
zhèn dòng
  • vibrate;shock;shake;quake;jolt;pulse;convulse
震动 [zhèn dòng]
  • (1) [jolt]∶颤动

  • 每次爆炸都受到猛烈的震动

  • (2) [shake]∶使颤动

  • 哭声震动天地。--明. 张溥《五人墓碑记》

  • (3) [shock]∶使人心里不平静

  • 消息震动了全国

震动[zhèn dòng]
  1. 利用ANSYS有限元软件动力分析中的谱分析、态分析功能,对拱坝进行地震动应力分析。

    Make use of table analysis , modal analysis of ANSYS finite element software motive force to analyze shake stress analysis of the arch dam .

  2. 新汉语水平考试(新HSK)的实施,引起了汉语考试推广的一系列震动。

    The issue of new Chinese Proficiency Test brought a series of shake in the Chinese promotion .

  3. 她的一些艺术旨在震动观赏者。

    Some of her art is intended to shock the viewer .

  4. 这次经历对她产生了极大的震动。

    She was more than a little shaken by the experience .

  5. 这震动似乎把她浑身上下每根骨头都弄疼了。

    The jolt seemed to jar every bone in her body .

  6. 每当火车驶过,这些墙都会震动。

    Every time a train went past the walls vibrated .

  7. 他猛踩刹车,汽车在剧烈震动中停下来。

    He slammed on the brakes and the car juddered to a halt .

  8. 爆炸的震动力把所有窗户都震碎到屋里。

    All the windows were blasted inwards with the force of the explosion .

  9. 炸弹爆炸时,地面都震动了。

    The ground quaked as the bomb exploded .

  10. 船上的发动机有节奏地轻轻震动。

    The ship 's engines throbbed quietly .

  11. 她的辞职引起很大震动。

    Her resignation caused quite a stir .

  12. 他深受震动,就问那个年轻的牧羊人叫什么名字。

    He was so impressed that he inquired the young shepherd 's name .

  13. 支撑杆疯狂地震动,将排气管都震松了。

    The prop shaft vibrated like mad and shook the exhaust mounting loose .

  14. 他突然再次出现一定引起了震动。

    His sudden reappearance must have been a shock .

  15. 我敢肯定我能感到脚底下有震动。

    I am sure I can feel a vibration through the soles of my feet .

  16. 他们拼命地干着,担心余震可能会使房子再次受到震动。

    They were working frantically in the fear that an aftershock would jolt the house again .

  17. 芬兰允许其货币自由浮动的决定在外汇市场上引起了震动。

    A decision by the Finns to float their currency sent a shudder through the foreign exchanges

  18. 船微微震动了一下。

    The ship jarred a little

  19. 昨天,一起爆炸使得英国最著名的电影制片厂之一发生强烈震动,导致3人受伤。

    Three people were injured yesterday when an explosion rocked one of Britain 's best known film studios

  20. 发动机轰隆隆地震动着。

    The engines throbbed

  21. 音锤敲击钢琴琴弦并使之震动。

    The hammers strike the piano strings and make them vibrate .

  22. 火车经过的时候,房子震动。

    The house vibrates when a train passes .

  23. 尽管受了很多震动,盘子仍然完好无损。

    The dish is still whole in spite of all the shocks .

  24. 炮声震动天地。

    The earth shook with the roar of guns .

  25. 他咳得全身震动。

    The cough seemed to rack his body .

  26. 这个网球拍能减轻撞击所产生的剧烈震动。

    This tennis racket absorbs shock on impact .

  27. 春雷震动山谷。

    Spring thunder shook the valley .

  28. 手套的每个手指上都装有震动马达。

    Shaking motors are put on each finger of the glove .

  29. 然后你必须保持冷静,在那里待到震动停止为止。

    And then you must keep calm and stay there until the shaking stops .

  30. 爆炸引起的震动很远都可感觉到。

    The shock of the explosion was felt far away .