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Fú xī
  • Fuxi
  • one of the earliest legendary rulers
伏羲 [fú xī]
  • [one of the earliest legendary rulers] (2852-2738 B.C.) 我国古代传说中的人物。古帝,即太昊。《白虎通考》:三皇者,何谓也?伏羲、神农、燧人也。按:伏羲,亦作伏戏、皇羲、宓牺、包牺。风姓。有胜德。始画八封;造书契;教民佃、渔、畜牧。都陈。相传在位115年,传十五世,凡千二百六十载

  1. 伏羲祭祀变迁中的文化内涵分析

    An Analysis on Culture Connotation of Change in FuXi 's Sacrifice

  2. 良渚文化时期的伏羲神话母题

    The Motif of Fuxi Mythology during the Period of Liangzhu Culture

  3. 伏羲文化对中国古代数学的影响

    The Influence of Fuxi Culture on the Ancient Mathematics in China

  4. 伏羲画卦的神话学考察

    A study on Fuxi 's drawing trigrams or hexagrams by mythology

  5. 论中国古史传说时代与伏羲文化研究&兼论天水市弘扬伏羲文化的成就

    Research into the Legendary Times of Ancient Chinese History and Fuxi Culture

  6. 伏羲、几蘧也是如此,一般人那更不用说了。

    As for the Common people it is also true .

  7. 伏羲文化更是一种寻根文化,研究伏羲文化有着重大现实意义。

    Today , the research on the Fuxi culture is much reality .

  8. 第五个桓雄季白最小的儿子是太昊伏羲。

    The fifth hwanung , Da EUI bahls youngest son was taeho bokhi .

  9. 伏羲与大禹&基于信仰与民俗起源意义上的比较研究

    Fu Xi and Da Yu & A Comparative Study of Faith and Folk-Culture Genesis

  10. 伏羲文化的精神特质及其现代阐释

    The Spiritual Character and Interpretation of Fuxi Culture

  11. 为什古代的中国历史学家只是把伏羲当作一个传说人物?

    Why did ancient Chinese historians initially consider Fu Xi as just a legend ?

  12. 燧人、伏羲、神农是中国历史上的三个贤明的帝王。

    Chinese history remembers Suiren , Fuxi and Shennong as the Three Sage Kings .

  13. 论中国神话时代的基本划分&以盘古、女娲、伏羲三个神话时代为例所做的历史文化考察

    Basic Division of Myth Ages in China

  14. 甘肃天水伏羲庙建筑特色初探

    On the Architectural Characteristics of Fuxi Temple

  15. 话说伏羲文化&中国古代民族史研究札记

    On the Fuxi Culture & Reading Notes of the Research of the Chinese Ancient National History

  16. 中国传说称伏羲氏三位祖先中地位最高的。

    Chinese legend says that Fu Xi is the most senior one among the three ancestors .

  17. 伏羲、女娲神话与中国古代蛇崇拜

    Fu-hsi , N ü wa Mythology and Worship of the Snake in China 's Ancient Times

  18. 泥泥狗产生的根本原因是伏羲文化孕育下的必然结果。

    The mud puppy from the fundamental reason is Fuxi cultural conception of the inevitable result .

  19. 伏羲文化是中华文化之主源之一和重要组成部分。

    The Fuxi culture is one of the fountain head and most important in the Chinese culture .

  20. 麦积山石窟交龙龛饰图像与中国传统文化中的“伏羲女娲”无关。

    The image of Maijishan intertwined dragons has no concern with Fuxi Nuwa in Chinese traditional culture .

  21. 有人相信易经是由传奇故事中中国的皇帝伏羲氏创立的。

    It is believed to have been invented by Fu Hsi , a legendary emperor of China .

  22. 伏羲文化研究简论

    Research into Fuxi Culture

  23. 大地湾先进的生产技术和以太阳崇拜为核心的意识形态孕育了伏羲文化。

    The advanced production technology and the ideology taking sun worship as the core have bred Fuxi culture .

  24. 伏羲文化是中华文化之根&示意符号与示意文字的真实涵义

    The Root of Chinese Culture : Fu Xi Culture & The Real Connotations of Signs and Signal Characters

  25. 华夏古老文明的源头&太昊伏羲东夷部落管理思想钩沉

    The Source of the Ancient Chinese Civilization & On the management thought of the ancient tribes in the east

  26. 伏羲虎文化与彝族八卦初探&兼谈伏羲文化是全球最古老的文化

    A tentative research on the relationship between the Tiger culture of Fuxi and the eight trigrams of the Yi nationality

  27. 伏羲氏、燧人氏的社会跟现代的社会是完完全全不同的规模。结构不同,政府需要做的事也不同。

    The society of Fuxi Shi and Shuiren Shi are totally different from modern society in scale , structure and function .

  28. 伏羲祭祀乐舞&夹板舞的历史演变及现代文化价值研究

    Fu Xi sacrificial offering dancing to music & History of the evolution of splint dance and research of the modern culture

  29. 据传说,古代中国三大帝君第一位伏羲氏就是在陈去世的。

    According to the legend , Fu Xi , the first of the Three Sovereigns of ancient China , died in the city .

  30. 伏羲庙周围有大量的传统民居和店面,以庙为中心形成了伏羲城。

    There are plenty of traditional houses and stores around Fuxi Temple , which form Fuxi City with the temple as the center .