
  1. 两市周三均呈明显的一波三折式的震荡整理态势。

    Wednesday marked the two cities were full of twists and turns finishing concussion-like posture .

  2. 我们预计市场短期将会震荡整理,但任何一次大幅下挫都是介入时机。

    We expect the market to range trade in the short term , but are buyers of any major dips .

  3. 股票市场相对通胀威胁保持较高的弹性,股价已自4月中期起大致处于震荡整理的状态。

    Equity markets have thus far remained relatively resilient to the inflation threat as prices have broadly trended sideways since mid April .

  4. 而震荡整理期内的投资者较为理性,对于未来的预期也会考虑更多的相关信息,认知偏差相对较小。(3)投资者情绪对大盘股影响最大。

    The shock consolidation period more rational investors , for the future is also expected to consider more relevant information , cognitive bias is relatively small . ( 3 ) Investor sentiment greatest impact on large-cap stocks .