
  • 网络state zhen
  1. 本文针对目前史学界多将渤海建国伊始称之为“震国”或“振国”的现象进行了探讨。

    This paper discusses the phenomenon that the present historical circle calls the beginning of Bohai state the title of " Zhenguo " .

  2. 煤矿构造矿震机理2004年10月14日的ML4.2级矿震也是我国目前记录到的煤炭采空区塌陷引起的最大矿震。

    MECHANISM OF THE TECTONIC MINE EARTHQUAKE IN COAL DISTRICT The M_L 4.2 mine quake on October 14 , 2004 is the largest recorded mine quake in China by far .