
zhèn zhàn xìnɡ zhān wànɡ
  • delirium tremens;DT's
  1. ECG改变与急性酒精中毒患者的相似,且亦出现在急性戒酒综合征(特别是震颤性谵妄)中。

    ECG changes similar to those due to acute alcohol intoxication are also present in acute abstinence syndrome , especially in delirium tremens .

  2. 在人们理解了服用LSD后的体验与经历震颤性谵妄的相似性后,精神病医师着手了一系列的实验。

    After perceiving similarities in the experiences of people on LSD and people going through delirium tremens , the psychiatrists undertook a series of experiments .

  3. 当然,他们也都在无意中招来了邪灵,但是此片中他们朋友的可怕行为与幻觉被归因为震颤性谵妄。

    Of course , they inadvertently summon demons , but here their friend 's nightmarish behavior and visions are chalked up to the DTs .

  4. 我向你的父亲提议,把克里克太太好意送来的礼物送给一个人的孩子们了,那人得了震颤性谵妄病,不能挣钱了;

    I suggested to him that we should take Mrs Crick 's kind present to the children of the man who can earn nothing just now because of his attacks of delirium tremens ;