
  • 网络Fuxi Temple
  1. 甘肃天水伏羲庙建筑特色初探

    On the Architectural Characteristics of Fuxi Temple

  2. 伏羲庙周围有大量的传统民居和店面,以庙为中心形成了伏羲城。

    There are plenty of traditional houses and stores around Fuxi Temple , which form Fuxi City with the temple as the center .

  3. 本文以国家级历史文化名城天水的伏羲庙及伏羲城为研究对象。

    The research objects of this thesis are the Fuxi Temple and Fuxi city in Tianshui , which is the state-level historical and cultural city .

  4. 天水市为羲皇故里,正月十六日为羲皇诞辰,伏羲庙便是伏羲皇的祭祀之地。

    Fuxi Emperor hometown in Tianshui city , the lunar calendar Jan.16 of Fuxi Emperor 's birthday , sacred place of Fuxi temple is Fuxi emperor prayer .

  5. 天水伏羲庙,俗称人祖庙,位于甘肃省天水市内,建于明弘治三年(1490年),后几经修葺,是全国最早最大的伏羲庙。

    Tianshui Fuxi Temple located in Tianshui Gansu Province , commonly known as human ancestor temple , built in the Ming Koji three years ( 1490 ), later after repairs , is the first largest Fuxi Temple .