
  1. 制片厂为去年一部大获成功的影片筹拍续集,想聘她担任主角。

    The studio wants to star her in a sequel to last year 's hit .

  2. 该公司称,这部大客车辨别出了途中26个信号灯,完成了自主换道、邻道超车等试验科目。

    The driverless bus has passed all tests including identifying all 26 traffic lights on the road , automatically changing lanes and overtaking vehicles in neighboring lanes , the company said .

  3. 今年,优酷参与投资的另一部大预算电影是《后会无期》(TheContinent),该片的票房已达6.27亿人民币,目前仍在上映。

    The Continent , another big budget film partly financed by Youku , has made Rmb627m this year and is still in cinemas .

  4. 三星后来卖出了数百万部大屏Note,而其后续产品,即屏幕更大的Note2和Note3,属于过去几年最畅销的智能手机。

    Samsung went on to sell millions of the huge Note ; and its successors , the even larger Note 2 and Note 3 , became some of the best-selling smartphones of the last few years .

  5. 从1978年到1987年,有四部大银幕、大制作影片都由克里斯托弗·里夫(ChristopherReeve)饰演钢铁英雄。

    Four big-screen , big-budget features , from 1978 to 1987 , starred Christopher Reeve as the Man of Steel .

  6. 结果表明:(1)MM5模式准确地预报出盆地西北部大暴雨过程,在降水的中心强度和位置预报上非常接近实况。

    The results show that MM5 can forecast the heavy rain process in Northwest Sichuan Basin , the centre intensity and location of the forecast precipitation are close to the observation .

  7. 优酷土豆首席执行官古永锵(VictorKoo)表示,这个名为合一影业(HeyiFilm)的新电影公司将每年制作八部大屏幕电影,还会制作九部首发于互联网的影片。

    Victor Koo , chairman and chief executive of the company , said the film division , Heyi Film , would produce eight films per year destined for the big screen and a further nine aimed to premiere on the internet .

  8. 《拉尔夫124c41+:2660年罗曼史》,这是一部分成12部份在《现代电气》上连载完成的小说,它可以说是美国科幻小说的第一部大作。

    " Ralph 124c 41 + : a romance of the year 2660 " , a novel serialised in 12 parts in modern electrics , is arguably the first major work of American science fiction .

  9. 扩张的锁骨前胸轴型皮瓣跨区修复面颌部大面积软组织缺损

    Repair of large facial defect with an expanded clavicular-pectoral skin flap

  10. 对于任何一部大制作电影来说,国际票房都越来越重要。

    For any big-budget movie , international box-office is increasingly important .

  11. 深部大断面软岩巷道变形力学机制及耦合支护设计

    Deformation Mechanical Mechanism and Coupling Support Design for Deep Large-Section-Soft-Rock Roadway

  12. 贵州南部大面积豆科牧草单贮成功

    Success of single preservation silage of legume grass with large areas

  13. 鼻咽部大出血的发生率为12.1%(4/33)。

    The incidence of nasopharyngeal massive hemorrhage was 12.1 % .

  14. 股后皮神经营养血管皮瓣修复臀骶部大面积软组织缺损

    Repair of extensive gluteal-sacral defect with posterior femoral cutaneous neurovascular island flap

  15. 青藏高原东北部大到暴雨的气候特征分析

    The Climatic Characteristics Analysis of Heavy-hard Rainfall in the Northeast Qinghai-Xizang Plateau

  16. 他有意要同住房部大吵一场。

    He intended to raise hell with the housing department .

  17. 我会派一部大一点的车子去接你。

    I 'll send a larger to pick you up .

  18. 为了观看录像带,我要买一部大屏幕的电视。

    I want to get a wide-screen TV for videos .

  19. 目的寻找一种修复面颌部大面积软组织缺损且不破坏颈部自然轮廓的的手术方法。

    Objective To search for an ideal method to repair large facial defects .

  20. 他们用一部大机器将干草捆包。

    They use a big machine to bale Hay .

  21. 我的故乡是在山东西北部大平原上。

    My home village is located on a major plain in northwestern Shandong .

  22. 连续缝合法修补膜周部大室间隔缺损

    Repairing large perimembranous ventricular septal defect with continuous stitching

  23. 深部大断面岩巷快速掘进技术研究

    Research on rapid excavation technology for deep mine large cross sectional rock roadway

  24. 你正在制作一部大投入的广告片。

    You are making such a big ad film and spending so extravagantly .

  25. 这不是一部大作品,还需要进一步充实。

    It isn 't a large piece of work , and needs fattening out .

  26. 超选择性颈外动脉栓塞术在颌面部大出血急救中的应用

    Clinical Application of Superselective External Carotid Arterial Embolotherapy in Emergency of Massive Maxillofacial Hemorrhage

  27. 客运专线桥梁梁部大体积混凝土温度裂缝控制

    Massive Concrete Temperature Crack Control for Bridge Girder of Railway Line for Passenger Traffic

  28. 他刚买了部大功率的新车,引擎有六个汽缸。

    He 's just bought himself a powerful new car with a six-cylinder engine .

  29. 他们坚持买一部大的电脑。

    They insisted on buying a bigger computer .

  30. 带蒂股前外侧皮瓣修复手部大面积皮肤缺损

    Application of pedicled anterolateral thigh flap transferring for coverage of oversized skin defect of hand