
jǐnɡ zhǒnɡ
  • police category;categories within police force, e. g. traffic police
警种 [jǐng zhǒng]
  • [police classification] 警察所分的基本类别,一般按其任务分为户籍、交通、消防、治安、刑事、司法、铁道、边防、外事、经济、武装等警种

  • 经济民警是一个新警种

  1. 方法对荆州市不同警种的警察91人进行CPR知识与技能的培训,分别在培训后即时、3个月、6个月进行理论知识和操作技能情况评价。

    Their mastery of the knowledge and skills were evaluated immediately , 3 and 6 months after the training .

  2. 并采用t检验、F检验、LSD多重比较法等数据分析方法,以性别、年龄、警种、地区为变量,对基层民警心理健康水平以及相关因素的作了差异分析。

    And adopt the analytical method of the data , such as t examining , F examining , LSD multiple comparative , etc , It regards sex , age , alert kind , area as variables and analysis the difference in mental health levels and relevant factors .

  3. 结果SCL90症状自评量表结果显示:交警阳性项目数平均为3656,其他警种警察为2882,两者差异有非常显著性意义(P<001)。

    Results The numbers of positive items were 36.56 in the exposed group and 28.82 in the control group in SCL 90 symptoms self evaluation scale survey , the difference was highly significant ( P < 0.01 ) .

  4. 警种一响你就别动,黑鬼!

    When the buzzer pop , nigga , you stop !

  5. 刑事警察是警察序列中的一个单独警种。

    Criminal police is a separate type of police .

  6. 各个警种在处警过程中密切配合,分工合作。

    Kinds of police coordinate closely in the process .

  7. 要努力提高民警控赃工作网络化的意识,加强各警种各部门网上控赃协作。

    The police awareness about it should be improved and the cooperation between different parts should be enhanced .

  8. 优先配足警力,发挥诸警种合力作用;

    Allocate police force in preference , and give play to the united function of various kinds of police ;

  9. 警察法规的大量颁布,各专业警种的相继建立,均为其警政建设的完善作出了贡献,成为该时期警政建设的主要特色。

    The large issue of police law , the building of police schools became the character of the police construction .

  10. 性别、年龄、工作年限、警种、职级、工作时间均对警察工作倦怠的情况有显著影响。

    Gender , age , service year , category , rank and working time all exist remarkable influences to job burnout of police .

  11. 侦办信用卡诈骗案件时应加强多警种合作、加强银行业内外监管及情报导侦。

    Aimed at these new ways , we should strengthen the cooperation between multi-polices , the supervisions in and inter-banks and guidance with information work .

  12. 本文描述并分析了多警种信息综合平台在多警种信息监控管理平台中的应用。

    This paper is describing and analyzing the application of Cross-functional Police based Information Processing Platform in the Urban Intelligent Traffic System ( ITS ) .

  13. 统计结果表明,职业特征和职业满意感在人口统计学变量上存在显著差异,其中刑警的各项职业特征显著高于其他警种,而满意感普遍低于其他警种。

    Results indicated that both job characteristics and job satisfactions were significantly different based on the demographic variables , such as sex and duty positions .

  14. 本文先对多警种系统的协同机制进行了研究,给出了基于对等网模式的协作模型。

    This article first researched the systematic coordination mechanism to the multi - police , has produced based on the coordinated net pattern cooperation model .

  15. 对警察心理压力的测量和比较,结果表明在年龄、警种二个维度上存在显著差异;

    By compared , the result shows that the police 's psychological stress differs significantly in two dimensions , which are age and police 's types .

  16. 中国人民武装警察部队是我国重要的武装力量和社会治安维护力量,是我国警察体系中的第二大警种。

    The armed police forces are one of the important forces to maintain social order and stability in China and it is the second largest type of police .

  17. 为了充分发挥交警的治安防范职能,应当抓好交通管理和治安管理业务在各警种,尤其是交警和巡警之间相互渗透的工作。

    In order to make full use of traffic police 's functions , the work of combining traffic management with public order management should be emphasized , especially among traffic police and patrol-police .

  18. 警务人员工作倦怠在人口属性变量(性别、岗位、警种、年龄和警龄)上存在显著差异。

    Result indicates that the three dimensions of job burnout are significantly different bases on the demographic variables , such as gender , duty position , police 's sort , age and years of service .

  19. 警务当中由于警种、地域、层级等不同导致警务信息不对称,且网络化应用所收集的信息质量也有待提高。

    Due to the deficiencies in police kinds , functions , geographic etc , there is an asymmetry in the police information . The quality of the information collected by the network application needs to be improved .

  20. 为进一步提高湖州市已建社会治安动态视频监控系统的应用效能,需整合各地视频监控图像资源,促进监控图像资源的跨级、跨警种高度共享。

    To further improve the social order has been built Huzhou dynamic performance of the application of video surveillance systems , video surveillance images to be integrated over resources , image resources for monitoring cross-class , high degree of sharing across police services .

  21. 该文的研究为达到高可靠的安全性软件和系统,提高软件的实时性提供了有力支持,因而可作为子系统,广泛应用于多警种信息监控管理平台的设计中。

    The research result of this paper offers solid support for the real-time property of related software and also the highly robust security of the software and system . Hence our system may act as a sub-system in the ITS design for urban area in a wide range .