  • celebrate;congratulate
  • occasion for celebration
  • 祝贺:~贺。~祝。~幸。~典。~功。

  • 可祝贺的事:国~。大~。

  • 姓。


(庆祝;庆贺) celebrate; congratulate:

  • 欢庆

    celebrate joyously;

  • 庆丰收

    celebrate a bumper harvest;

  • 设宴庆寿

    celebrate a birthday by [with] a banquet


(值得庆祝的周年纪念日) occasion for celebration:

  • 国庆

    National Day;

  • 校庆

    anniversary of the founding of a school;

  • 十年大庆

    the festive occasion of the 10th


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 庆封

    Qing Feng

  1. 中听,我们应该庆贺庆贺。

    I like the sound of that . let 's celebrate .

  2. 这些成绩是值得中国游泳人击掌相庆的。

    These achievements are worthy of the Chinese swimmers to celebrate .

  3. 咱们击掌相庆吧!

    Give me five !

  4. 中国的《唐本草》是世界上最早的一部国家药典。编成于唐朝唐高宗显庆4年(公元659年)。

    “ The Tang Ben Cao ”, completed in the fourth year of the reign of Emperor Gaozong ( Xian Qing ) of the Tang Dynasty ( 618 A.D. - 907 A.D. ), was the earliest book on medicine in the world .

  5. 不知道在公司25周年庆时,这位豪气的CEO又会怎样庆祝呢?

    We for one cannot wait to see what the amazing CEO does for the company 's 25th anniversary !

  6. 庆大霉素组15只,肌肉注射庆大霉寨80mg/(kg·d);

    GM group , in which gentamicin ( 80mg / kg . d ) was injected intramuscularly ;

  7. 高达佳1966年从庆应义塾大学(KeioUniversity)一毕业便加入了电通公司。他在今年7月接任了该公司首席执行长的职务。

    He joined Dentsu fresh out of Keio University in1966 and assumed the role of chief executive officer this July .

  8. 在1987年公司50周年庆聚会上,荷美尔自己给自己做了一个形似奥古斯特洛丹的沉思者的刻有SPAM字样的模型。

    At a50th birthday party Hormel gave for itself in1987 , one celebrant carved a SPAM model of Auguste Rodin 's The Thinker .

  9. 利用ECMWF产品对庆阳极端气温释用效果分析

    Effect Analysis on Interpretation of Extreme Temperature by ECMWF Products in Qingyang

  10. 以庆哈埋地输油管道为例,分析热力过程,利用计算流体力学软件Fluent建立传热计算模型。

    By taking the pipeline from Daqing to Harbin as an example , the paper analyzed the thermodynamic process , and established heat calculation model using the CFD software-Fluent .

  11. 因此依靠传统的增加资本和劳动力投入已不能满足现实需要,转而庆将重点放在提高农业的全要素生产率(TFP)上来。

    Therefore relying on the traditional increasing in capital and labor inputs cannot meet the practical needs , and we should turn up to focus on improving agricultural total factor productivity ( TFP ) .

  12. 本文是在HopperTraugott(1993)以及马庆株(2001)等人讨论的基础上,以语法化的连续统观点来探讨音系变化的问题。

    Based on discussions by Hopper Traugott ( 1993 ) and Ma Qingzhu ( 2001 ), this paper discusses the phonological change in view of continuum .

  13. 实验发现怀庆熟地黄对甲亢型阴虚大鼠的体重改变,24小时饮水量及尿量,血浆T3、T4及AD浓度有显著改善。证实其确具较强的滋阴作用。

    The results of the experiment show that the prepared Rhizomae Rehmanniae can obviously improve the change of weight , quality of drinking water , urine and serum level of T_3 , T_4 and AD of the hyperthyroid Yin deficient rats , and thus administers to the nourishing of Yin .

  14. RyooKihl-jae是位于首尔的庆南(Kyungnam)大学北韩问题研究所的负责人。他说,韩国最近的这些抗议对北韩的政治宣传来说可以说是大有用武之地。

    Ryoo Kihl-jae , a Dean at Kyungnam University of North Korean Studies in Seoul , says the protests are useful for the North 's propaganda .

  15. 。”有些孩子的家庭包含多种宗教。HollieJones:“我有许多学生来自混合文化家庭,可能他们的妈妈庆祝犹太人光明街,而父亲庆祝另外一个不同的节日,所以,学生本人在家什么样的节日都庆祝。”

    HOLLIE JONES : " I have had many students who come from a culture family who perhaps the mother celebrated Hanukkah and the father celebrated a different holiday , and so they really do both within their home . "

  16. 为了封堵中原胡庆油田高压注水井远井地带的高渗层,研制了双液法堵剂LF1。

    A two-component indepth profile modifying agent , LF-1 , is prepared for plugging high permeable channellings in further bore zones of high pressure water injection wells in Huqing , Zhongyuan .

  17. HPv6/11是引起宫颈尖锐湿庆的主要病因。

    HPV6 / 11 is main reason for the cervical condyloma .

  18. 我答应在一周年庆上做一个表演。

    I agree to do a performance on the one-yr anniversary .

  19. 庆贺中华人民共和国的成立!

    Hail the founding of the People 's Republic of China !

  20. 滋庆学园的时机选择看上去绝对明智。

    And for Jikei Gakuen , the timing looks decidedly smart .

  21. 别具一格庆元旦&参加北极熊游泳

    Go for a Polar Bear Swim on New Year 's Day

  22. 每年三次应为我举行庆节。

    Three times every year you shall celebrate feasts to me .

  23. 4月19日为晾衣庆祝日。

    So April 19 is a celebration of the clothes line .

  24. 爸妈这样过你们的周年庆也太磕碜了

    Guys , what a horrible way to spend your anniversary .

  25. 你可以将情人节称之为一年一度的爱的庆贺日。

    You might call it an annual3 ) celebration of love .

  26. 这家公司将要在帝国大饭店举行一个庆圣诞晚宴舞会。

    The company is had a christmas dinner-dance at the imperial hotel .

  27. 促成张、金初晤的机缘是朝鲜(韩国)内乱和庆军入朝(韩),担任吴军机要秘书的张謇因而到了朝鲜(韩国)。

    Zhang went to Korea as the confidential secretarial of Qmg army .

  28. 庆贺胜利的最后准备工作正在进行。

    Final preparations are under way for the celebration of the victory .

  29. 为了叶庆上学,她节省每一分钱。

    She saves every coin for Ye Qing 's schooling .

  30. 庆庆装置作品展,东京画廊,日本;

    Qing Qing Installation Exhibition , Tokyo Gallery , Japan ;