
jī dònɡ sān lún chē
  • motor tricycle
  1. 引言前叉减振器是机动三轮车和摩托车上的重要部件之一,其阻尼是反映减振器性能的一个重要参数。

    FFSI is an important part in motor tricycle and motorcycle and its damping is one of the important factors influencing its performance .

  2. Ola已是印度最大叫车公司,每日通过出租车、租赁汽车和机动三轮车提供75万次的用车服务,占据印度80%的市场份额。

    Ola is already India 's biggest taxi-hailing business , with 750000 journeys a day in taxis , leased cars and motorised rickshaws giving it an 80 per cent market share .

  3. 不像机动三轮车需要烧燃料,人力三轮车不产生污染。

    Unlike auto rickshaws , which burn fuel , cycle rickshaws produce no pollution .

  4. 它的主街道上空荡荡的,一个男人在机动三轮车上打瞌睡,两个老妇扛着锄头朝城外的稻田缓缓走去。

    A man dozed on a motorized rickshaw , while two old women with hoes shuffled toward the rice paddies outside town .