
jīn bǎnɡ
  • Jinbang;a list of successful candidates in the imperial examinations;placard announcing successful civil-service candidates
金榜 [jīn bǎng]
  • [the billboard announcing the names of successful candidates] 科举时代俗称殿试录取进士的榜

  • 金榜题名

  1. 厦门金榜公园景观设计及绿化构思

    Landscape and greening design of Jingbang Park of Xiamen

  2. 一朝题名金榜,犹如鲤鱼跃上龙门。

    Jinbang title once , like a carp to leap onto the goal .

  3. 位居学院“年度最佳游戏”金榜榜首的是来自“电子艺术”的作品:模拟人生。

    Topping the Academy 's list as Game of the Year , was the Sims from Electronic Art .

  4. 在上一站欧米茄中国巡回赛奖金榜排名前三十的球员必须参加本站的配对赛。

    Pro-Am the top thirty players of the latest Omega China tour tournament must participate in this leg 's pro-am .

  5. 摘要简要介绍了厦门金榜公园自然与人文景观,提出景观设计目标、设计理念与设计原则,概述了景区总体布局和重点景区景点设计及绿化配置。

    This paper gives brief introduction to Jinbang Park of Xiamen on natural and human civilization landscape ; puts forward landscape design purpose , ideal and principle ; summarizes general distribution , important plot design and greening configuration .