
  • 网络fair value;reasonable value
  1. 根据q比率,在被高估逾10年后,股价如今似乎再一次处于合理价值。

    Again , after being overvalued for more than a decade , stocks now appear to be at about fair value according to q .

  2. 评估股票的合理价值有许多方法。

    There are many methods to assess the fair value of a share .

  3. 因此,我们会看到市场泡沫,投资者将股票或房产的价格抬高到远远高于它们合理价值的水平。

    Thus we have market bubbles in which investors inflate stocks or homes way above their rational value .

  4. 以此来看,曾被大幅高估的股价近期已回归合理价值。

    On this basis , stocks have recently snapped back to fair value , having been wildly overpriced .

  5. 当市场无序下跌的时候,跌势往往会过头,股价最终将远低于合理价值。

    When market falls are disorderly they tend to overshoot and prices end up well below their fair value .

  6. 新兴经济体忽略了对合理价值的考虑,不断上升的外汇贮备使得日元对欧元的汇率一路下滑。

    Emerging economies ' rising foreign reserves therefore push the yen down against the euro , regardless of fair-value calculations .

  7. 首先简单阐述了主观主义刑法理论的合理价值与时代意义,并分析了它引入我国的可能性。

    First , it briefly discusses the reasonable value and significance of the subjectivism criminal law and analyzes the introduction possibility of the theory .

  8. 在中国重提刑事和解既是重申传统的合理价值,又是为了满足现代司法实践的需要。

    The restatement of Victim-offender Reconciliation is not only the refreshing the traditional and rational values but also to satisfy the needs of the modern judicial practices .

  9. 甚至一些支持采用市场化合理价值的人也对公司利用自身负债额的下降记入收益表示了担忧。

    Even some supporters of the use of market , or fair , values remain uneasy with companies booking gains on declines in the value of their own debt .

  10. 租赁期内,在租赁日生效日期本日,最低租金大于或者基本等于资产的合理价值。

    During the lease term , the minimum rent payment is larger than or basically equal to the fair value of the asset on the commencement date of lease .

  11. 对上述价值要素及联系的充分认识和正确把握,是军事法学形成合理价值取向的基础。

    Fully understanding and correctly dealing with the above value factors and the links between them are the base to establish rational value orientation of the science of military law .

  12. 应该尊重文化的多样性,坚持外力强制与内在指向的和谐统一,以及以联合国框架作为基础,吸收中国传统文化的合理价值的原则。

    It respects diversity of cultures , insists on harmony between outer compulsion and inner direction , and absorbs agreeable values of traditional culture under the direction of the United Nations .

  13. 戴震激烈批判了朱熹理学体系的消极面,继承发展了理学的合理价值,代表了中国近现代文化的发展方向。

    Daizhen brings its rational values into play as well as fiercely criticizes the negative aspects of Zhuxi 's theory , and opens the new direction for the development of Chinese culture .

  14. 论亲亲相隐在现代刑法中的合理价值论我国古代亲亲相隐制度的现代刑事立法价值

    On the Reasonable Value of Kin Concealment System in Modern Criminal Law ; On the Value of Modern Criminal Legislation of " Mutual Concealing of Relatives " Principle in Chinese Ancient Times

  15. 本文从价值导向的基本理论入手,提出了建构合理价值导向的依据,阐明了合理价值导向的两大评判标准。

    The article is concerning on the basis of the establishment of a reasonable value orientation and the two standards of the reasonable value choice based on the basic theory of value orientation .

  16. 进入21世纪,随着世界格局的千变万化,怀特海的过程哲学和中国传统哲学越发凸显出它们的合理价值,并为现代社会的发展提供了可资借鉴的思想观念。

    With the ever-changing world patterns into the 21st century , the rational value of the process philosophy of Whitehead and Chinese traditional philosophy increasingly emerged and have provided for ideological concepts to derive from .

  17. 法的合法性,既包括了形式上的正当性、程序上的正当性,还应内含着对法的内在合理价值的认同,即对法的合理性的认同。

    The Legitimacy of law , include a formal one getting proper , procedure getting proper already , should implicit identification with inherent rational value of the law also , namely the identification with rationality of the law .

  18. 分别从比较法角度分析取得时效的普遍性;从法社会学角度分析文化接受性;从经济学角度分析取得时效的合理价值追求。

    This chapter analyzes the universality of acquisitive prescription from a comparative law point ; cultural acceptability from the perspective of sociology of law ; and value of the pursuit from an economic point of view of the reasonable .

  19. 引导的主要途径是:文化心理的调适、正确理想信仰的确立、合理价值观的选择、人文关怀的重视、思想教育的加强。

    The main approach to guidance is : adjusting and adapting cultural and psychological views ; establishing correct ideals and beliefs ; helping select the correct sets of values ; laying emphasis on cultural care ; and enhancing ideological and cultural cultivation .

  20. 这一方法改变了当前投资实务中市盈率的决定采用选取类似上市公司的方法,从变量选择上着手,并进而计算得出股票的合理价值及市盈率,客观上给出了合理市盈率的选择依据。

    This change the current investment practice of choosing the price-earnings ratio by selecting the listed companies by choosing variables from the start , and thus calculates fair value and the stock price-earnings ratio , which is objectively reasonable based on earnings .

  21. 诉的利益的衡量主要在原告与国家(全体纳税人)、原告与被告之间进行,并坚持合理价值判断原则、利益平衡原则与合法原则。

    The benefit balance in the benefit of litigation mainly lies in the plaintiff and the country ( all taxpayers ), between the plaintiff and the defendant , and must persists the reasonable value judgment principle , the benefit balance principle and the legitimate principle .

  22. 他认为,根据收益预期和传统的市盈率,标准普尔的合理价值接近945点,最早可能会在秋季就回落到这个点位,甚至更低。

    He thinks the S & P 's fair value is closer to 945 , based on earnings estimates and traditional P / E ratios , and could retreat to that point , or lower , in a hurry , possibly as soon as autumn .

  23. 企业合并作为经营者追求利润最大化的重要手段之一,是市场经济的必然产物,其存在本身就具有重要的合理价值,对社会经济的发展也具有重要的促进作用。

    Combination of enterprises is one of the most important means for operators to pursue maximizing profit , the inevitable product of market economy . Its existence is important and reasonable . It plays an important role in promoting the development of the social economy as well .

  24. 先秦儒家重义轻利的思想对物质生产发展不利;过于强调群体价值,忽视了个体的合理价值;夸大修身的功能,导致法律制度效能减弱;过于强调伦理纲常,抑制了个体的自由发展。

    The pre Qin Confucian Justice Thought on material production development ; too much emphasis on group values , ignore the reasonable value of individual self-cultivation ; exaggerating the function , weaken the legal system efficiency ; too much emphasis on ethics , inhibit the development of freedom of individuals .

  25. 核算股指期货合理的价值。

    Understand how to calculate the fair value of the stock index futures .

  26. 价值评价最重要的是确定合理的价值评价标准。

    The value evaluation is in the main to determine the rational criteria of value .

  27. 为科技发展提供合理的价值导向;

    To offer reasonable value judgment ;

  28. 以优异的质量、合理的价值、优质的服务,赢得广大客户的信任。

    With excellent quality and reasonable value , quality service , to win the trust of our customers .

  29. 我们比较和对比风险因素,以寻找在商业环境里一个合理的价值范围。

    We compare and contrast risk factors , seeking a reasonable spread of values in our business context .

  30. 合理吸纳价值理论研究的新内容,丰富马克思的劳动价值理论。

    It is also necessary to absorb rationally new findings in value theory researches to enrich labor theory of Marxism .