
Enterprise Human Resource Strategy Research Based on New Human Resource Sight
The fourth chapter discusses how to implement human resource strategy based on " new " human recourse sight .
Therefore , this paper studies human resources strategy from 5 parts on a new sight based on ability and performances .
The first chapter , from essential of new human resource sight and its significance of human recourse development work and management , explains research meaning for practice and theory based on " new " enterprise human resource strategy .
Three Stages of the Development of Talent Outlook in New China
The Outlook of Talents and Higher Educational Reform in the New Century
An innovative Chinese language teacher is to be armed with modernized concept of teaching and learning , strong sense of responsibility , and the spirit of enterprise .
Teachers in 21st century must build up the new ideas of person with ability and the education of life . They must master new teaching mode , and rebuild self-orientation to receive the challenge .
With the great development of Multimedia Computer System Technology and Network Communication Technology , the human has stepped into an energetic and creative information era , which brings a new outlook of intelligence in the society .
The evolution and basic characteristic of new national talented person concept
In order to suit the system of socialist market economy , we need a new view on youth talent .
And from the micro-level we . should establish a new operational concept of human capital , improve corporate management and control mode of response .
To insist on fostering person of a talent according to Three Facing : facing modernization , facing world , facing future , and to change the concept fostering new century talent of physical education are very important .
The new quality perspective of teaching-research in general senior middle school should be alloy of new academic perspective , talent perspective and benefit perspective .