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máo lā
  • mullah;imam;mollah; ahung
毛拉 [máo lā]
  • (1) [mullah] 阿拉伯语 maulā

  • (2) 的译音。原意为先生、主人。后成为某些地方的穆斯林对伊斯兰教学者的尊称。我国新疆地区某些穆斯林对阿訇的称呼

  1. 它以毛拉FM广为人知,法兹鲁拉则成了电台毛拉。

    It became known as Mullah FM and Fazlullah as the Radio Mullah .

  2. 毛拉FM开军队的玩笑。

    Mullah FM made jokes about the army .

  3. 在毛拉FM建立约一年以后,法兹鲁拉的行径变得更为激进。

    After Mullah FM had been on air for about a year , Fazlullah became more aggressive .

  4. 不久后,人们告诉他,他们在“毛拉FM”上听到了他的大名,沙赫·道兰出言恐吓他的人身安全。

    Afterwards people told him his name was heard on Mullah FM in a threat from Shah Douran .

  5. 留着胡须的毛拉在一座藏匿于山中的秘密核设施里监视着旋转的离心机脑海中的这幅画面听上去像是詹姆斯邦德(Jamesbond)影片里的某个场景。

    The mental image of bearded mullahs watching spinning centrifuges in a secret nuclear-facility hidden in a mountain sounds like something out of a James Bond film .

  6. 我还写道,在毛拉FM公布时间后,人们成群结队去欣赏鞭刑,而无论在哪里,都看不到警察的身影。

    I also wrote about people going to watch the floggings announced on Mullah FM , and the fact that the police were nowhere to be seen .

  7. 大家开玩笑说MMA是毛拉军事联盟,说他们被选上是因为穆沙拉夫支持他们。

    People jokingly referred to the MMA as the Mullah Military Alliance and said they got elected because they had Musharraf " s support .

  8. 在“毛拉FM”上,法兹鲁拉说她离经叛道,死有余辜。倘若有任何女孩敢在班惹市场表演,她们将一个个步上她的后尘。

    On Mullah FM , Fazlullah said she deserved to die for her immoral character and any other girls found performing in Banr Bazaar would be killed one by one .

  9. 无论是过去还是现在,世界上都存在很多这样的政权,在夺去了人的希望之后又植入绝望:1950年代的斯大林(Stalin)政权,2013年的德黑兰毛拉政权。

    Lots of regimes around the world , past and present , take away hope and institutionalize despair : Stalin in the 1950s , the mullahs in Tehran in 2013 .

  10. 第二天早上,我们会在电视上看到更多的塔利班杀人事件。我们疑惑不解,军队到底在山里对着什么东西开炮?为什么他们连阻止“毛拉FM”日复一日的广播节目都办不到?

    Then the morning after , on TV , we would hear of more Taliban killings and wonder what the army was doing with all its booming cannons and why they could not even stop the daily broadcasts on Mullah FM .

  11. “你在哪里找到她的?”毛拉问。

    " Where did you find her ?" asked the Mullah .

  12. 毛拉四面八方寻找了一通,直到太累才歇息。

    The Mullah ran about looking until he was too tired .

  13. 于是,电台毛拉把目标瞄准学校。

    Then the Radio Mullah turned his attention to schools .

  14. “我刚才是说着玩的!”毛拉说。

    " I was joking !" said the Mullah .

  15. 我们与父亲的朋友法扎尔•毛拉和他的女儿一起受访。

    We went with my father 's friend Fazal Maula and his daughter .

  16. 新娘必须对毛拉头两次提出的问题保持沉默。

    Twice the bride must remain silent to the questions of the mullahs .

  17. 毛拉不能食言。

    The Mullah couldn 't break his word .

  18. 毛拉们将会宣称,他们关于美国的所有说法都是正确的。

    The mullahs would claim they had been right all along about the US .

  19. 没人知道毛拉要绳子干什么。

    No one had any idea why the Mullah should want a piece of rope .

  20. 星期六,村里的男人和男孩都来到驴市场。人们发现,有一只猫被用绳子拴在毛拉的驴子的尾巴上!

    On Saturday , man and boy in the village came to the donkey fair .

  21. 让毛拉们放轻松?

    Get the mullahs to lighten up ?

  22. 这些人之中有一位是毛拉,父亲动用了点儿关系,让他被释放出来。

    One of them was a maulana and my father managed to get him freed .

  23. 阿萨德如果下台,伊朗的毛拉们就会失去一个最重要的战略盟友。

    The fall of Mr Assad would rob the mullahs of their most vital strategic ally .

  24. 有一次,我给他念纳斯鲁丁毛拉的故事,他让我停下来。

    One time , I was reading him a Mullah Nasruddin story and he stopped me .

  25. 在驴市场举行前夕,毛拉买了一根绳子。

    On the night before the donkey fair , the Mullah bought a piece of rope .

  26. 毛拉深鞠一躬,跪在她面前,讲述了自己的故事。

    To her the Mullah made obeisance , and , kneeling before her , told his tale .

  27. 就在那时,毛拉听到驴子的蹄声。

    Just then the Mullah heard the sound of his donkey 's feet . He looked around .

  28. “的确,我将以一块钱出售驴子,”毛拉说。

    " It is true , I 'll sell my donkey for a dollar ," said the Mullah .

  29. 所以我念些不那么有挑战性的东西,比如装腔作势的纳斯鲁丁毛拉和他那头驴子出洋相的故事。

    So I read him unchallenging things , like the misadventures of the bumbling Mullah Nasruddin and his donkey .

  30. 人们发现,有一只猫被用绳子拴在毛拉的驴子的尾巴上!

    They found a cat tied with a piece of rope to the tail of the Mullah 's donkey !