
  • 网络MARKETING SKILLS;marketing technique
  1. 亨德森将获得NewStar的企业家精神、活力和营销技巧,我们则能提供企业稳定、安全和审慎,他表示。

    Henderson can pick up some of New Star 's entrepreneurial drive , energy and marketing skills and in turn we offer elements of corporate stability , security and prudence , he adds .

  2. 企业识别市场机会的营销技巧

    Marketing skills for enterprise to recognize market opportunities

  3. 他认为优衣库最终会不得不模仿Zara服饰的快速时尚营销技巧。

    He believes it will eventually have to emulate some of the fast-fashion expertise of Zara .

  4. 他发明了一种方法来测定新的营销技巧。

    He devised a system for proving new marketing techniques .

  5. 情绪似乎容易受到营销技巧的影响。

    Moods appear to be readily influenced by marketing techniques .

  6. 你能否为我们策划一个新的市场营销技巧?

    Could you project anew marketing technique for us ?

  7. 要了解专业领域的知识和实际状况,而不是营销技巧或虚夸的宣传。

    I want domain knowledge and facts , rather than salesmanship and hype .

  8. 具有优秀的营销技巧,较强的销售策划能力和运作能力;

    Have an excellent sales skills , strong sales planning abilities and operating capabilities ;

  9. 网络商铺的营销技巧

    The Marketing Skill of Net - Shop

  10. 20世纪60年代至70年代初,供职于福特汽车公司时,艾柯卡练就了他的营销技巧。

    Iacocca hones r his marketing skills at the Ford Motor Company in the1960s and early1970s .

  11. 手工艺品营销技巧,手工艺品集会,艺术节,电视展览等等。

    crafts marketing techniques , crafts fairs and sales , festivals , TV appearances and demonstrations .

  12. 珠宝文化与营销技巧

    Jewelry culture and sales technique

  13. 最后我认为,海尔集团必须拿出创新的营销技巧,以改善其品牌形象。

    Finally , the Haier Group must come up with innovative marketing techniques to improve its brand image .

  14. 德国人从其它欧洲葡萄酒商那里学到了一些营销技巧和专业技术。

    Think that Germany has learned from the marketing skills and professionalism of other European and international wine growers .

  15. 确保挑选的人员是见闻广博的、合格的人才,并有良好的交流技能以及市场营销技巧。

    Make certain that the personnel selected is informative and well qualified , with excellent communicative and marketing skills .

  16. 在日常的培训中,寿险公司除了对个人代理人的营销技巧进行培训以外,更应加强诚信品质的塑造;

    During the route training , LI companies should make more efforts to mold the truthful characters in each individual agent besides marketing skills .

  17. 主要负责服装销售工作,经过公司培训与实际操作想结合,掌握了部分营销技巧。

    Mainly be responsible for the clothing sale work , through company the training wants with actual operation to combine , controling parts of marketing techniques .

  18. 你希望你公司的形象能够首先映入客户的脑海,赠送印有公司标识的礼品就不失为明智的营销技巧。

    As you want your company 's image to be the first to pop into your client 's mind , giving away corporate logo gifts is a sensible marketing technique .

  19. 在过去的几十年,国内外企业通常依赖技术优势和营销技巧来参加有效竞争,然而在其经营发展中却遇到了很多新的挑战。

    In tens of past years , domestic and international enterprises usually rely on technical advantage and sale skill to attend effective competition , But they have met a lot new challenge in theirs operation and development .

  20. 本文从观念、机制、方法以及手段等四方面,阐述了供电企业如何提高营销技巧,适应电力市场发展的需求,不断创造供电企业和电力用户双赢的局面的观点。

    This paper elaborates how to improve sales techniques , adapt to power market development and make both power supply enterprises and power consumers obtain a profit from 4 aspects of concept , system , approach and means .

  21. 这个额外的竞争当然令校长们最出色学校的除外感到困扰,促使一些人接受更高比例的外国学生,并采用高级的营销技巧。

    This extra competition is certainly preying on the minds of headteachers at all but the most exclusive schools , prompting some to accept a higher proportion of pupils from overseas and to adopt more sophisticated marketing techniques .

  22. 然而,这家公司最近向英国《金融时报》透露了一些向超级富豪进行营销的技巧。

    However , the company recently spoke to the financial times about some of its techniques for marketing to the super-rich .

  23. 最后,以巴塞罗那为案例,通过剖析巴塞罗那利用体育进行城市营销的技巧,探悉体育与城市营销有机结合(协同)的条件,并希望以此给我国相关城市的城市营销活动以有益的启迪。

    Finally , we concluded the condition to realize the synergy between the sports and city marketing by analyzing the experience of Barcelona to enlighten the city marketing of our country .

  24. 比如,我们充分利用蕾切尔在营销和社交技巧方面的强大背景,以获取罗密欧用户界面的反馈意见。

    For example , we tap into Rechelle 's strong background in marketing and social skills to get feedback for ROMIO 's user interface .

  25. 例如:酒店发展专业,擅长市场营销和销售技巧的创新,曾在过去的12个月中为我的老板赢得了50万美元的利润。

    Example : Hospitality business development professional with a strength in creative sales and marketing techniques that generated $ 500,000 in new revenue for my employer in 12 months .

  26. 以中央计划经济向市场经济转变为特征的市场经济的改革,向经理人提出了营销技术和技巧的要求。

    The process of market reform that characterizes the move away from regimes of central planning in transition economies creates a need for managers to acquire the techniques and skills of marketing .

  27. 我们必须积极学习其先进的营销经验和管理技巧,用先进的营销理念来改革传统商业并加速工业重组。

    We must actively learn its advanced marketing experience and management skills , use modern marketing concepts to transform traditional business and accelerate industrial restructuring .

  28. 我在国际贸易专业所修的课程包括国际市场营销学、谈判技巧、国际商业法、外贸英语、英语口译等等。

    The courses I have taken in International Trade include International Marketing , Negotiation Techniques , International Business Law , English for Foreign Trade , English Interpretation , etc.

  29. 企业要把消费者教育作为长期战略,贯穿于企业营销的全过程,要正确处理消费者教育与营销技巧的关系,不断探索创新,实现消费者利益、企业价值和社会效果的和谐统一。

    Business firms should make consumer education as long-term strategy run through whole marketing course , and exactly deal with the relationship of consumer education and marketing technique , aim at the harmonious unification of consumer 's benefits , business value and social effect through ceaseless research and innovation .

  30. 社会营销是为了个人、集团或者社会整体利益,采用市场营销的原理和技巧使得目标群体自愿地接受、拒绝、改变或者摒弃一种行为的战略。

    Social marketing is a strategy that makes a voluntary target group to accept , reject or abandon a behavior by using marketing principles and techniques for the interests of individuals , groups or the whole society .