
  • 网络institutional supervision;institutional regulation
  1. 改革监管则强调逐步实现机构监管向功能监管过渡。

    Supervision reform means gradual transition from institutional supervision to functional supervision .

  2. 其次,要做到坚持功能监管与机构监管协调并重,机构监管和功能的监管应当相互配合,密切合作,共同发挥好监管作用。

    The second is to achieve the equality of functional supervision and institutional supervision and coordination , which shall coordinate with each other , closely cooperate with each other and jointly play the role of supervision .

  3. WTO框架下外资保险机构监管法律问题研究

    Study of the Law Supervising the Foreign Insurance under the Frame of WTO

  4. 徐洪才在文章中建议,应建立一个由国际货币基金组织(InternationalMonetaryFund)等类似机构监管的多储备货币体系。

    Xu , for his part , suggests moving toward a system of multiple reserve currencies overseen in part by the likes of the International Monetary Fund .

  5. 我国已经成为WTO的正式成员国,金融机构监管与管理体系要与国际接轨,金融业也将实施对外开放。

    China has become a formal member of the WTO , financial supervision and management will merge with the world , the financial industry will be open .

  6. VaR能够方便地度量金融市场的风险水平,已成为众多银行和金融机构监管与防范市场风险的标准工具。

    Value-at-Risk ( VaR ) has become a standard tool to measure market risk , widely employed by financial institutions both for internal and regulatory purposes .

  7. 论会计中介组织的竞争战略&基于湖南省CPA行业调查的研究提高会计中介机构监管成效的研究

    The study On Competitive Strategy of Accounting Intermediary Organization & Based on Investigation Research of CPA Industry in HuNan Province The Improvement of Supervision Effect of Accounting Intermediary Organizations

  8. 另外,从CNKI的检索结果表明,到目前为止,国内尚无其他研究将预测方法用于证券机构监管的定量分析。

    The statistics of CNKI shows that , up to now , no work has related regulation to forecast in the domestic literature .

  9. 而Robocoin称,加拿大推出比特币ATM机,是因为该地区使用比特币活跃,且监管较轻松。在美国,比特币交易由反洗钱机构监管。

    Robocoin said Canada was the ideal place to launch the kiosk due to a critical mass of users and less stringent oversight than in the US , where the bitcoin trade is monitored by anti-money laundering regulators .

  10. 监督审计机构监管不力,执法不严;

    The organization of supervising and auditing doesnot do its best ;

  11. 对我国有问题金融机构监管法律制度的实证分析

    Practical Analysis on Chinese Problematic Financial Institutions

  12. 目前,除了医用试剂以外,没有专门的官方机构监管试剂。

    Currently , no Chinese agency regulates research reagents , except those used for medical tests .

  13. 加强金融安全法制建设,提高金融监管机构监管水平;

    Strengthening the legal construction of financial security ; improve the supervision level of financial supervision structure ;

  14. 第二部分分析新型农村中小金融机构监管的差别监管理论基础。

    The second part discusses the theory about new rural small differences in regulatory supervision of financial institutions .

  15. 上述分割或许可由英国政府预算责任办公室这样的机构监管。

    The threefold division could perhaps be policed by a body such as the office for budget responsibility .

  16. 这是对主宰金融业的大型综合金融机构监管方面的更大差异的一部分。

    This is part of a larger gap in the regulation of the large complex financial institutions that dominate finance .

  17. 在允许商业保险区别对待的同时,政府应成立专门的机构监管保险公司科学和公平地使用基因信息。

    The government should set up a special body to monitor insurance companies scientific and equitable use of genetic information .

  18. 分析师表示,为了完全释放三网融合的潜力,监管职能将不得不进行合并,由一家机构监管。

    Analysts say that to unlock the full potential of network convergence , they would have to be merged under one regulator .

  19. 信息披露是投资者了解上市公司,证券监管机构监管上市公司的主要途径,也是上市公司必须履行的一项法定义务。

    Information disclosure is the main way through which the investors learn the public companies and the security supervising institutions supervise the public companies .

  20. 首先对我国大陆几种典型的监管模式进行了分析,这其中包括政府监管模式、商业银行监管模式、中介机构监管模式。

    This part firstly analyzes the main typical supervision models in mainland , including government supervision , commercial bank supervision , and intermediary institutions supervision .

  21. 多家联邦政府机构监管金融系统&仅针对银行监管的就有五家,对于证券、衍生品和政府支持的房屋抵押贷款机构各有一家。

    Multiple federal agencies oversee the financial system : five for banks alone , and one each for securities , derivatives and the government-sponsored mortgage agencies .

  22. 本文开篇介绍了评级机构监管的相关理论,评级机构作为金融市场基础设施的一部分,评级市场也存在一定的市场失灵问题,需要政府对评级机构进行监管。

    Credit rating agencies as part of the financial market infrastructure , there are also some market failure problem . Therefore , credit rating market also needs government regulation .

  23. [目的]分析不规范行为的分布,为加强新农合定点医疗机构监管提供决策依据与参考。

    [ Objective ] To analyze the distribution of the unregulated actions , and offer some evidences to strengthen the supervision to appointed medical institutions of new rural CMS .

  24. 该章分四节,分别围绕信息披露制度的完善、企业价值评估制度的完善、中介机构监管制度的完善、司法救济制度的完善四个方面展开论述。

    This chapter , subdivided into four sections , explores the improvement of information disclosure system , company value appraisal system , intermediate institutions regulation system and judicial remedy system .

  25. 纵观各国监管实践,可以得出一些构建和完善我国小额贷款机构监管制度的有益经验。

    Panoramic viewing of the national regulatory practice , we can get some useful experience about building and perfecting the supervisory system of the institutions of small loan in China .

  26. 本文回顾了美国对信用评级机构监管的制度变迁过程,重点分析了美国在次贷危机中对评级机构监管不力的原因以及存在的问题。

    This paper reviews the institution change of credit rating agencies of the United States and analyses the causes and problems of inadequate supervision on the rating agencies in the sub-prime crisis .

  27. 首先分析了我国目前面部整容的监管现状,即整容行业秩序混乱、整容监管机构监管不力、整容纠纷不断。

    First analyzes the present situation of facial plastic supervision , summing up the chaos order of cosmetic industry , the powerless supervise of cosmetic industry and the incessant disputes of facial plastic .

  28. 本章通过对美欧的信用评级监管制度分析,为我国资产支持证券市场的信用评级机构监管提供借鉴。

    This chapter did the research of the monitoring system of credit rating analysis in USA and Europe and put forward a reference to our asset-backed securities market supervision of credit rating agencies .

  29. 我国乡镇卫生院存在的主要问题是卫生资源效率低、预防保健工作滑坡、对村级卫生机构监管弱化。

    At present the major problems confronting domestic township hospitals are inefficient use of health resources , deterioration of preventive and health care work , and weakened supervision over health institutions at the village level .

  30. 但是,在邮政储蓄快速发展的同时,也带来了货币政策执行、农村经济发展、监管机构监管等一系列的问题。

    However , the rapid growth of China Postal Savings has brought a series of problems in monetary policy implement , rural economy development , and the central bank 's supervising at the same time .