首页 / 词典 / good

  • entertain;provide dinner for
  • 用酒食招待客人,泛指请人受用:~会。~宴。~客。

  • 祭祀。

  • 同“享”。


[书] (用酒食款待人, 泛指请人享受) provide dinner for; entertain:

  • 飨客

    entertain a guest;

  • 飨饮

    enjoy offered food and drink;

  • 以飨读者

    offer to the readers

  1. 通过研究,本文指出飨礼和燕礼的联系和区别,总结出七方面的不同特征。

    The chapter points out the relationship and difference between formal entertain and banquet , and sum up seven different characters .

  2. 它是约翰·雷(JohnRay)和弗朗西斯·维鲁格比(FrancisWillughby)的著述《鱼类溯源》中的组图之一,该书于1686年由英国皇家学会出版,并于近日上传到互联网,以飨五州学者。

    It is one of a set from John Ray 's and Francis Willughby 's book " Historia Piscium , " published in 1686 by the Royal Society and recently put online by them for the edification of scholars everywhere .

  3. 这家自诩美食荟萃(gastrothèque)的温馨咖啡店店主是乔迪•威廉姆斯(JodyWilliams),他2011年在格林尼治村(GreenwichVillage)开设了几乎一模一样的餐厅,而后意识到传统法式烹饪也可大飨巴黎的美食饕餮。

    Behind this cosy caf é billing itself as a " gastroth è que " is Jody Williams , who opened a nearly identical restaurant in Greenwich Village in 2011 before realising that Paris could also benefit from a dose of old-fashioned French cooking .

  4. 下面摘录一段“以飨”读者。

    Perhaps the reader can endure an extract from it .

  5. 食物生产以飨众人

    applied to food production to feed the masses .

  6. 燕飨礼仪与春秋时代的赋诗风气

    Rite of YAN-XIANG and the ethos of indite in the Spring and Autumn Period

  7. 我们从上周(本文时间是上周日)的安菲尔德采集了大量精彩图片,以飨读者!

    We 've compiled the best of our photographs from another dramatic week at Anfield .

  8. 下一期本刊将着重介绍这一盛会中的亮点,以飨读者。

    In the next issue , we will capture the best out of this event .

  9. 他的观察力如刀刃般犀利,而他的诙谐使其话题为读者所飨。

    His observations are razor-sharp while his wit makes his topics palatable to his readers .

  10. 中南在线现刊发部分商学院素质拓展的照片,以飨读者。

    The journal of Zhongnan had delivered some photos of Business school for all the readers .

  11. 我们将不懈追求,希望彼此携手前进、共飨双赢。

    We shall make unswerving pursuits to join hands with our customers for constant progress and win-win results .

  12. 现就其发展的七个主要方面,试加浅析,以飨读者。

    Now on the main seven developing respects , try to analyse , to offer to the readers .

  13. 在此,我们从某县书画名家作品中,遴选出一部份陈列展出,以飨广大观众。

    On display here are a few works by calligraphers and painters of Blah County specially chosen for visitors .

  14. 通过考据古文献资料,论述钱塘江下游的形成及其成因,以飨读者。

    The paper presents readers the formation and cause of Zhijiang River , by doing textual research in documentation .

  15. 近年来,越来越多的中国古诗逐渐被翻译成英语,以飨世界各地的读者。

    In recent years , more and more classical Chinese poems have been translated into English to readers in different countries .

  16. 然后飨读者介绍的服务内部数据包括消息(作符和响应)引用数据,和服务私有数据。

    The discussion then turns to data inside services involving messages ( operators and responses ), reference data , and service-private data .

  17. 这是我欣赏的作家曾经发表的一篇文章,贴出来与大家共飨。

    I appreciate the writer and his son , and their articles . Therefore , would like to give my son this article .

  18. 有志按事物的原貌来观察理解事物;有心寻找确凿的事实,收集储存以飨后人。

    Desire to see things , as they are , to find out true facts and store them up for the use of posterity .

  19. 作者也通过接受美学理论,在具体的实践中,充分考虑受众需求,提供更好的翻译文本,以飨观众。

    The author finally uses the reception aesthetic theory , which is considered an audience-oriented theory , to provide good principles of translated version .

  20. 文章综述了国外不同类型的多相泵和多相流量计的发展水平。同时简述了有关多相流体的影响,以飨国内广大读者。

    In this paper , foreign development level of various multiphase flow pumps and Flowmeters are summarized and effect of related multiphase fluids are examined .

  21. 据此,本文将燕飨诗分为飨礼诗、燕礼诗、私饮酒礼诗三类。

    In view of the above , the banquet and formal entertain poems are divided into formal entertain poems , banquet poems and kinsfolk drink poems .

  22. 从《寂寞星球极限体验1000》的摘录中,我们寻找到那些偏僻之所、绝踪之地以飨读者。

    In an excerpt from Lonely Planet's1000 Ultimate Experiences , we 've found destinations that are so off the beaten track , one is up a tree .

  23. 通过诗文本内容推断飨礼诗是为飨神灵而作还是为飨生人而作,考察这两类诗歌的不同功能。

    By textual research , this chapter infers formal entertain poems were wrote for god or person , researches different function of two kinds of formal entertain poems .

  24. 《诗经》燕飨诗是周王朝燕飨礼仪的产物,在周代礼乐文化中占有重要地位。

    The banquet and formal entertain poems in the Book of Songs are product of banquet ceremony , which take an important role in the ceremony-and-music culture of Zhou dynasty .

  25. 注定要成为我们餐桌上之飨食的牛、羊、猪、鸡和其他动物在屠宰之前需要饲养一定时日&也就是养肥长膘。

    Cows , sheep , pigs , chickens and other animals destined for our dinner tables need to be fed – indeed , fattened up – before they are killed .

  26. 结果显示大鹏湾暨邻近河川底质环境最主要的潜在因子为「土壤质地影响因子」、「重金罗影飨因子」、「有机物质影响因子」及「营养监影响因子」。

    The result shows that the most important latent factors in Dapeng Bay are the soil texture causes factor , heavy metal influence factor , organic matter factor , and nutrient causes factor .

  27. 有鉴于此,我打算每天上午发表一整张随感文字,以飨时人。这本书并不难,年轻的读者可以读懂。

    For this reason , therefore , I shall publish a sheet full of thoughts every morning , for the benefit of my contemporaries . This book is within the capacity of young readers .

  28. 下一期本刊将着重介绍这一盛会中的亮点,以飨读者。每本老读本都有一篇简短的序言,着重指出作者对书本和阅读的观点。

    In the next issue , we will capture the best out of this event . Each of the old readers has a brief preface that highlights the authors ' views about books and reading .

  29. 中原地区以食物来飨神;楚地带有明显的原始性,以花草来飨神,这是因为他们相信花草具有某种神奇的巫术作用;最后,娱神的方式。

    Central Plains region to food to satisfy the gods ; Chu Strip marked the original , so as to plants to satisfy God , this is because they believe that plants have some magical voodoo ; Finally , the entertainment the way of God .

  30. 作者根据机务管理的特点和实际需要,对船舶维修保养体系软件总体构造、数据库的建立、操作界面的布置和功能的设置等方面的设计思路进行了归纳和总结,以飨读者。

    According to characteristic and realistic need of maintenance management , the author gives a summary and conclusion of general structure of software for marine maintenance system , setting of data-bank , fitting for operating interface , and arranging for functions , that will be helpful for the readers .
