
  • 网络Partial inheritance;Continued in Part By
  1. 设置角色属性解决满足多继承要求的私有权限问题及实现角色之间的部分继承;

    It constructs the role attribute to resolve the problem of private permission for multi-inherited case and realize partial inheritance ;

  2. 晶体对其相应熔体结构的部分继承作用,可能意味着晶体生长单元与熔体结构单元密切相关。

    From the point of heredity of crystal from melt , it means that the crystal growth units are closely related with melt structure units .

  3. 通过与先秦文献的对读,发现毛诗义相当一部分继承了先秦赋诗、引诗义。

    Through the competitive reading about the literature of the pre-qin , we find quite part of the meaning of the MAO poems inherited the pre-qin poetry chanting , righteousness .

  4. 法定继承人,特别是配偶、子女、父母均享有不可剥夺的特留份,这样保障了法定继承人的部分继承利益。

    And the heirs at law , especially the spouse , children , and parents , are entitled to the Special Portion , and in this way their interest of inheritance is partly protected .

  5. 尽管内外向型人格的程度在某种程度上受到生理原因的影响(包括部分继承了我们的父母的性格),我们现在知道,皮质兴奋理论并不是完全真实。

    Although the personality dimension ofintroversion / extraversion is certainly influenced by biological factors ( including being partly inherited from our parents ) , we now know that thearousal theory itself is only half true .

  6. 日本作为汉文化圈中的一员,其文化中融入了大量的中国文化,但日本民族并没有视其为外国文化,而是作为本民族传统文化的一个重要组成部分继承下来,并且发扬光大。

    As a member of Chinese cultural circle , Japan shares a great amount of Chinese culture , which the Japanese nation never regards as something alien , but something important in its national culture , even in the period when Sino-Japan relations were extremely hostile .

  7. 而中唐元和时代的新乐府运动,则部分地继承了杜甫以新闻性为诗的精神。

    New Music-Bureau Movement partly inherited Du Fu 's journalistic style .

  8. 第二部分法定继承人的范围。

    The second part : The range of legal heirs .

  9. 部分基因继承技术对带有对称编码的基因算法的影响

    The Effects of Partial Genetic Inheritance Technique on Genetic Algorithm with Symmetric Code

  10. 本部分从继承与创新相统一的原则、适应与超前相统一的原则以及重点突破与整体协调相统一的原则等三方面阐述了思想政治教育在全面建设小康社会中发展应该遵循的指导原则。

    This part states the unified principles of inheritance and innovation , fitting and surpassing , stress-breakthrough and whole-coordination .

  11. 作者认为,首先这二者之间有部分的继承关系,但同时布波更强调高层次的文化消费,二者都可以由消费符号来体现与其他阶层的异质性。

    The Author thinks , there is successivity between PB and Bobo , while the later emphasizes more on the cultural consumption , and both make their otherness among other stratums by consumption symbols .

  12. 第三十三条继承遗产应当清偿被继承人依法应当缴纳的税款和债务,缴纳税款和清偿债务以他的遗产实际价值为限。超过遗产实际价值部分,继承人自愿偿还的不在此限。

    Article 33 The successor to an estate shall pay all taxes and debts payable by the decedent according to law , up to the actual value of such estate , unless the successor pays voluntarily in excess of the limit .

  13. 第二十七条有下列情形之一的,遗产中的有关部分按照法定继承办理:

    Article 27 Under any of the following circumstances , the part of the estate affected shall be dealt with in accordance with statutory succession :

  14. 第四部分:放弃继承。U基因。

    Part IV : The waiver of succession . 4 new genes were obtained .

  15. 本文中数据采集和信号调理部分主要采用继承方式,但是改用CPLD作为这两部分的控制核心,一方面减少了分立器件,提高了系统的可靠性;

    In this paper , we inherit the data acquisition circuit and signal modulation circuit from the tradition instrument , but we take CPLD as the center of the control .

