- 名mechanized warfare

Modern warfare is undergoing a transformation from the mechanized warfare to information warfare .
With the advent of the information age , the style of war is developing from mechanized warfare to information warfare , and representation of technology and means for the battlefield situation is also becoming more advanced and diversified .
The change from mechanized war to informationalized war requires a new research approach of military problems .
With the development of informationization , the warship formation of combat style also by previously single mechanized war to network development direction .
With the warfare form converting from mechanized wars to informationized wars , the effect of information toward the whole function of naval campaign command system are increasingly important .
Modern mechanised warfare , with soldiers and civilians alike struck down in huge numbers by industrial killing machines , is often said to have started in the fields of Flanders in 1914 .
Accompanied by the new worldwide military revolution which initiated in nineteen-seventies , information war became a new form of the war after the cold weapon war , hot weapon war and the machinery war .
With the development of science and technology , more and more high modern weapons are applied in wars , the traditional mechanized warfare pattern will be substituted by the unite operational command system which is highly melted by the information .
With the development of the global military revolution in the 21st century , modern warfare is transforming from mechanized warfare to information warfare . For both warring sides , psychological warfare plays a more and more important role during the war .
Changes in the form of war from mechanization to informationization are accelerating . Major powers are vigorously developing new and more sophisticated military technologies so as to ensure that they can maintain strategic superiorities in international competition in such areas as outer space and cyber space .