
sōng ruǎn
  • soft;loose;fluffy;spongy
松软 [sōng ruǎn]
  • [soft;loose;spongy] 松而软

  • 土质松软

松软[sōng ruǎn]
  1. 马蹄深深地陷进了松软的土里。

    The horses ' hooves bit deep into the soft earth .

  2. 搅打奶油和糖直到松软为止。

    Beat the butter and sugar until soft and fluffy .

  3. 我们走过松软的草地。

    We walked across the springy grass .

  4. 土地松软,像海绵似的。

    The ground was soft and spongy .

  5. 那种面包很松软。

    The bread had a spongy texture .

  6. 这种酥皮糕点可真松软啊。

    This pastry is so light .

  7. 那条船最终在松软的水下浅滩搁浅了。

    The boat finally grounded on a soft , underwater bank .

  8. 地面因下雨而变得松软。

    The earth was spongy from rain .

  9. 机组人员终于使飞机腹部在跑道土质松软的部分着地。

    The crew finally landed the plane on its belly on the soft part of the runway .

  10. 进入底土的化学物质会减少,这对土质松软的热带土壤而言尤为重要。

    Less chemical gets into the subsoil which is particularly important with the light , tropical soils .

  11. 把油涂在茄子上,加盐和胡椒烤至松软。与此同时,在厚锅中加热剩余的油。

    Brush the aubergines with oil , add salt and pepper , and bake till soft . Meanwhile , heat the remaining oil in a heavy pan

  12. 我们脚下的土踩上去很松软。

    The soil felt soft beneath our feet .

  13. 她敲打被子好使它松软。

    She beat the quilt to make it soft .

  14. 这蛋糕松软可口。

    This cake 's nice and moist .

  15. 在松软的雪里走很舒服。

    It 's pleasant to walk in soft snow .

  16. 她戴了顶松软的大帽子。

    She was wearing a big floppy hat .

  17. (将鸡蛋、面粉和黄油搅拌成光滑松软的糊状。)

    Whisk eggs , flour and butter into a smooth mixture until light and fluffy .

  18. 当我卧床数年后重新将双脚踏在大地上的那一刻,脚下那久违了的松软土壤让我激动得情难自抑,仿佛重新拥有我差一点就失去的世界。

    How well , for instance , I recall the touch of the springy earth under my feet the day I first stepped upon it after the years in bed . It was almost more than I could bear . It was like regaining in a world one had nearly lost .

  19. 也可以做的小一点,厚一点,松软Q弹一点,根据个人喜好决定。

    You can go a little bit shorter and fatter , more fluffy and spongy it 's your choice .

  20. 该方法能在强干扰(P波尾)背景下,提取微弱的S波,从而开拓了声波测井方法在松软介质油田区的应用。

    This method can be used to derive weak shear wave from strong noise background ( compressional wave tail ), so that it finds its application in " soft " medium oilfields .

  21. CFG桩加固客运专线松软土路基成桩试验研究

    Test research on intensifying soft soil road foundation pile of passenger dedicated line with CFG pile

  22. 在Mulberry,这意味着大号Mabel包的诞生,一种松软、轻便的背包。

    At Mulberry that means the creation of a large-sized Mabel bag , a floppy , lightweight satchel .

  23. 世界上普遍采用WES系统预测轮式越野车辆在松软地面上的通过性。

    WES system has world widely been used for predicting the mobility of wheeled off-road vehicles on soft terrain . WES , i.e.U.

  24. 结论:宫腔镜手术前4h阴道放置0.4mg的米索,用药剂量小、副反应轻、宫颈松软适度,是理想的宫颈预处理方案。

    Conclusion : 0.4 mg vaginal misoprostol applied four hours before hysteroscopy is a satisfactory way for cervical pretreatment .

  25. 筋膜像胶水一样,把我们体内一些本不在一起的部位粘在一起。当安·E按压筋膜时,她的触碰以某种方式“溶解”了粘滞感,让它恢复到原本轻盈而松软的状态。

    When Ann E. presses into fascia that has become gummed up like glue , holding parts of our insides where they don 't rightly belong , her touch somehow " dissolves " the gooeyness and allows the fascia to revert to its original light , fluffy nature .

  26. 蘑菇、意式培根(Pancetta)、大蒜披萨:将五盎司的意式培根切成1/4英寸大小的肉丁,中火烹制直至松软。

    Mushrooms , Pancetta and Garlic : Cut 5 ounces pancetta into & # 188 ; - inch lardons and cook over medium heat until soft .

  27. 由酵母菌产生的C02导致面包特有松软的质地。一些微量的发酵产物有助于面包最终的风味。

    The CO2 produced by the yeast results in the light texture of many breads , and traces of fermentation products contribute to the final flavor .

  28. 结果表明,层状凹陷地形对平面SH波的散射和单一凹陷地形差别很大,凹陷地形表面松软沉积的存在,即使厚度很薄,也会大大降低凹陷地形本身对入射波的屏障作用;

    It is shown that the wave scattering by a layered canyon is essentially different with that by a simple canyon , and that the existence of the alluvia , even if very thin , can greatly reduce the barrier effect of the canyon .

  29. “LarpMoo”是把猪肉馅、猪皮、小葱和薄荷混合在一起,松软多汁,需要配合干硬的东西一起吃,因此外面包着又冷又脆,如同冰山的叶子。

    In the " Larp Moo , " a loose , wet mix of chopped pork , pork skin , shallots and mint needed something dry and firm , so it got that , from leaves of crisp , cool iceberg to be used as wraps .

  30. 高地应力松软煤层锚杆支护应用研究

    Research of bolting in soft coal seam with high earth stress