
  • 网络New teaching methods;a new teaching system
  1. 五十所学校的学生将作为这些新教学法的试验对象。

    Students in fifty schools are to act as guinea pigs for these new teaching methods .

  2. 有证据表明他的新教学法很管用。

    There is evidence that his new teaching method works .

  3. 他的新教学法终于奏效了。

    His new method of teaching answered after all .

  4. 汽车电控技术课程新教学法的探讨

    Research of New Teaching Method of Auto Electronic Control Techniques

  5. 现代地理新教学法评述

    Comments on New PedagogY for Modern Geography

  6. 因此,与许多人的预测不同,高等教育在线革命的影响力或许更大,但也可能更小:作为新教学法诞生的推动力量,它将产生巨大的影响;

    So the online revolution in higher education will be both bigger and smaller than people think : big as a driver of new teaching methodology ;

  7. 本文试图从起源、系统结构和新教学法的意义三方面来讨论被称之为过时的传统教学法的真正意义。

    This paper tries to explore the true value of the so-called out-dated traditional pedagogy from the perspectives of the origin , system and structure , and the problems of the new pedagogies .

  8. 经过对比实验,新教学法能充分调动学生的积极性和主动性,有利于太极拳技能的掌握,提高教学效果。

    Through contrasting experiment , it turns out that the new teaching method can fully stimulate the undergraduates ' interest in learning and can be beneficial to their mastering the skill and improving the teaching effect .

  9. 根据对江苏信息职业技术学院中德合作班职业技术教学实践的分析研究发现,从德国引进的职业技术教育新教学法,在应用的程度、准确度等各个方面还存在许多问题。

    According to the research on the teaching practice of Sino-Germany class in Jiangsu vocational and technical college of information , the results show that there exist many problems in the application degree and correct degree in the new teaching methods introduced from Germany .

  10. 他的新英语教学法很受学生欢迎。

    His new approach to teaching English was very popular among the students .

  11. 目前新的教学法有案例教学,PBL教学,导入教学,多媒体教学,类比教学等。

    Presently the new methods include case study , PBL teaching , lead-in teaching , multi-media teaching and analogy teaching etc.

  12. 方法对同时开课的两个班分别采用传统教学法以及传统与PBL相结合的新的教学法授课。

    Method : Traditional teaching method and a combination of traditional method and PBL were applied to 2 classes respectively in the same teaching phase .

  13. 我们学校采用了一种新的教学法。

    Our school has adopted a new teaching method .

  14. 他想采用新的教学法。

    He wants to adopt a new teaching method .

  15. 本文主要探讨了一种新的教学法&交际英语教学法。

    This article mainly discusses a new teaching methodology & the communicative English teaching methodology .

  16. 2应用先进的最新的教学法与教育理论。

    Employing advanced teaching methodology .

  17. 教师囿于传统教学法之中,加则教师语言水平十分有限以及传统的考试模式等问题不一而足。因而许多英语教师为这种新的教学法所困扰。

    Teachers with limited language proficiency and traditional form-based examinations , many English teachers are overwhelmed by this new approach .

  18. 研究者们强调,我们需要寻找一种新的教学法来解决这些问题。

    Researchers in China highlighted the need to figure out a new approach to address the issues in all disciplines , including teaching and learning .

  19. 同时他们也在建立和传播一种新的教学法:教育者和学习者一起创造、推进、发展知识,在此过程中,深化各自的技能和理解力。

    They are also planting the seeds of a new pedagogy where educators and learners create , shape and evolve knowledge together , deepening their skills and understanding as they go .

  20. 自二十世纪初,直接教学法对语法翻译教学法进行批判以来,在英语教学中翻译教学不断地受到各种各样新的教学法的质疑和排斥。

    Since the early twentieth century , grammar-translation approach has been criticized by direct teaching method . Translation teaching has been continuously questioned and rejected by a variety of new teaching methods in senior high school .

  21. 结果对两班考核结果进行统计学分析,试验班在知识运用、创新能力及临床技能方面明显优于对照班,理论知识测试两班成绩相当,学生评价新的教学法优于传统教学法。

    Results : Statistical analysis to the tests of the 2 classes showed that they had almost the same performances on the theoretical test , but the experiment class was much better in terms of knowledge application , invention and clinical skills .

  22. 仅从国内汉语作为第二语言教学来说,教师并没有普遍应用这种新的教学法,即使有一定的应用一般也多限于写作和口语两种课型,而在听力教学中很少受到重视和应用。

    From the view of domestic Chinese teaching as second language , teachers are not applied this new method in teaching activities . In Chinese writing and oral Chinese classes may the chunk theory is applied , but seldom used in listening class .

  23. 学校应采用新的外语教学法。

    The schools must adopt new methods of teaching foreign languages .

  24. 我提出了一个新的英语教学法。

    I put forward a new method of teaching English .

  25. 同结构立体教学法是近年在国内创建的一种新的体操教学法。

    The unified structure and stereoscopic teaching method is a new gymnastics teaching method , which has been introduced in our country recently .

  26. 运用教育工程方法管理教育工程项目&教育工程学研究的新取向项目教学法在软件工程教学中的理论和实践

    New Orientation of Educational Engineering Research ; A Study of Theory and Practice of Project Teaching Method in " Software Engineering " Teaching

  27. 内容依托式教学法作为一种较新的外语教学法在国外已经取得了很大的成功,而在国内还没有得到很好的利用。

    Content-Based Instruction has achieved great success as a new way of teaching both home and abroad , but it hasn 't been fully explored in our country up till now .

  28. 任务型教学是近年来兴起的一种新的英语教学法,是指在教学活动中设定一定的任务,让学生在完成任务的过程中习得语言知识,进而培养学生交际能力。

    Task-based Teaching is a new English teaching method , which means some tasks are designed in teaching activities and make students learn language in the process of finishing them while training students'communicative abilities at the same time .

  29. 笔者认为:在传统的英语翻译教学法失去重心的情况下,要积极主动接受新的交际教学法,努力寻找新的支点,争取尽快达到新的教学平衡。

    According to the writer , in the circumstances that the traditional English Translation Teaching Method has lost its balance , teachers must actively accept the new Communicative Teaching Method and try to look for a new pivot point and achieve a new teaching balance as soon as possible .

  30. 教学新概念推引教学法

    The new teaching method of ″ promoting and leading ″