
  • 网络New Mathematics;New Math
  1. 拥有二十多个高级统计和金融函数的新数学库

    New math library with over two dozen advanced statistical and financial function

  2. 内燃机散热器设计的新数学模型

    New Math Model for Designing Engine Radiator

  3. CPL蒸发器多孔芯传热传质特性的新数学模型

    A new model for the heat and mass transfer character of CPL evaporation

  4. 本文所做研究工作,立足于学科前沿,运用最新数学方法和先进的实验手段,对岩体力学参数推断的Bayes方法和截尾分布的可靠度进行了研究。

    On the basis of the latest mathematics method and advanced experimental method , the Bayes method of rock mechanics parameter inference and reliability under cutting-off-tail distribution were studied in this paper .

  5. 目的建立一个利用口服葡萄糖耐量试验(OGTT)评估机体胰岛素敏感性和分泌功能的新数学模型。

    Objective To develop a mathematical model from modifying Bergman ′ s minimal model to evaluate the insulin sensitivity and secretion function by 75 g OGTT data .

  6. 新数学课程实施中合作学习问题之研究

    A Study on Cooperative Learning in Implementation of New Mathematical Curriculum

  7. 新数学系列教具的设计理念和结构功能

    Design Thoughts and Structure Functions of Realia of New Mathematics System

  8. 双变量系统新数学理论初步

    The Preliminary of a New Mathematics Theory of Two Variables System

  9. 声波团聚煤飞灰微粒的新数学模型

    New Mathematical Model for the Acoustic Agglomeration of Fly Ash Particles

  10. 早期推测混凝土强度的新数学模型研究

    Study on new mathematical model of immediate estimation of concrete strength

  11. 区分聚核与单核的氧化还原反应的新数学模型

    A New Mathematical Model for Classifying Mononuclear and polynuclear Redox Reactions

  12. 新数学课程实施中活动教学的研究

    A Research of Activity-Teaching in Implementation of New Mathematical Curriculum

  13. 能源需求予测的一种新数学模型&积分法

    The New Mathematical Model for Forecasting of the Requirement of Energy-Integral Method

  14. 我不懂这门新数学课。

    Father : I don 't understand this New Maths !

  15. 双探针法测量液滴粒径分布的新数学模型

    A New Mathematics Model of Two-probe Technique for Measuring Droplet Size Distribution

  16. 双变量系统新数学理论的意义和展望

    The Significant and Prospect of the New Mathematics Theory of Two Variables System

  17. 辐射传热的一个新数学模型

    A new mathematical model of heat transfer by radiation

  18. 新数学课程标准的颁布,带来了新的课程理念。

    The promulgation of new mathematics course standard brought the new course principle .

  19. 描述钢淬透性的一个新数学模型

    A new mathematical model describing hardenability of steels

  20. 新数学课程实施中数学教师专业化成长研究

    A Study on Professional Growth of Mathematics Teacher in Implementation of New Mathematics Curriculum

  21. 超几何分布接收概率新数学模型及其算法

    New Hypergeometric Distribution Mathematic Model and Its Arithmetic

  22. 介绍了一个模拟铁磁元件磁滞特性的新数学模型。

    A novel mathematical model for simulating the magnetic hysterisis characteristics of ferromagnetic components is introduced .

  23. 多燃料锅炉的新数学模型

    A Model of Multi-fuel Boilers

  24. 论新数学课程实施中数学教师专业化成长的意义与任务

    Significance and Assignment of the Mathematics Teachers Professional Growth in the implementation of the new mathematics curriculum

  25. 本部分以新数学课程目标为切入点,论述新数学课程实施中进行活动教学的必要性。

    The part discusses the necessity to carry on the activity - teaching in new mathematical curriculum .

  26. 高中新数学课程使用信息技术的调查与思考

    Investigation and Thoughts on the Integrating Information Technology into the New Mathematics Curriculum of Senior High School

  27. 随着对粗糙集理论的研究的不断深入,这一新数学分支与其他数学分支的联系也更加紧密。

    There is a close relation with other mathematical branch , through the continuous research about the rough sets .

  28. 介绍了新数学教具的开发设计理念和结构功能。

    This article introduces the exploitation design thoughts and the structure functions of the realia of the new mathematics system .

  29. 把通过新数学课程理念的学习和研究、反思传统的数学教学作为数学教研组的主要内容;

    Learning and research of the ideas of the new mathematics curriculum and reflection of the traditional mathematics teaching the content ;

  30. 本文分析了汽轮机甩负荷的动态过程,提出了计算飞升转速的新数学模型,用施给系统小扰动的方法确定飞升转速。

    The dynamic process of load dumping is analyzed and a new mathematical mathematical model to calculate the value of runaway speed is presented .