
liú wáng
  • exile;go into exile;be forced to leave one's native land
流亡 [liú wáng]
  • [be forced to leave one's native land;go into exile] 被迫离开家乡或祖国,流落逃亡在外

流亡[liú wáng]
  1. 革命者放下了武器,其领导人也自愿流亡他国了。

    The revolutionaries laid down their arms and its leaders went into voluntary exile .

  2. 他遭到了联邦调查局的诬蔑和追捕,被迫流亡国外。

    He was vilified , hounded , and forced into exile by the FBI .

  3. 我们流亡的经历给了我们许多宝贵的教训。

    Our experience as refugees taught us many valuable lessons .

  4. 权力被褫夺后,遭废黜的国王流亡国外。

    Shorn of his power , the deposed king went into exile .

  5. 他的两个主要竞争对手因长期政治流亡而处于不利的地位。

    His two main rivals suffer the disadvantage of having been long-term political exiles

  6. 他遭到废黜并流亡国外。

    He was dethroned and went into exile .

  7. 他目前流亡埃及。

    He is now living in exile in Egypt

  8. 今年早些时候他流亡归来。

    He returned from exile earlier this year .

  9. 好几位反对党领导人被迫流亡意大利。

    Several opposition leaders were exiled / banished to Italy .

  10. 孙中山曾长期流亡海外。

    Sun Yat-sen spent long years in exile abroad .

  11. 今年的规划范围从把这间屋子变为合作散文,到探索流亡的意义。

    This year , the programs range from one that turns the house into a collaborative essay to one that explores the meaning of exile .

  12. 她与他们有共同的流亡国外的命运,共同的信念,共同的乐趣,共同的苦闷

    She shared their expatriation , their convictions , their pastimes , their ennui .

  13. 顽固支持流亡国王的人

    diehard supporters of the exiled king

  14. n.逃难者;流亡�一个为焦虑的难民找寻住屋及工作机会的委员会成立了。

    emigre A committee was formed to find housing and employment for the anxious emigres .

  15. 由南非总统雅各布祖马(JacobZuma)牵头的调解努力,一直在考虑让卡扎菲在非洲联盟(AfricanUnion)成员国流亡的选择。

    Mediation efforts led by Jacob Zuma , South African president , have been considering exile options in African Union member states .

  16. 苏大卫(SawDavidThakabaw)是流亡在泰国的“缅甸联邦全国委员会”的一员。这个组织位于泰国与缅甸交接的城市湄索。

    Saw David Thakabaw is a member of the National Council of the Union Burma , an exile group in the Thai city of Mae Sot on the border with Burma .

  17. 盖伊伯吉斯(guyburgess)、唐纳德麦克林(donaldmaclean)这两名剑桥流亡间谍也常常来光顾伯吉斯喜欢我们的果酱和油饼。

    Guy Burgess and Donald MacLean , the two exiled Cambridge spies , used to come Burgess liked our marmalade and seedcake .

  18. 在乔治·RR·马丁的奇幻系列小说中,丹妮莉丝·坦格利安是一位流亡公主,渴望夺回被篡夺的王位。

    In the world of George R.R. Martin 's fantasy series , Daenerys Targaryen is an exiled princess who yearns to reclaim a usurped throne .

  19. 独特的还包括执政的卢旺达爱国阵线,它发轫于卡加梅所领导的反政府运动,从流亡邻国乌干达(uganda)发展至最后上台执政。

    Unique too , is the ruling Rwandan patriotic front , which grew out of the rebel movement he led to power from exile in neighbouring Uganda .

  20. 维京出版社(Viking),27.95美元。这是三部曲中强有力的最后一部,讲述一个流亡的魔术师尝试危险的盗窃活动。

    ( Viking , $ 27.95 . ) In the strong final installment of a trilogy , an exiled magician attempts a risky heist .

  21. BrendanO'Malley报道说,伊拉克正在重建其科学基础,但是因为担心受到袭击,流亡的科学家回国的速度很慢。

    Iraq is rebuilding its science base but fear of attack means refugee academics are slow to return , reports Brendan O'Malley .

  22. 你对unamuno的流亡有什么看法?

    What do you think of unamuno 's exiie ?

  23. 一个月后,西哈努克结束了长达13年的流亡,回到了祖国;他带着自己特有的那种派头,坐着一辆从泰国空运来的雪佛兰(Chevrolet)敞篷车来到王宫。

    Sihanouk returned home a month later after 13 years in exile and with characteristic panache was driven to his palace in a convertible Chevrolet flown from Thailand .

  24. 流亡他国的前总理他信(ThaksinShinawatra)周二致电支持者说,达成调解的希望是很大的。他信在2006年的一次军事政变中下台,是红衫军示威活动背后的一个推动力量。

    Thaksin Shinawatra , the fugitive former prime minister ousted in a 2006 military coup who is a driving force behind Red Shirt protests , said in a phone call to supporters Tuesday that prospects for reconciliation were good .

  25. 大部分UDD支持者都支持前总理他信。他信在2006年的军事政变中被推翻,一直流亡海外,避免因腐败入狱。

    Most UDD supporters back former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra , who was ousted in a coup in 2006 and remains overseas to avoid a jail sentence for corruption .

  26. 余暴跌和失败如对流亡的方式。

    I tumble and stumble as if on way of exile .

  27. 要打印的驱动器上的流亡实验室标志和能力。

    Exiled labs logo and capacity to be printed on drives .

  28. 2008年以来,大约456名记者被迫流亡。

    Some 456 journalist have been forced into exile since 2008 .

  29. 也在这流亡的路上,遇到了未来的人生伴侣&珍妮·克劳德。

    In his exiled way , he met his life partners-Jeanne-Claude .

  30. 在流亡期间,他密切的注视着他的同胞遭受的苦难。

    He had watched , from exile , his compatriots suffer .