
  • 网络A Moveable Feast;A Movable Feast
  1. 如果你够幸运,在年轻时待过巴黎,那么巴黎将永远跟着你,因为巴黎是一席流动的盛宴。

    If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris as a young man , then wherever you go for the rest of your life , it stays with you , for all of Paris is a moveable feast .

  2. 在大众文化视野中,文本形式日趋多元化,意义和快感日趋多元化,文学已经变成了一场由所有公民共同打造、分享、流动的文化盛宴。

    Within the purview of the popular culture , literature has evolved into a movable cultural feast with multiple text forms and multiple meanings and pleasure , which should be co-produced and shared by all the citizens .