
  • 网络VOLGA;Volga River;AvtoVAZ;Vodka
  1. 来自伏尔加地区的移民建起了这个村庄。

    The village was founded by settlers from the Volga region .

  2. 伏尔加河水终将干涸。

    In the end the Volga 's waters will run dry .

  3. 但在Bystro餐厅,大马哈鱼产自摩尔曼斯克(Murmansk),梭鲈则产自伏尔加河(Volga)。

    In Bystro , however , the salmon comes from Murmansk and the pike-perch from the Volga .

  4. 介绍了以国产492Q型发动机活塞连秆组件代用伏尔加24型轿车活塞连杆组件的方法。

    This paper describes the substitution of piston and connecting rod assembles in domestic 492Q model engines for ones in VOLGA-24 passenger cars .

  5. 但是,无论在什么地方,如果市场不受任何约束因承担过度的风险,缺乏监管或腐败那么一切都会受到威胁,不论我们居住在密西西比河(Mississippi)流域,还是伏尔加(Volga)河畔。

    But wherever the market is allowed to run rampant through excessive risk-taking , a lack of regulation , or corruption then all are endangered , whether we live on the Mississippi or on the Volga .

  6. 但是,无论在什么地方,如果市场不受任何约束——因承担过度的风险,缺乏监管或腐败——那么一切都会受到威胁,不论我们居住在密西西比河(Mississippi)流域,还是伏尔加(Volga)河畔。

    But wherever the market is allowed to run rampant -- through excessive risk-taking , a lack of regulation , or corruption -- then all are endangered , whether we live on the Mississippi or on the Volga .

  7. 伏尔加24型轿车活塞连杆组件的代用

    Substitution of Piston and Con-Rod Assembles in VOLGA Passenger Cars

  8. 伏尔加河以及乌拉尔河都有流入里海。

    The Volga River and the Ural River discharge into the Caspian Sea .

  9. 伏尔加河是欧洲第一长河。

    The Volga River is Europe 's longest river .

  10. 如果我有装备的话,我会自己注射伏尔加酒的。

    If I had the equipment , I think I 'd inject the vodka .

  11. 在过去的时间里海的水位不断的增长和下降,一些俄罗斯的历史学家提出了一个中世纪的导致里海水位增长的原因。伏尔加河以及乌拉尔河都有流入里海。

    The level of the Caspian has fallen and risen many times over the centuries .

  12. 近百年里海海平面的升降与伏尔加三角洲的发育

    Caspian sea-level fluctuation and development of the Volga River Delta during the last 100 years

  13. 大量拉达,伏尔加,莫斯科人等俄罗斯车系刹车盘,刹车鼓。

    Large supply Lada , Moscow , Volga and other Russian cars brake drum brakes .

  14. 伏尔加之声为何有久远的魅力

    Everlasting Glamour from the Sound of Volga

  15. 你确定吗?你看起来像是那种喜欢喝伏尔加兑橘子汁的女孩。

    Man : Are you sure ? You look like a vodka-and-orange type of girl .

  16. 同时,女士也暗示,她不喜欢被叫做“喜欢和伏尔加兑橘子汁的女孩”。

    She also indicates that she doesn 't like being called a'vodka-and-orange type of girl ' .

  17. 苏联伏尔加钢管厂

    Volga steel tube works in USSR

  18. 有一天,两个卡尔梅克(古蒙古人)的神仙决定要把这座山搬到伏尔加河边上去。

    One day two saint Kalmyks decided to bring it to the bank of the Volga River .

  19. 从伏尔加到乌拉尔山脉的鞑靼人所说的突厥语。

    The Turkic language spoken by the Tatar people living from the Volga to the Ural Mountains .

  20. 她在风暴中被她的婆婆追逐,直到她将自己淹没在伏尔加。

    She is pursued through the storm by her mother-in-law until she drowns herself in the Volga .

  21. 但今年,从里海来伏尔加河产卵的鱼群数量减少了。

    But this year , fewer fish are coming into the Volga delta from the Caspian Sea to spawn .

  22. 电影讲述的是1918年参加血腥的俄罗斯内战中战斗在伏尔加河畔的匈牙利人的故事。

    The film examines Hungarians fighting in the Red Army in 1918 during the bloody Russian civil war near the Volga .

  23. 他要留在伏尔加河,一直等到悲剧降临,而戈林的骗不了人的瞎话在这一点上给他帮了忙。

    He wanted to stay at the Volga until tragedy befell , and Goring 's transparent lie helped him to do it .

  24. 世界上最大的咸水湖,位于伊朗和俄罗斯之间,有伏尔加河供水;世界上最大的内陆水体。

    A large saltwater lake between Iran and Russia fed by the Volga River ; the largest inland body of water in the world .

  25. 他们跨过伏尔加河,袭击离莫斯科东南部100英里处的梁赞,强行攻占该城并杀害市民。

    They crossed the Volga and attacked ryazan , 100 miles southeast of moscow , took the city by assault and killed the citizens .

  26. 加快推动长江中上游地区和俄罗斯伏尔加河沿岸联邦区的合作。

    We should accelerate cooperation between regions on the upper and middle reaches of the Yangtze River and their counterparts along Russia 's Volga River .

  27. 苏联欧洲部分一城市,位于伏尔加河上;年到年冬天第二次世界大战中德国人战败地。

    A city in the European part of Russia on the Volga ; site of German defeat in World War II in the winter of 1942-43 .

  28. 一般类型:早期专业部队由于蒙古铁骑入侵,伏尔加流域的塔塔尔部落只得辗转迁徙至立陶宛,在那里寻找新的家园。

    Having lost their homelands to the Mongol Horde , these Volga Tartars have made their way to Lithuania , where they now look to establish a new society .

  29. 俄罗斯特产鱼子酱产量锐减,其主要原因是伏尔加河受到废水的严重污染。

    The main cause of the fact that there is a sharp decline in the output of caviar , an indigenous product in Russia , is the grave contamination of the Volga by sewage .

  30. 俄国伏尔加河上的鱼民们提供世界上百分之二十的黑鱼子酱,他们从鲟鱼这种象恐龙一样古老的鱼种的肚子里将鱼子挤出。

    Russian fishermen on the Volga River catch around 20 % of the world 's black caviar , tearing it out of the bellies of giant sturgeon , a species as old as the dinosaurs .