
zhèn hàn
  • shock;rock;shake;vibrate;pack a punch
震撼 [zhèn hàn]
  • (1) [shock]∶指心理受到强烈冲击;憾动

  • 自然科学上的发现震撼了欧洲人的普遍心理

  • (2) [rock]∶使猛烈震动

  • 炮兵部分演习的时候寂静的农村被大炮的隆隆声所震撼

震撼[zhèn hàn]
  1. 政府则任命了罗恩·布鲁姆(RonBloom)扮演汽车业救世主的角色,这个强硬的家伙但公平的重组高手将带来震撼。

    The appointment of savior du jour , Ron Bloom , the tough , but fair restructuring guru who will shake the trees .

  2. 使用温和的方式,你能够震撼世界。

    In a gentle way , you can shake the world .

  3. 远处的第一声霹雳震撼着天空。

    The first distant crash of thunder shook the air .

  4. 时隔24年后,这个剧本已经完全失去了震撼力。

    The script has lost all of its shock value over the intervening 24 years

  5. 它的美丽震撼了我。

    I was astounded by its beauty

  6. 真实的画面更恐怖也更震撼,但是它带来的种种感受和情绪需要你自己去联想。

    The real picture is more horrific and stronger but one must conjure up all the associative thoughts and emotions it evokes .

  7. 雷声震撼了天宇。

    The heavens shook with thunder .

  8. 此岛为地震所震撼。

    The island was convulsed by an earthquake .

  9. 许多微博用户都被杨利伟的勇敢所震撼。

    Many Weibo users were astonished at Yang 's courage .

  10. 这项决定将引起反响并震撼这个国家。

    The decision will reverberate and will jar the country .

  11. 轰!轰!轰!一连串爆破声震撼山谷。

    Boom ! Boom ! Boom ! A series of explosions shook the valley .

  12. 房间外面响起四声震撼内脏的爆炸——凯丽装在那里的莲花反坦克雷爆炸了

    Outside the chamber there were four gut-jarring detonations-the LOTUS antitank mines Kelly had set up .

  13. 以前还从没有其他任何事情能让我如此的震撼——看着这些去世的人的脸庞,还展现着热情的笑容和慈祥的眼神,就和他们在生活中所表现出来的一样。

    This tugged10 at my heart more than anything else - to see the faces of the people buried there as they were in life ; their warm smiles and the kindness in their eyes .

  14. 国际货币基金组织(imf)的悲观警告昨日震撼了亚洲各地股市。

    A grim warning from the International Monetary Fund sent shudders through Asian equity markets yesterday .

  15. BBC新闻-英国首都今天大为震撼。

    BBC News - The British capital is in shock today .

  16. 他告诉我他本来相信他的故事足够震撼,能够说服ABC不做任何干涉,以他的方式讲述。

    He told me that he thought his story was powerful enough for ABC to allow him to tell it his way .

  17. 伦敦很少允许美景牵绊其发展的脚步,滑铁卢桥(waterloobridge)清晨时分的景色仍是最具震撼力和活力的城市景色之一。

    It has rarely allowed beauty to hold it back , and the view from Waterloo Bridge at twilight remains one of the most impressive and dynamic of urban panoramas .

  18. 诺基亚首席执行官发表的“燃烧的平台”(“BurningPlatform”)备忘录,确实十分精彩、令人震撼。看过的人都说:“如果我们不采取行动,我们会被甩在后面。”

    This shake things up [ " Burning Platform " ] memo from the CEO was brilliant , with people saying " OK , we 're about to be left behind if we don 't do something . "

  19. 2009年,力拓(riotinto)与全球法律外包商cpaglobal达成了一项协议,此举轻轻的震撼了整个法律行业。

    In 2009 , in a move that sent a gentle wake-up call round the sector , Rio Tinto concluded a deal with CPA global , the global legal outsourcer .

  20. 游客不管属于哪一阵营,都不可能对翻修一新的LeBar酒吧视而不见,它是各种风格的激烈碰撞,给游客以强烈的视觉震撼感。

    Whichever camp you belong to , you cannot turn a blind eye to its renovated Le Bar , a collision of styles so violent that it leaves the visitor with visual whiplash .

  21. 对于当前震撼全球能源行业的剧变,俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司(gazprom)首席执行官阿列克谢米勒(alexeymiller)做了一番生动描述。

    Alexey Miller , the chief executive of Gazprom , has given a vivid description of the upheavals shaking the global energy business .

  22. 如果你问一个人他知道Pi后面的多少位数,然后他背了一百多位,你可以说你能背这么多位Pi的数值,真让我震撼

    For example , if you ask someone how many digits of pi , they knew and they recited over 100 numbers , you can say , Wow it blew my mind how many numbers of pi you knew

  23. 2012年,德国登山家拉尔夫·杜伊莫维茨(RalfDujmovits)拍摄了一张令人震撼的照片,照片拍摄的是一群攀登珠峰的登山者排队登顶的情景。

    In 2012 , German mountaineer Ralf Dujmovits captured a shocking image showing hundreds of climbers lining up to reach the summit .

  24. 闭上眼睛,调高MP3的音量,“音响椅子”会让你在家就能感受到演出般的震撼效果。

    Close your eyes , crank up the volume on your MP3 and the integrated speakers in the Sonic Chair give you the sound of being at a gig in the comfort of your home .

  25. 丹麦画家EnnodeKroon利用蛋的立体感,在回收的装鸡蛋的纸板上画画。他的作品会让你改变欣赏的角度,给你视觉上的震撼。

    With his egg cubism paintings drawn on recycled egg cartons Dutch artist Enno de Kroon forces his viewers to change their perspective , with stunning results .

  26. 艺术家巴勃罗·卡洛斯·布达西把美国宇航局拍摄的照片和原始草图相结合,利用普林斯顿的科学家创制的对数图和Photoshop图片处理技术,创造了这幅美丽震撼的图像,把无边之大的宇宙都纳入了有限的视野里。

    Using Photoshop andlogarithmic maps created by scientists at Princeton , artist and musician Pablo Carlos Budassi combined images from NASA with original sketches to create this stunning illustration that captures the unimaginably vast observable universe .

  27. 在今年的奥斯卡奖(AcademyAwards)颁奖典礼上,一部讲述上世纪60年代印度尼西亚上百万人惨遭屠杀的震撼纪录片最终未能赢得小金人,也使得近来人们要求印尼官方调查这段黑暗历史的呼声有所减弱。

    A groundbreaking documentary about the killing of hundreds of thousands of Indonesians in the 1960s has lost its bid for an Oscar , taking with it some of the nascent buzz around establishing an official investigation into a dark period in the Southeast Asian country .

  28. HLSL将程序员从复杂的Shader指令集中解放出来,着力于更重要的算法而不用再去理会一些硬件细节,从而创建出更多的极具震撼力的渲染效果。

    Programmers are able to be emancipated from shader instructions and think at the algorithm level rather than worry about meddlesome hardware details so as to design more impressional rendering effects .

  29. SUB-15结构紧凑,具有很高效率,富有震撼力的低音,设计应用于各种对音响播放有较高要求的场合,如大型演唱会、的士高舞厅等。

    Compact SUB-15 features extremely high efficiency and shocking bass , and designed for various fields requiring high hi-fi playing performance , such as large-scale concerts and discos .

  30. 段至今仍教人震撼的厦史。

    This is history that still has the power to shock .