供派息,而且不收取任何费用。

    The credit-union accounts typically offer an annual interest rate and have no fees .

  8. 本人现授权英杰华人寿保险有限公司于本人信用卡账户中扣除应缴之保费。

    I authorise Aviva Life Insurance Company Limited to charge the premium due to my credit card account .

  9. 投资者可以向本公司申请查询信用证券账户明细数据及变动记录。

    An investor may query the detailed data and change records of the credit securities account with the company .

  10. 信用证券账户对应的投资者不列示在证券持有人名册上。

    The corresponding investors of the credit securities accounts may not be filed in the list of securities holders .

  11. 证券公司应当委托第三方存管银行为客户开立实名信用资金账户。

    A securities company shall entrust a third-party depository bank to open a real-name credit capital account for the customer .

  12. 凯勒从他姑姑家回来后会试着查出信用卡账户的身份

    Caleb 's gonna try and I.D. the credit card numbers when he gets back from his aunt 's house .

  13. “人们应该比平时更加关注他们的银行和信用卡账户。”他说。

    " People should keep a closer eye than usual on their bank and credit card accounts ," he said .

  14. 本人兹授权安泰保险有限公司从本人上述之信用卡账户支取此保险所应缴之保费。

    I hereby authorise ING General Insurance International to charge my above credit card account for the premium of this insurance .

  15. 投资者日后需凭信用证券账户的明细数据自行通过证券公司主张权利。

    The investors need to claim the rights by use of the detailed data of the credit securities accounts through securities companies .

  16. 本人授权新鸿基地产保险有限公司从本人下述之信用咭账户支取旅游保险保费。

    I hereby authorize Sun Hung Kai Properties Insurance Ltd. to charge my credit card account below for the above Travel Insurance premium payment .

  17. 本人现授权银行于本人信用咭账户内支付港币元作为香港公益金的单次捐款。

    I hereby authorize my bank to debit my credit card account to make an one-off donation of hk $ to the community chest of Hong kong .

  18. 证券公司收到信用证券账户号码后,应当印制信用证券账户卡,并交付给投资者。

    A securities company shall , after receiving the numbers of credit securities accounts , make the credit securities account cards and deliver the cards to investors .

  19. 诈骗者们可能会伪造身份证件,冒充他人开通银行账户以及信用卡账户。那些受害者们将为此支付天价账单。

    By using fake IDs , fraudsters will possibly open bank and credit card accounts in other people ` s names , leaving victims to pay sky-high bills .

  20. 投资者申请开立信用证券账户时提供的姓名或名称以及有效身份证明文件应当与其普通证券账户一致。

    Any investor which applies for the credit securities account , shall provide the name or designation , and effective ID certificates which are consistent with those in its common securities account .

  21. 一名黑客说,此举是为了偷窃客户账户中的资金,用作圣诞节捐赠。一些受害人证实信用卡账户出现不明转账。

    One hacker said the goal was to pilfer funds from individuals ' accounts to give away as Christmas donations , and some victims confirmed unauthorized transactions linked to their credit cards .

  22. 证券公司注销投资者信用证券账户时,应当按照规定向本公司报备被注销的信用证券账户号码。

    A securities company shall , when canceling the credit securities accounts of investors , report the numbers of the cancelled credit securities accounts to the company for recording in accordance with the regulations .

  23. 投资者申请开立信用证券账户前,应当已经持有普通证券账户,且已经在该证券公司从事证券交易达半年或半年以上。

    An investor shall , before applying for the credit securities account , have held the common securities account , and have been engaged in securities trading at the stock exchange for about half a year or above .

  24. 安德森是她90岁寡居母亲可撤消信托的受托人,她设置了小额支票账户和信用卡账户作为母亲可以动用的零花钱。安德森将这笔钱称作“风险资金”。

    Ms. Anderson , trustee of her widowed , 90-year-old mother 's revocable trust , set up small checking and credit-card accounts that her mom can tap for incidentals -- 'at-risk money , ' Ms. Anderson calls it .

  25. 美国周一对一起涉嫌盗取1.3亿张信用卡账户信息的案件提起了刑事起诉。这起身份信息盗窃案的规模远远超过了历史上已曝光的所有同类案件。

    The US brought criminal charges on Monday over the alleged theft of account details linked to 130m credit cards , a case of identity theft that far exceeds anything of its kind that has ever come to light before .

  26. 费用从用户的银行账户(即借记账户)或信用卡账户中扣除,在该方式中,手机只是一个简单的信息通道,将用户的银行账号或信用卡号与其手机号联接起来。

    The charges is deducted from the bank ( debit ) account or credit account , in which the mobile is just a simple information channel linking the users ' bank account or credit account number and the phone number .

  27. 投资者信用证券账户明细数据在证券公司和本公司查询结果不一致的,由证券公司负责向投资者做出解释。

    If the query results of the detailed data of the credit securities accounts of investors provided by the securities company are different from those provided by the company , the securities company shall be responsible for explaining it to investors .

  28. 投资者账户注册资料发生变更的,证券公司应当按照规定向本公司报备变更后的信用证券账户注册资料。

    If there is any change to the registered information of the credit securities account of an investor , the securities company shall report the changed register information of the credit securities account to the company for recording in accordance with relevant regulations .

  29. 了结融资融券交易后有剩余证券的,在信用证券账户注销前,投资者应当申请将剩余证券从证券公司的客户信用交易担保证券账户划转到该投资者的普通证券账户。

    If there are some surplus securities after the close of the trading for financed funds and securities , the investors shall transfer the surplus securities to its common securities account from the guaranteed securities account for credit trading of clients in the securities company .

  30. 信用证券账户是证券公司客户信用交易担保证券账户的二级账户,用于记录客户委托证券公司持有的担保证券的明细数据。

    " The credit securities account " means the secondary account of the guaranteed securities account for credit trading of clients of a securities company , which can be used to record the details of the guaranteed securities held by a securities company upon Commission of clients .