
  • 网络Source Physics;physics of earthquake foci
  1. 本文用地震活动性参数等地震学方法和用时间域小地震地震图测量震源物理参数及介质Q值等震源参数方法,对伊通-舒兰断裂进行分段及地震危险性探讨。

    In this paper , Shulan-Yitong fault is segmented and its earthquake risk is dis-cussed by seismological methods , such as parameters of earthquake activity , focus parame-ters , and Q value of medium , by means of seismic record of small earthquakes in time do-main .

  2. 论述了实验在震源物理研究中的地位等问题。

    And depict the role of experiment in research on seismic source physics .

  3. 震源物理:进展和趋势

    Physics of earthquake source : progress and trend

  4. 我国的震源物理研究

    Researches on the physics of the earthquake foci

  5. 震源物理的理论研究;

    Theoretic studies of the earthquake foci ;

  6. 从震源物理角度讨论外因对地震的触发机制

    Discussion on Earthquake Triggering Mechanism by External Factors from the Angle of Earthquake Source Physics

  7. 地球深部流体的状态及其在震源物理中的意义

    The state of fluids deep inside the Earth and its significance in the physics of earthquake sources

  8. 应用矩张量概念对震源物理的研究是当代地震学的一个重要的前沿课题。

    It is an important issue of modern seismology which used moment tensor concept in focal physics research .

  9. 本文用动态光弹性方法对震源物理中几种典型组合裂纹的动态扩展过程进行了研究。

    In this paper , dynamic propagations of some typical combined cracks in the physics of earthquake focus are studied by means of dynamic photoelasticity .

  10. 象力是固体物理学中的概念。1979年我们曾提出把它应用于震源物理和地震预报的研究。

    The image force is a conception ot solid physics , In1979 , we suggested that it be used inthe study of earthquake source physics and of earthquake prediction .

  11. 在震源物理的研究中,地震矩张量作为一个二阶对称张量已被广泛接受并且得到了成功的应用,但非对称矩张量则鲜有提及。

    In source physics research , the moment tensor as a second-order symmetric tensor has been widely accepted and successfully used , and the asymmetric moment tensor is rarely mentioned .

  12. 由国家地震局地球物理研究所承担的MTS-100T伺服试验机改造课题,对震源物理实验室进行了实验系统改造。

    The technological transformation of the testing system of the Laboratory of seismic source physics has been made by the research group of the Institute of Geophysics , SSB , which undertakes the research project of Transformation of MTS 100T Servo Control Testing System .

  13. 关于震源体物理意义的实验研究

    Experimental study on the physical implication of hypocenter body

  14. 本文着重描述这三种震源的物理过程、声信号的产生及其特性、震源频谱等。

    The physical process , formation of acoustic signal and their characteristics and frequency spectrum of seismic source are discussed .

  15. 文章指出,矩震级是一个表征地震绝对大小的量,它与地震震源的物理过程直接关联,不会饱和;

    As an absolute measure of earthquake size , moment magnitude is directly related to physical process earthquake source and does not suffer from saturation .

  16. 震源耦合的等效物理模型薄膜厚度测控技术中的物理原理

    Equivalent physical model of the coupling among PSAs the physics principles on measuring and controlling thin film thickness

  17. 震源孕育的数学物理模式与波速异常的理论解释

    A physical & mathematical model for the earthquake preparatory process and the theoretical explanation of premonitory seismic velocity anomaly

  18. 震源孕育模式研究、摩擦滑动的本构描述和稳定性分析、数值震源动力学、地震的障碍体模型和凹凸体模型、断层和断裂作用的分形几何学等是当前震源物理研究的前沿性领域。

    The study of source brewing model , the institutional description and stability analysis of frictional sliding , numerical source dynamics , barrier and asperity models of seismology as well as fractional geometry of fault and fracture function are the frontier fields in stu - dying source physics at present .