
jǐng jù
  • epigram;aphorism;phrase;saying
警句 [jǐng jù]
  • [aphorism] 简洁而含义深刻动人的句子。如先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐

警句[jǐng jù]
  1. 名言警句是中华文化的重要组成部分。

    Famous aphorism is an important component of Chinese culture .

  2. 他的演说滔滔雄辩,警句迭出,被公认为出类拔萃的大演说家。

    His speech torrential convincing argument , the aphorism repeat leaves , is recognized as the big orator who stands out .

  3. 那位老学者的文章里总是有很多名言警句。

    The old scholar 's writing is always full of tags .

  4. 他不断追求漂亮警句的手法则很容易使人厌倦。

    His ceaseless straining after brilliant epigrams quickly becomes irritating .

  5. 警句为了求效果大多言过其实,这句也不例外。

    Most epigrams exaggerate for effect , and this is no exception .

  6. 你要知道,我正在收集你的格言和警句。

    You knew , I collect your mottoes and sentences .

  7. 简洁的,警句的,富于格言的,说教的。

    Concise , pithy ; abounding with maxims and proverbs .

  8. 阐述或转述警句的人。

    To express oneself in or as if in aphorisms .

  9. 一个突如其来的形象或警句突然把意境照亮。

    Suddenly a surprising image or epigram will light up the scene .

  10. 由三行短诗构成的警句式的日本诗。

    An epigrammatic Japanese verse form of three short lines .

  11. 所罗门的警句①的这一变体引起了那妇人的叹息。

    This variation to Solomon 's exclamation elicited a sigh from the woman .

  12. 这种说法只不过是虚饰的警句。

    These statements are but " ornamental phrases " .

  13. 但是,连同富有激情的警句,你务必保持住旁观者的超然。

    But keep , along with the spirited mot , a third-person detachment .

  14. 广告警句修辞方法简论

    Brief Discussion on Rhetorical Devices in Advertising Slogans

  15. 辨警策与警句;

    Distinguishing between enlivening passage and epigram ;

  16. 他的警句用于今日也是不差。

    His words are equally true today .

  17. 一些陈词滥调象尘土一样扬起,一些格言警句象洪水一样到处泛滥。

    The aphorisms started following like water as all the old cliches got dusted off .

  18. 她会用警句不断地敲打我。

    She could tattoo me with epigrams .

  19. 它是否有点像在日本诗歌里“枕边耳语”的警句呢?

    Is that like the " pillow words " that separate phrases in Japanese poetry ?

  20. 他自己创作的极为精彩的警句。

    Brilliant epigrams of his own invention .

  21. 血细胞分析仪白细胞分类异常警句分析及临床应用的评价

    WBC classification of automated blood analyzer : evaluation of suspect epigrams and its clinical application

  22. 啊,看在上帝的份上,别这么开口闭口搬弄警句吧,伯莎不客气地打断他说。

    " Oh , for God 's sake , don 't be sententious ," Bertha interrupted fiercely .

  23. 第二个方面,对《孟子》中的格言警句及成语进行了具体而详细的分析。

    The second aspect , the motto of Meng epigram and proverb a concrete and detailed analysis .

  24. 英语平行句、警句和积极词汇是英语句级语义结构的重要组成部分。

    Balanced sentence , aphoristic writing and active vocabulary are important component parts of the semantic structure .

  25. 励志格言。我喜欢把这些名言警句打印出来,摆放在我的电脑桌上。

    Motivational quotes . I like to print them out or put them on my computer desktop .

  26. 而几乎每次开车时,我也都能回忆起他的某条警句。

    Almost every time I drive anywhere , one of his unmistakably worded proverbs comes back to me .

  27. 目的探讨血细胞分析仪异常警句在临床应用的价值。

    Objective To study the value and the clinical application of the suspect epigrams of automated blood analyzer .

  28. 现在我路过这儿就进来,因为我想要当天的警句!

    Now I come here every time I go by because I want the thought for the day .

  29. 对于斯托克代尔而言,斯多葛主义并不是一组机智、给人慰藉的警句,而是一种令人筋疲力尽的实践。

    Stoicism for Stockdale was not a set of cute , consoling aphorisms , but a gruelling practice .

  30. 他也是个虔诚的天主教徒,有传教士般的使命感,言谈充满圣经警句般美妙的韵律。

    He 's also a devout Catholic with a missionary fervor , and his conversation glistens with Biblical cadences .