
  • 网络Variety Show;entertainment evening party
  1. 论电视文艺晚会策划的五要素

    On the Five Elements for Planning a TV Entertainment Evening Party Television

  2. 电视文艺晚会是电视艺术中综合性最强的艺术样式之一。

    The entertainment evening party is one of the most comprehensive artistic forms in TV art .

  3. 成功的设计和制作各类型文艺晚会服装。

    The success design and manufactures various types cultural show clothing .

  4. 电视文艺晚会是近二十几年才发展起来的。

    TV variety show in the last 20 years has it developed .

  5. 我们结婚',成为全国第一个地以为婚姻文艺晚会。

    We Got Married'became the nation 's first make-believe marriage variety show .

  6. 除夕要举行文艺晚会。

    There will be performances on new year eve .

  7. 文艺晚会由七个各自不同的节目组成。

    There were seven programs , each was unique .

  8. 在学校大厅举办文艺晚会。

    Held in the school hall variety show .

  9. 它与一般的文艺晚会不同,有自身鲜明的特点和创作规律。

    It with general literature evening party , have their own distinct features and creation .

  10. 结合实例探讨色彩变化在电视文艺晚会灯光设计中的重要作用。

    The change of color plays an important role in lighting design of gala evening by exemplifying .

  11. 比如学校的文艺晚会,一些大型的迎接新生的艺术演出等等。

    For example , the school celebration meet some of the major new artistic performances and so on .

  12. 跨太平洋海岸公路,赶上在码头广场户外音乐会或文艺晚会。

    Cross the Pacific Coast Highway and catch an outdoor concert or art show at the Pier Plaza .

  13. 三晋文明之光&2002平遥国际摄影大展开幕式文艺晚会侧记

    The Lights of Shanxi 's Civilization Sidelights on the evening gala and the opening ceremony of 2002 Pingyao International Photography Festival

  14. 电视文艺晚会的节目质量不高,其主要原因之一是对构成晚会的要素策划不够充分。

    The low quality of a TV entertainment program can be a result of inadequate planning concerning the consisting entertainment elements .

  15. 今年开幕式文艺晚会安排在壮观的钱塘江畔星光大道中心广场举行。

    The opening evening party will be held on the central square of Xingguang Avenue at the bank of Qiantang River .

  16. 七年主持经验,曾主持过市级大型文艺晚会,并有假期电视台实习经验,采编播一体实习。

    The experience of2007 has presided over a municipal large theatrical show , and a holiday TV internship experience , one editorial broadcast internship .

  17. 大会将举行三大主体活动:一是开幕式暨文艺晚会。二是湘商财富论坛。三是湖南产业推介暨重大项目签约仪式。

    There are three main activities during the convention : the opening ceremony & the performance show , Hunan entrepreneurs'fortune forum , and the signing ceremony .

  18. 目的评价《飘动的红丝带》预防艾滋病大型公益文艺晚会大众媒体健康教育宣传效果。

    Objective To evaluate the effect of large - scale news media health education campaign on AIDS prevention with the scheme of " Fluttering Red Ribbon " .

  19. 在业余的春节文艺晚会,普通老百姓应邀提交他们的作品参加,就是这种现象的民众魅力最好不过的例子。

    The amateur Spring Festival Gala , in which ordinary people are invited to submit work , is a perfect example of the phenomenon 's grassroots appeal .

  20. 演艺界人士参加由中国红十字会与外交部和文化部等单位联合举办的“中国人爱心大行动文艺晚会”义演并慷慨解囊捐款。

    The entertainers take part in the " Love From China " art performance co-organised by Red Cross of China , Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Culture for donations .

  21. 我把从评估晚会中取到的“经”,经过自己的艺术理解,在我学院的文艺晚会上变成属于我的艺术。

    I learnt a lot from the director of the assessment party , with which I added my own understanding of art and applied it to the evening party of my department .

  22. 参加“旅游之夜文艺晚会”组织协调工作,到孔庙负责演出相关事项安排;

    Then he was in charge of the organization work of " Tourism Night Literature and Art Evening Party ", he arranged the relevant issues of the performance in a Confucian temple .

  23. 这样一种心态使得像中央电视台春节文艺晚会的总设计,还有奥运会开幕式设计师张艺谋这些舞台者对这一职业表示前所未有的畏惧。

    This mentality has made the job of impresarios , such as the producers of CCTV 's Lunar New Year Eve gala and Zhang Yimou of " Olympic-Opening-Ceremony ", more daunting than ever .

  24. 昨晚,西湖区举办“美丽赞”大型文艺晚会,晚会上公布了去年西湖区的美丽指数&90.3分。

    Yesterday , the West Lake District held the large-scale performances " Beautiful Praise " . During the performances , it published the last year 's beautiful index of West Lake District & 90.3 .

  25. 其次,将理论表述与生动的个案相结合,使节奏在电视文艺晚会中的功能、作用、价值得以充分体现,对于电视文艺实践有一定的应用价值和学术意义。

    Second , the theory of the case presentation and a lively combination so that the " rhythm " in the " television variety show " in the function , role , value can be fully reflected cultural practice for television has some value and academic significance .

  26. 负责设计和组织与英语学习有关的娱乐活动,例如各种文艺表演、晚会、及旅游。

    Be responsible for designing and organizing recreational activities concerning English study , such as all kinds of performances , parties , travel , etc.

  27. 美感文艺与快感文艺&春节联欢晚会与游戏娱乐节目之比较

    Art in Aesthetic vs. Art in Delight & Comparison between the Show of Chinese Spring Festival Party and Amusement Games