  16. Wealth-X和瑞银表示,财富从婴儿潮时代出生的人们向他们的继承者转移的巨大浪潮正在出现,结果是,部分财富为继承而来的亿万富翁数量增加最快。

    Wealth-X and UBS said a massive wave of intergenerational wealth transfer from baby boomers to their heirs was under way , with the result that billionaires with partially inherited wealth were the fastest-growing segment of this population .

  17. 有关继承关系的法律制度是家庭继承制度的重要组成部分,汉代继承法律制度规范的主要是身份继承关系。

    The legal system of Inheritance standardized inheritance of identity .

  18. 情感性、经验性、社会性和文化性是人性的合理组成部分,应该继承和保留;

    Emotion , experience , sociality and civilization should be succeeded and reserved because of being reasonable components ;

  19. 所有案例类型实例使用一个部分安全代理继承这个对象中的安全设置。

    The security on this object is inherited from all case type instances using a partial security proxy .

  20. 本部分着重解决继承人放弃继承后的财产归属问题以及财产管理问题。

    After this part solves the successor gives up inheriting the property ownership problem as well as the property management question emphatically .

  21. 而自由人联合体思想作为马克思主义理论中的重要组成部分,本身继承和深化了马克思主义的科学理念和革命思想。

    As an important part of the theory of Marxism , the idea of " Free People Association " inherited and deepening of scientific ideas and revolutionary ideas of Marxism itself .

  22. 该部分主要从继承传统方法、借鉴外国经验、利用网络新技术三个路径来寻求方法的发展。

    This part seeks to develop methods from three paths , that is to inherit the traditional methods , utilize the foreign experience and take advantage of the new techniques of computer network .

  23. 这部分主要对继承权丧失制度的含义、分类、丧失事由、效力进行论述。第三部分外国立法例及我国港、澳、台地区立法例之考察。

    The meaning the loss of inheritance , classification , loss of subject matter , effectiveness are discussed . Part ⅲ The legislation example will cited from abroad , Hong Kong , Macao and Taiwan .

  24. 最后一部分为人类共同继承财产原则的发展。此部分主要探讨了人类共同继承财产是否适用于南极及其资源的问题。

    This part mainly discusses that whether the Principle of Common Heritage of Mankind is suitable for the Antarctic .

  25. 在该部分中,将继承也看成是一种特殊的流转方式,对其做了简要的介绍。

    In this section , the inheritance is also seen as a special transfer mode , its a brief introduction .

  26. 继承权是财产继承法律关系内容的重要组成部分,是全部继承法律制度的核心。

    The right of inheritance , as a very important part of the legal relationship of property inheritance , is the core of all the legacy system .

  27. 虽然这部分语气词具有继承性,但由于语言的历时发展,这部分语气词在语音和用法的分工上也显示出差异。

    Although the major modal particles show a succession of characteristics , they also bring out discrepancy in phonetic and usage division because of the diachronic development of language .

  28. 本部分介绍了关于继承客体的各种学说的内容,重点评价了法律地位说的内容和意义,阐明法律地位说是整个遗产债务清偿制度的理论基础。

    Part one is on various theories about the object of heirdom , such as the theory of heritage , the theory of estate and debts , the theory of legal status etc.

  29. 第四部分,理清股权继承的思路,指出现行股权继承规范应当改进的地方,以其为今后的司法实践提供理论参考。

    Part IV , to clarify the idea of inheritance shares , pointing out that the current equity inheritance norms should be improvement , with its judicial practice for the future and provide a theoretical reference .

  30. 第四部分分析了财产继承习惯与近代继承法的互动关系,继承法在对财产继承习惯的批判继承过程中,既有吸收借鉴的成分也有排斥摒弃的因素。

    Chapter four has analyzed the interdynamic relation between the habits of inheritance of property and the modern inheritance law . In the process of Inheritance law criticizing inheritance of property , it has both absorb factor and abandoned factor .