
  • 【地名】【韩国】Gyeongju
  1. 实际上,正是g20成员国一些高级公职人员的穿梭外交,才使得庆州协议成为可能,并缓和了紧张关系。

    Indeed , it was the shuttle diplomacy of some senior civil servants of G20 countries that made the Gyeongju agreement possible and diffused tensions .

  2. 韩国庆州——她一天花数个小时观看日本电视台NHK。

    GYEONGJU , South Korea - She spends hours a day watching the Japanese broadcaster NHK .

  3. 印度本周抱怨G20国家之间很难保持凝聚力,而重要新兴经济体巴西已决定,不派遣财政部长或央行负责人去庆州参加会议。

    India this week complained of difficulties in maintaining cohesion among G20 nations , and emerging heavyweight Brazil has decided not to send its finance minister or central bank chief to Gyeongju .

  4. 来自20国集团(G20)的财政部长周五在韩国城市庆州召开会议时,他们将很难就如何避免一场货币战达成共识。

    Finance ministers from the G20 group of leading economies will struggle to secure consensus on how to avert a currency war at meetings that begin on Friday in the South Korean city of Gyeongju .

  5. 在JYP做培训生的那段日子里,她总是一个人从家乡庆州赶到首尔参加训练。

    During her JYP trainee days , she would travel up to Seoul from her hometown of Gyeong-ju by herself and practise .

  6. 20国集团(G20)财长们在峰会前举行的庆州会议,暂时缓解了杞人忧天者对于汇率战争即将来临的担忧。G20财长们一致同意,力争对经常账户赤字和国际收支盈余设限。

    Alarmist concerns about impending currency wars were temporarily moderated by the G20 finance ministers ' pre-summit meeting in Gyeongju , where they agreed to work towards limits on the current account deficits and surpluses of their balance of payments .

  7. 双方欢迎在韩国庆州G20财长和央行行长会议上就国际货币基金组织份额和治理改革达成的重要共识,这将有助于提高国际货币基金组织的有效性、可信度和合法性。

    We both welcomed the ambitious agreement reached by G20 Finance Ministers & Central Bank Governor at Gyeongju , Korea , to reform the IMFs quota and governance that will help deliver a more effective , credible and legitimate IMF .

  8. 庆州“协议”只是又一个没有实际意义的虔诚愿望吗?

    Is the Gyeongju " agreement " just another pious wish without practical implications ?

  9. 这次财长会议将于星期五、六在韩国庆州举行。20个主要经济体的副财长星期四也在那里举行会议。

    Deputy finance ministers from the20 leading economies that make up the Group of20 are also meeting Thursday .

  10. 对各国贬低本国币值以获得贸易优势的“货币战”的担忧在会议举行之前占据了媒体头条。这次财长会议将于星期五、六在韩国庆州举行。

    Fears of a " currency war ," in which countries devalue their currencies to gain a trade advantage , have dominated headlines ahead of the meetings Friday and Saturday in Gyeongju .

  11. 在庆州,我们也赞同加强多边合作,推动外部发展的可持续性以及实施一系列有益于减少过度失衡和在可持续的水平上保持经常账户失衡的政策。

    At Gyeongju we also agreed to strengthen multilateral cooperation to promote external sustainability and the full range of policies conducive to reducing excessive imbalances and maintaining current account imbalances at sustainable levels .

  12. 宋仁宗景佑元年(1034),他开始不断向宋发动攻势,在府州(今山西府谷)、环州(今甘肃环县)、庆州(今甘肃庆阳)等地击败宋军。

    He attacked the Northern Song in the 1st year of Jingyou ( 1034 ) and defeated her forces in Fuzhou ( now Fugu in Shanxi ) , Huanzhou ( now Huanxian in Gansu ) and Qingzhou ( now Qingyang in Gansu ) .