
  1. 庆应义塾大学(KeioUniversity)的川本明(AkiraKawamoto)指出,娇惯某一部分劳动者不太符合日本的利益。

    Akira Kawamoto of Keio University argues that coddling one section of the workforce does not serve Japan 's interests well .

  2. 来自法国的路易·克莱帕尔(LouisKlépal)是东京庆应义塾大学(KeioUniversity)和法国南特中央理工大学(écoleCentraledeNantes)一个双学位项目的工程系毕业生,他在为一家日本工程公司工作一年后跳槽。

    Louis Kl é pal , a French engineering graduate of a double-degree program at Keio University in Tokyo , and the é cole Centrale de Nantes in France , made the jump one year after working for a Japanese engineering company .

  3. 庆应大学的AtsushiSeike说,这是由于退休金领取人都要接受收入检查,如果他们仍在工作的话福利就会减少。

    Atsushi Seike of Keio University says this is partly because pensioners are subjected to an earnings test , so they get fewer benefits if they continue working .

  4. 庆应义塾大学(KeioUniversity)教授土居丈朗(TakeroDoi)说,捐款的成本最终由大多数捐款者生活的城市地区承担,由于对捐款者的减税会导致其他城市的收入减少,“这终究是一场零和博弈。”

    Urban areas , where most donors live , end up bearing the cost , according to Takero Doi , a professor at Keio University , since donors " tax write-offs subtract from other cities " revenue . " Ultimately , it 's a zero-sum game . "

  5. 1982年,日本庆应大学的koike等人首先用界面-凝胶法研制了梯度型塑料光纤,提高了塑料光纤的传输带宽,有效地解决了信息传输的瓶颈问题。

    In 1982 , koike etc of Japanese Keio University firstly developed GI-type plastic fiber by the interface-gel method , having improved the transmission bandwidth of the plastic optical fiber , and effectively settled the bottleneck problem of information transmission .

  6. 南条是东京庆应义塾大学的艺术评论家及讲师。

    Nanjo is also an art critic and a lecturer at Keio University , Tokyo .

  7. 庆应的同等教育费用,从小学到大学为一千七百四十三万日元。

    The comparable figure for Keio , from elementary school through university , is17.43 million yen .

  8. 日本庆应义塾大学副教授伊藤友彦认为,麻生有可能跟美国密切合作。

    Taniguchi Tomohiko , an adjunct professor at Tokyo 's Keio University , says Aso is likely to cooperate closely with the United States .

  9. “然而,日本的老板并不习惯于通过工作表现来判断员工。”庆应义塾大学的企业战略专家石仓洋子感慨道。

    But Japanese bosses are not used to judging people by their performance , sighs Yoko Ishikura , an expert on business strategy at Keio University .

  10. “这个党的会议将是金正云亮相的盛会,”彼得说贝克,一个北朝鲜在日本庆应义塾大学的专家。

    " This party meeting will be a coming-out party for Kim Jong-un ," said Peter Beck , a North Korea expert at Keio University in Japan .

  11. 庆应义塾大学教授渡边茂和其他研究人员,利用日本小说的中、英语翻译进行实验,证实鸟儿可以区分出这两种语言。

    Keio University Professor Shigeru Watanabe and other researchersionfirmed that the birds could distinguish between the two languages in experiments using English band Chinese translations of Japanese novels .

  12. 为这名妇女和其他三名病人检查的庆应大学医生足立说,他们在服用减肥药之前,肝脏都正常。

    Dr. Adachi at Keio University , who examined the woman and other three patients , said that they all had normal liver functions before taking the weight loss drug .

  13. 该研究报告的三位作者之一、来自日本庆应义塾大学的科林•麦肯齐教授告诉《泰晤士报》说:“许多国家都预备提高退休年龄,让人们延迟领取养老金。这意味着更多人在中晚年还要继续工作。

    One of the three authors , Professor Colin McKenzie from Keio University told the Times : " Many countries are going to raise their retirement ages by delaying the age at which people are eligible to start receiving pension benefits . This means that more people continue to work in the later stages of their life .

  14. 该研究报告的三位作者之一、来自日本庆应义塾大学的科林·麦肯齐教授告诉《泰晤士报》:“许多国家都准备提高退休年龄,让人们延迟领取养老金。这意味着更多人在中晚年还得继续工作。”

    One of the three authors , Professor Colin McKenzie from Keio University told the Times : " Many countries are going to raise their retirement ages by delaying the age at which people are eligible to start receiving pension benefits . This means that more people continue to work in the later stages of their life . "