
  • 网络Disorientation;disoriented
  1. BD临床特征:进行性加重的智能衰退,定向力障碍及人格改变,假性延髓麻痹征,锥体系及锥体外系损害的表现。

    The clinical features of BD was gradual decline of brainpower , orientation obstacle , characteristic changes , pseudobulbar palsy , manifestation of pyramidal and extrapyramidal motor system damages .

  2. 使用常规剂量的抗菌药物1~6d出现神经精神症状,包括锥体外系症状、逐渐进展的定向力和意识障碍甚至昏迷,或者出现淡漠、易激惹、幻觉、性格改变等。

    After receiving intravenous injection daily for 1-6 days , patients presented with progressive neuropsychiatric symptoms , including extra-pyramidal system symptoms , disorientation , depressed consciousness , even coma , or apathy , agitation , hallucination , and personality changes .

  3. 有记忆力障碍,88%有定向和计算力障碍;

    In addition , there are directional and count disturbance for88 % .

  4. 结果:(1)AD患者学习与记忆、理解、语言、注意力和定向力等方面的障碍比VD患者和正常老人显著。

    Result : Compared with VD patients and healthy controls , there was more pronounced reduction of performance on the main cognitive domains in AD patients , which indicated the diffused deficits of AD , including learning and memory , comprehension , language , orientation and concentration .