
sōng diāo
  • pine marten
松貂[sōng diāo]
  1. 虽然从外表上看,它们眼睛睁得很大,又可爱,但松貂是长有利爪的捕食性动物。

    Wide-eyed and cute as they appear , pine martens are sharp-clawed predators1 .

  2. 另一边,灰松鼠则似乎不顾松貂的气味,继续进食。

    Grey squirrels , on the other hand , seemed to ignore the scent and carry on regardless .

  3. 在研究人员们给松鼠的喂食器上喷了松貂的气味后,他们发现只有红松鼠作出了反应,它们在嗅出危险时表现得更警觉。

    When the researchers applied4 pine martens ' scent5 to squirrel-feeding stations , they found that only the red squirrels responded , showing much more vigilance when they sniffed6 out the danger .