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  • 网络Ancient Korea;Gojoseon
  1. 古朝鲜铜镜性质初探

    An approach to the nature of bronze mirrors in ancient Korea

  2. 关于古朝鲜研究的几个问题

    Several Problems about the Study of Ancient Korea

  3. 渤海与高句丽的族属与归属问题,关系到二者是否为同一血缘,渤海是否为高句丽继承国,并涉及到古朝鲜的国史体系诸问题,因此倍受国际史学界的关注。

    The problem of nationality attribution and ascription of regime of Bohai and Koguryo concerns whether their ties of blood are identical .

  4. 他促进了古朝鲜地区的社会进步,因而是东亚文化圈的奠基者。

    He promoted the rapid progress of ancient Korea , which made him the founder of the circle of culture in East Asia .

  5. 辽水、水、列水当今何水,关系到古朝鲜的地理方位和燕、秦、汉与古朝鲜的边界在哪里的问题。

    Now what are Liao River Bei River lie river , this concems ancient Korean geographical position and where isboundary of Yan Qing Han and ancient korea .